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Mon. 9/17/12 1 Salon Fundamentals Book Read Chapter 6 Starting on page 175 to 178.

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1 Mon. 9/17/12 1 Salon Fundamentals Book Read Chapter 6 Starting on page 175 to 178

2 2 Basics Of Electricity

3 Journal Question 3 Industrialized societies are very dependent upon electrical power. How would the services provided by a skin care center be diminished if electricity suddenly become unavailable? What would you offer a client instead?

4 Key Terms Define each of these words on note cards 4 Electricity Electric Current Conductor Load Insulator Amp Volt Ohm Watt Electrotherapy QUIZ NEXT CLASS

5 Electricity 5 Electricity: is the form of energy that produces light, heat, magnetic & chemical changes. Electric current: the flow of electricity along a conductor

6 Do the Walk About…… 6

7 Types of Electric Current 7 Direct current: (DC) Constant even flow One direction only  (ex. flashlights, cell phones) Converter is a device that changes DC to AC Alternating current: (AC) Rapid & interrupted Flowing 1 st in one direction and then in the opposite ( ex hair dryers & curling irons) Rectifier is a device that changes AC to DC

8 Conductors vs. Insulators 8

9 Activity 9 Each group will research one of the following and place information on the paper provided. You may use your book or internet to do this.  Amp  Volt  Ohm  Watt Then the group will report back to the class your findings

10 Measurements of Electricity 10 Amp: strength of the current.  The higher amp rating indicates a greater number of electrons and a stronger current. Volt: pressure  pushes the flow of electrons forward through a conductor Milliamper: one-thousandth of an amper.  Used to measure the current for facial treatments.

11 11 ohm: resistance of an electric current.  Current will not flow through the conductor unless the force (volts) is stronger than the resistance (ohm). Watt: a measurement how much energy is being used in one second.  (ex. a 40 watt light bulb uses 40 watts of energy per second. Kilowatt: is 1,000 watts.

12 Calculate Cost 12 AMP x VOLTS = WATTS WATTS / 1000 = KW (kilowatt) KW X HOURS USED = KWH KWH X 0.12(COST) = COST PER MONTH

13 Activity 13 How much does that cost? Amy uses her flat iron 30 minutes each day for 30 days. It uses 120 amps and 60 volts of electricity. The electric company charges $0.08 per KWh 1. How many watts does Amy flat iron use? 2. How much does it cost for Amy to use her flat iron each month?

14 Home Work 14 Choose an appliance from home and use the formula provided to find out how much it cost per month to use the piece of equipment. Submit it via- the website

15 How much does that cost? 15 Brianna uses her flat iron 20 minutes each day for 30 days. It uses 120 amps and 60 volts of electricity. The electric company charges $0.08 per KWh  How many watts does Brianna’s flat iron use?  How much does it cost for Brianna to use her flat iron each month?

16 Wed. September 19,12 16 Go to X drive read Electrical Safety in the salon & Blog Vocab. Quiz Home Work Read page 179-184 Discussion Safety Activity

17 Electrical Safety 17 Circuit= closed path Open circuit= when this path is broken


19 19

20 Electrical Fire Safety 20 OVERLOAD

21 Safety Devices 21 Fuse Circuit breaker  These have replaced fuses in modern circuits

22 Shock 22 Local General

23 Fire Safety 23

24 Fire Triangle 24 Heat Fuel Oxygen Chemical Reaction

25 Fire extinguisher operation 25 P = PULL PIN A = AIM NOZZLE S = SQUEEZE HANDLE S = SWEEP AT BASE OF FIRE

26 Activity 26

27 Out the door 27 Go to Room 92576

28 Wed. 9/26/12 28 Read page 185-190 & fill out smart notes for this section Discussion Power Point Activity Key Terms on page 188 using

29 Electric Currents 29 Modality : refers to the flow of electricity along a conductor 4 main types:  Galvanic  High Frequency  Faradic  Sinusoidal

30 Phoresis 30 The process of forcing a water based solution into the skin by using Galvanic current. Two types  Anaphoresis  Cataphoresis

31 Polarity 31 Indicates negative or positive Nanode- positive current, usually red and marked w/a P or (+) Cathode- negative electrode, usually black and marked w/a N or (-)  Do not let the tips of the cords touch or you will cause a short circuit.

32 High Frequency Current 32 Tesla Current and produces heat Filled with: Argon gas (used for acne lesions) Neon gas (normal to oily to improve product penetration or increase circulation)  Ozone

33 33 Sparking…… More oxygen is Allowed into the area creating a spark gap

34 Two methods of High Frequency 34

35 Direct HF 35

36 Activity 36 You will break into 4 groups Read about Faradic Current or Sinusoidal Current Your group will then write on the paper provided the benefits

37 Faradic Current 37 alternating current that produces a mechanical reaction w/out a chemical effect

38 Sinusoidal Current 38 alternating current that produces mechanical contractions that tone the muscles. Benefits include Greater stimulation, deeper penetration, and less irritating Soothes the nerves and penetrates into deeper muscle tissue Is best suited from the nervous client

39 Precautionary Measures 39

40 Activity 40 Create a power point of the 4 main types of electrotherapy currents.  Galvanic  High Frequency  Faradic  Sinusoidal Create one slide per topic Show at lease one illustration List the important information found on page 185-186

41 Tuesday September 20,11 41 Read pages 194-213 & log Discuss Light Therapy Break Study Guide for Test Thursday

42 Light Therapy 42 Treatment by means of light. These rays travel at 186,000 miles per second. Short waves= Xrays Longer waves= TV or Radio

43 Visible Light: light we can see. 43

44 Invisible Light 44 Infrared Rays 60% of all natural light long wave lengths penetrate all skin layers produce the most heat Ultraviolet Rays short wavelengths least penetrating Produce chemical effects & kill germs

45 45 Infrared Light or IR light Produces Heat Benefits: Increases circulation Relaxes muscles Stimulates cell activity

46 Ultraviolet Light 46 UVC UVB UVA

47 Monday October 8, 12 47 Do Practice Test Review Light therapy Go over study guide…test next class

48 Journal Prompt 48 In your own words describe the effects of thermal mechanical and electrochemical currents upon the human skin.

49 Wed. October 10 49 Journal: Describe the benefits of using direct high frequency on a client.

50 Wed. October 10 50 Journal Discuss light therapy Review Practice Test

51 Friday October 12 51 Journal:  I think I could advertise my skills as a skin care specialist by……… Turn in Ch 6 Homework Ch 6 Test Start Ch 11. Hair Removal

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