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Chapter 22 Alcohol Lesson One Choosing to Be Alcohol Free Pgs 562-567.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 22 Alcohol Lesson One Choosing to Be Alcohol Free Pgs 562-567."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 22 Alcohol Lesson One Choosing to Be Alcohol Free Pgs 562-567

2 The Facts About Alcohol Alcohol is also called ethanol-the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages Alcohol is also called ethanol-the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages Ethanol is an addictive drug that is produced naturally and synthetically through fermentation of fruits, vegetables, and grains Ethanol is an addictive drug that is produced naturally and synthetically through fermentation of fruits, vegetables, and grains Fermentation is the chemical action of yeast on sugars Fermentation is the chemical action of yeast on sugars

3 Alcohol is a Depressant At first, alcohol provides a kind of energy rush At first, alcohol provides a kind of energy rush Alcohol is a depressant, a drug that slows the central nervous system Alcohol is a depressant, a drug that slows the central nervous system Alcohol quickly affects a person’s motor skills by slowing reaction time and impairing vision Alcohol quickly affects a person’s motor skills by slowing reaction time and impairing vision Clear thinking and good judgment also diminish Clear thinking and good judgment also diminish

4 Immediate Effects of Alcohol Consumption Intoxication is the state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance and the person’s physical and mental control is significantly reduced Intoxication is the state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance and the person’s physical and mental control is significantly reduced

5 Factors that Influence Alcohol Use Peer Pressure: if friends drink, you probably will too Peer Pressure: if friends drink, you probably will too Family: if parents disapprove, teens less likely to drink Family: if parents disapprove, teens less likely to drink Media Messages: media makes alcohol use look glamorous Media Messages: media makes alcohol use look glamorous

6 Advertising Techniques Alcohol companies spend billions of dollars each year on advertisements Alcohol companies spend billions of dollars each year on advertisements Ads seen on T.V., radio, billboards, magazines, newspapers, etc Ads seen on T.V., radio, billboards, magazines, newspapers, etc Alcohol companies sponsor sporting events, music concerts, festivals, exhibits, and other community events Alcohol companies sponsor sporting events, music concerts, festivals, exhibits, and other community events

7 Alcohol’s Role in Unsafe Situations Alcohol-related car accidents are the number one cause of death and disability among teens Alcohol-related car accidents are the number one cause of death and disability among teens Alcohol is linked to deaths by drowning, fire, suicide, and homicide Alcohol is linked to deaths by drowning, fire, suicide, and homicide Even if you are not drinking, but are around others who are Even if you are not drinking, but are around others who are

8 Alcohol and the Law If you are under 21, it is illegal to buy, possess, or consume alcohol If you are under 21, it is illegal to buy, possess, or consume alcohol Teens who break the law can be arrested, fined, and sentenced to a youth detention center Teens who break the law can be arrested, fined, and sentenced to a youth detention center

9 Alcohol, Violence, and Sexual Activity Teens who drink are more likely to be victims or perpetrators of violent crimes such as rape, aggravated assault, and robbery Teens who drink are more likely to be victims or perpetrators of violent crimes such as rape, aggravated assault, and robbery Teens who use alcohol are more likely to become sexually active at earlier ages and engage in unprotected sex Teens who use alcohol are more likely to become sexually active at earlier ages and engage in unprotected sex

10 Alcohol Abuse Alcohol abuse is the excessive use of alcohol Alcohol abuse is the excessive use of alcohol Young people who live in a household where a family member abuses alcohol are at a high risk for neglect, abuse, economic hardship, and social isolation Young people who live in a household where a family member abuses alcohol are at a high risk for neglect, abuse, economic hardship, and social isolation

11 Alcohol and Extracurricular Activities Teens who use alcohol may become ineligible to participate or may be suspended from their activities or from school Teens who use alcohol may become ineligible to participate or may be suspended from their activities or from school A student’s future social, college, and job prospects could be damaged A student’s future social, college, and job prospects could be damaged

12 Alcohol is a Key Factor in 33% of suicides 33% of suicides 50% of homicides 50% of homicides 62% of assaults 62% of assaults 68% of manslaughter cases 68% of manslaughter cases 50% of head injuries 50% of head injuries 41% of traffic fatalities 41% of traffic fatalities More than half of drowning incidents More than half of drowning incidents

13 Being Alcohol Free Maintain a healthy body Maintain a healthy body Make responsible decisions Make responsible decisions Avoid risky behavior Avoid risky behavior Avoid illegal activities Avoid illegal activities

14 Strategies for Preventing Use of Alcohol Say “no” when pressured Say “no” when pressured Leave the situation if possible Leave the situation if possible Avoid parties where alcohol is served Avoid parties where alcohol is served

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