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He Sends Us John 20:19-29 p. 1001 What if God was one of us? What stands out for you from the past 10 weeks?  Intimacy / Obedience – Obedience / Intimacy.

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2 He Sends Us John 20:19-29 p. 1001

3 What if God was one of us? What stands out for you from the past 10 weeks?  Intimacy / Obedience – Obedience / Intimacy  Made complete by the Holy Spirit Being Jesus in the world  “The Times”, London: “Africa Needs God” – Matthew Parris.  BBC News, Wenzhou, China: “Christian faith plus Chinese Productivity” – Christopher Landau.

4 1. Given Peace A simple greeting?  Shalom = Hello  They were in hiding, fearing the Jewish Leaders (v 19) Connected to the RESURRECTION  Shows them his hands and side (v 20) Repeats the greeting: Peace [Shalom] be with you (v 21)  Angels at birth – “on earth Peace... on whom his favour rests” (Lk 2:14)

5 2. Sent He sends us:  As the Father sent Him (v 21)  Strong emphasis on restoration – forgiveness of sins (v 23)  The redemptive work of Christ is essential  Must be understood in the fullest sense – not a narrow salvation. We continue the work He has begun.  We are the “body of Christ” (1 Cor 12:27)  The presence of Jesus in the world – the Holy Spirit in us. (1 Cor 6:19)

6 3. In the Holy Spirit “He breathed on them...” (v 22)  Echoes of Gen 2:7 – Creation and now NEW Creation. The Holy Spirit is central to our life in God.  He is given to us for our comfort, guidance, empowering, service,...  Not as a badge of honour (cf 1 Cor 12-14)  Not for our own “thrills” – for edification: esp. of the Body (1 Cor 14:12)  Everything is about extending “Shalom” [wellbeing] into the lives of others.

7 What it looks like... Understanding how my “secular” life fits in to the will of God:  Telling people about Jesus –vs– extending the Shalom of God  Everything I do that adds “good” to the world is part of God’s will  Jesus taught. He also healed, fed, forgave, comforted, dined with... Sinners!  Doing God’s will in my life –vs– Choosing what I like from the options  I must walk in the Spirit – only He can guide me  Doing what God lays before me to do.  Advancing the plans of God (for others) – vs – my own advancement  Being “in” the world but not “of” the world (john 17:14-19)

8 What it looks like... Understanding my relationship to “the church”  “The Church” as a source of edification, support, restoration  “The Church” as an opportunity for service, outreach, mission How this works out at UC –  SERVICE / MISSION: Advent – a special time to bless the neighbourhood  EDIFICATION: New Year / Lent – 12 weeks in “Experiencing God”  Not just doing “good things” – doing what God specifically wills for us!


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