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Tobacco Discussion Part 1. Facts 9/10 teens continue smoking into adulthood, unable to stop Teens who begin to smoke, 1/3 die from a smoke-related cause.

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Presentation on theme: "Tobacco Discussion Part 1. Facts 9/10 teens continue smoking into adulthood, unable to stop Teens who begin to smoke, 1/3 die from a smoke-related cause."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tobacco Discussion Part 1

2 Facts 9/10 teens continue smoking into adulthood, unable to stop Teens who begin to smoke, 1/3 die from a smoke-related cause Over 2.6 million packs of cigarettes are sold illegally to minors in the US

3 Why Young People Start Smoking Reasons: Insecure in social situations To remove fears or insecurities Peer pressure Light-headed/Stimulant effect Smoking seems attractive (Ads)

4 What’s in Cigarettes? Cigarettes are the most common used form of tobacco Why are chemicals put into cigarettes? Nicotine Regular vs “Lights” Non menthol vs Menthol

5 Other Forms of Tobacco Smokeless tobacco-12 million Americans Smokeless tobacco causes: Brown-stained teeth Mouth sores = cancer of the lip, mouth, throat Damage to teeth and gums Damage to digestive system Pipes/Cigars More tar is generated

6 Effects of Smoking On the Smoker Respiratory/Circulatory issues Diseases Chronic Bronchitis Emphysema Lung Cancer On the Non-Smoker Passive/main/side stream 3,000+ people a year die

7 Smoking on Performance/Behavior Physical fitness-performance and endurance Teen smoker’s heart beats 2-3 times faster Coughing Shortness of breath Smoking is associated with fighting Smokers are 3x more likely to use alcohol, 8x-marijuana, 22x- cocaine

8 Strategies/Benefits for Quitting Withdrawal A smoker might feel nervous or moody/difficult to sleep Using filters, nicotine levels gradually go down Nicotine substitutions (Gums, Patches, Rx) Immediate Benefits Improved cardiovascular endurance Reduced chances of heart disease and stroke Long-Term Sense of freedom MONEY! Can be spent on other healthful forms of recreation Tips for Quitting

9 E-Cigarettes First developed in China and were introduced to the U.S. market in 2007 All e-cigarettes work basically the same way. Inside, there's a battery, a heating element, and a cartridge that holds nicotine and other liquids and flavorings. Features and costs vary. Some are disposable. Others have a rechargeable battery and refillable cartridges.

10 E-Cigs Harms Liquid nicotine can be lethal. Second hand smoke is the same Users experienced diminished lung function, airway resistance Benefits Smoke-free and tobacco-free, but they're not nicotine-free The habit is cheaper- $400 less Allowed in most smoke-free environments

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