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Pastoral Care Lay Visitation Ministries Pastoral Care Lay Visitation Ministries Of Trinity Cathedral.

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Presentation on theme: "Pastoral Care Lay Visitation Ministries Pastoral Care Lay Visitation Ministries Of Trinity Cathedral."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pastoral Care Lay Visitation Ministries Pastoral Care Lay Visitation Ministries Of Trinity Cathedral

2 Lay Visitation Teams  Hospital and Nursing Home Visitation  After Care Visitation  Bereaved Care Visitation  Homebound Visitation  Lay Eucharistic Ministers  New Life Ministries  Hospital and Nursing Home Visitation  After Care Visitation  Bereaved Care Visitation  Homebound Visitation  Lay Eucharistic Ministers  New Life Ministries

3 Hospital Care and Nursing Home Visitation Along with the clergy, lay volunteers visit parishioners in local hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes and senior residential facilities.

4 After Care Visitation Volunteers are assigned parishioners who have been recently discharge from the hospital. The lay minister telephones the person at home and will often visit with food prepared by the Daughters of the Holy Cross.

5 Bereaved Care Visitation At the time of death of a parishioner a visitor is assigned to go to the home of the family and carry a bag of paper supplies. Often the lay visitor will offer support in many ways, from answering telephones, greeting people as they come by the house or preparing a meal for the family. Notes of condolence written on behalf of the parish are also apart of this ministry.

6 Homebound Visitation For parishioners, who cannot come to church, lay visitors are assigned. These visitors go and see these people as often as they feel it is necessary. Food is also available for this ministry.

7 Lay Eucharistic Ministers Lay Eucharist Ministers are trained and licensed by the Diocese of Upper South Carolina. Each week following the 9:00 o’clock service (10:00 in summer) these ministers are sent from the altar to carry the sacrament to those who cannot attend church. They visit hospitals, nursing homes and individual homes, reminding the person visited by our action that though not present at worship, they are still an important part of Christ's body Trinity.

8 New Life Ministries Lay Volunteers are assigned to shepherd expectant and new parents (via birth or adoption) through normal pregnancies and childbirth, difficult pregnancies, the birth of a special needs child, or the loss of a child. Families are nurtured through prayer, phone calls, literature, home and hospital visits, and meal preparation.

9 How to Join The Rev. Canon Charles M. Davis Jr.+ Canon Pastor and Subdean 771-7300 If you would like to talk about any of these ministries and how your gifts may be best used please call. The Rev. Canon Charles M. Davis Jr.+ Canon Pastor and Subdean 771-7300 If you would like to talk about any of these ministries and how your gifts may be best used please call.

10 The Rev. Canon Robert G. Riegel Canon Associate for Pastoral Care 771-7300 The Rev. Canon Robert G. Riegel Canon Associate for Pastoral Care 771-7300 Ellen Linder Parish Nurse 771-7300 Ellen Linder Parish Nurse 771-7300

11 Betty Humphries After Care and Bereavement Care Visitation 781-8929 Betty Humphries After Care and Bereavement Care Visitation 781-8929 Calvert Klopp Hospital Care and Nursing Home Visitation Homebound Visitation 736-5748 Calvert Klopp Hospital Care and Nursing Home Visitation Homebound Visitation 736-5748 Kaki Ziegler New Life Ministries 799-2180 Kaki Ziegler New Life Ministries 799-2180

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