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The right to be left alone.  Journalists believe they have the right to publish what they think the public needs to know. (First Amendment)  Individuals.

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Presentation on theme: "The right to be left alone.  Journalists believe they have the right to publish what they think the public needs to know. (First Amendment)  Individuals."— Presentation transcript:

1 The right to be left alone

2  Journalists believe they have the right to publish what they think the public needs to know. (First Amendment)  Individuals claim the right to keep their secrets.  When individuals feel this line is crossed, they sue for invasion of privacy

3  Broken down into 4 legal wrongs  1. Intrusion  2. Disclosure of embarrassing private facts about a person  3. False light  4. Appropriation

4  Gathering information with hidden cameras, microphones, tape recorders or telephoto lenses.  Includes peeping or listening to confidential conversations.  Involves information collected through trespassing or from a private place without permission

5  Disclosure is true information that does not need to be printed  Involves embarrassing private information that is not newsworthy.  You can print information if it is true, obtained legally and deemed newsworthy.

6  Implying that a person is doing or saying something he is not.  Manipulating facts or making innuendoes  Taking pictures out of context or posing people for pictures to match stories can present recognizable people in a false light. (stories about suicide, drugs, alcohol use, abortion, homosexuality, etc.)

7  Using a person’s name or likeness in an ad without consent or compensation.  Get consent forms!! From parents too!!

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