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Chapter 3 Radio Frequency Components, Measurements, and Mathematics

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3 Radio Frequency Components, Measurements, and Mathematics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3 Radio Frequency Components, Measurements, and Mathematics

2 Key Terms & Concepts 3 Basic Requirements for Communication
Two or more devices want to communicate Medium or method for them to communicate Set of rules for them to use

3 Key Terms & Concepts Transmitter Antenna
Generates signal at specific frequency Determines amplitude (power level) of signal Antenna Collects AC signal that receives from transmitter Directs, or radiates, RF waves away from the antenna in a specific pattern

4 Key Terms & Concepts Receiver Intentional Radiator (IR)
Receives the signal from the antenna and translates the signal into 1s and 0s Intentional Radiator (IR) Specifically designed to generate RF Consists of all components from transmitter to antenna, excluding antenna

5 Key Terms & Concepts Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP)
Highest RF signal strength transmitted from antenna Focuses the RF generated by the IR and makes it stronger

6 Key Terms & Concepts Units of Power Watt Milliwatt (mW)
1 Watt = 1 ampere (amp) of current flowing at 1 volt Amp is current Voltage is pressure generated Amount of watts generated = volts X amps Milliwatt (mW) 1/1,000 of a watt Decibels relative to 1 milliwatt (dBm) Compares signal to 1 milliwatt of power 0 dBm = 1 milliwatt

7 Key Terms & Concepts Units of Comparison Milliwatts Decibel change .01
Decibel (dB) Represents difference btw 2 values Decibels isotropic (dBi) Gain or increase of power from an antenna when compared to what an isotropic radiator would generate Milliwatts Decibel change .01 -20 .1 -10 1 10 +10 100 +20 1000 +30 10000 +40

8 Key Terms & Concepts Units of Comparison Decibels dipole (dBd)
Increase in gain of an antenna when it is compared to the signal of a dipole antenna If antenna has value of 3 dBd, it is 3 dB greater than a dipole antenna

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