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October 3, 2013.  Introduction of new members  Good news report.

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Presentation on theme: "October 3, 2013.  Introduction of new members  Good news report."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 3, 2013

2  Introduction of new members  Good news report

3 The purpose for Region 4 sponsored advisory committees is to receive current national, state, regional, and local information on issues related to student evaluation, identify trends and issues affecting your district/campus, provide feedback on services, and network with other professionals.

4  Advisory members employed by their Local Education Agencies (LEA) and are designated by their Superintendent or Special Education Director  LEA’s are represented by one staff member with experience in the assigned advisory focus and purpose for special education and related services  Due to limited space and resource availability, we ask that only the designated representative from the district or charter attend these meetings

5  Provide recommendations and suggestions to Region 4 ESC staff regarding best practices in delivering special education services and providing professional development  Assist in facilitation of advisory committee projects and services  Attend scheduled meetings throughout the year  Share information with others in their LEAs and colleagues in other surrounding LEAs/regions  Provide support to Region 4 ESC staff in establishing linkages to educational resources, child serving agencies, and community organizations

6  Technical Assistance  Customized Services  Partner with districts to provide training  Create products to meet the needs of the customer

7  Amy Doolan, LSSP  Clynita Grafenreed, LSSP  Gayla Lutz, SLP  Linda Hall, Diagnostician  Sandra Connatser, Diagnostician



10  April 2, 2013  Subject: FBA



13  Redesign of STAAR Alternate Teachers will not be required to prepare tasks or materials Will be paper-pencil test

14  Applies to participants in STAAR ALT  No “artificial failures”

15  Impact evaluation of VI students  O & M must be part of the initial evaluation  O & M must be part of the MDT for reevals

16  Each LEA must designate at least one employee to serve as the designee for transition and employment services for students served through special education  TEA must develop a guide for special education to include

17  The guide from TEA must include the following: Transition services Employment and supported employment Social security programs Community and long-term services and supports Post-secondary educational programs Information sharing with health and human service agencies Guardianship and alternatives Self-advocacy, person directed planning, and self- determination Contac info for relevant state agencies Must be available electronically and easily accessed on the TEA website Must update at least once every two years

18  School districts must: Post the guide on the district’s website Assist parents in accessing document Provide the document at the first ARD meeting when transition is discussed If transition has already been discussed, provide document at the next meeting

19  LEAs must report the number of students identified as having dyslexia  Will be reported the PEIMS

20  A parent representative can represent a parent in a due process hearing  TEA will write rules related to the qualifications of representatives who are not licensed attorneys

21  45 school days to complete FIE  If student is absent three or more days, the timeline is extended the same number of days as the absences. This does not apply to students who are not enrolled in public school.  If consent is obtained between 35-45 days prior to the end of the school year, the FIE must be provided to the parent by June 30 th and the initial ARD help by the 15 th day of the following school year.  If consent is obtained less than 35 days prior to the end of the school year, the timeline is 45 school days to complete FIE.

22  Section 29.004, Education Code29.004 now reads in part  A written report of a full individual and initial evaluation of a student for purposes of special education services shall be completed as follows, except as otherwise provided by this section: not later than the 45th school day following the date on which the school district, in accordance with 20 U.S.C. Section 1414(a), as amended, receives written consent for the evaluation, signed by the student's parent or legal guardian, except that if a student has been absent from school during that period on three or more days, that period must be extended by a number of school days equal to the number of school days during that period on which the student has been absent.  The timeline begins when the district receives signed written consent. So, for example, if the parent receives, signs, and dates the consent on a Monday and then gives it to the district on that day, the timeline would start on Tuesday (assuming all of those are school days). Tuesday would be day 1.

23  Flowchart developed by New Caney ISD can be found on the Wiki

24  Clarifies that the BIP is part of the IEP  Teachers must receive copies

25  State Assessment Last year for the modified assessment ARD Committee Training Posted on TEA Website Stay tuned for accommodations information – Standardized Oral Administration


27  Spring ISD  Report from LeAnne Owens, Lead LSSP

28  Dickinson ISD  Report from Maggie Burk, Lead LSSP

29  Implementation What is your plan? How is it going? Pitfalls?

30  Student Evaluation and Psychological Services Flyer  Administrator Webinar Series

31  Check out the Region 4 website if you are interested in learning more about employment opportunities in the following areas: Behavior Autism Student Evaluation/Psychological Services

32  Updated QRG  DSM 5 Manual  DSM 5 Pocket Guide  GORT 5  TOC

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