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Overview  Make Strong Fields for hunting (rare)  Make Weak fields for other uses (more common)  Don’t make electrical fields, but sense them (very.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview  Make Strong Fields for hunting (rare)  Make Weak fields for other uses (more common)  Don’t make electrical fields, but sense them (very."— Presentation transcript:




4 Overview  Make Strong Fields for hunting (rare)  Make Weak fields for other uses (more common)  Don’t make electrical fields, but sense them (very common).  Make Strong Fields for hunting (rare)  Make Weak fields for other uses (more common)  Don’t make electrical fields, but sense them (very common).

5 Electricity for Hunting

6 Strongly Electric Fish Electricity made using muscles or nerves

7 Torpedo Ray


9 Electro- plaques

10 Tells how many electrons are moving through the circuit. Tells how hard the electrons are being pushed.

11 12 V, 1 amp 24 V 4 X 12 = 48 V, 1 amp

12 1 Amp, 12 V 4 Amps, 12 V

13 Batteries 12 V and 1 Amp 36 V 4 Amp

14 Torpedo Ray Bottom Side!

15 Electro- plaques

16 Torpedo Ray Stacking For Volts + - - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - ; Multiple stacks for Amps

17 Electric Eel

18 6.000 electroplaques 500 volts and 1 amp = 500 watts


20 Overview  Make Strong Fields for hunting (rare)  Make Weak fields for other uses (more common)  Don’t make electrical fields, but sense them (very common).  Make Strong Fields for hunting (rare)  Make Weak fields for other uses (more common)  Don’t make electrical fields, but sense them (very common).

21 Fish that make Weak Fields

22 Active Electricity for Locating prey Avoiding predators Navigation Communication Active Electricity for Locating prey Avoiding predators Navigation Communication

23 Weakly Electric Fish

24 Mormyrids

25 14 Percent of all fish species = Mormyrids

26 Red OctoberNimitz “Ping” Sound waves sent out by the Red October bounce off the Nimitz and back to the Red October. Sonar operators on the Red October hear the reflected sound and know that the Nimitz is there. Active Sonar

27 “gotcha” Active Electrical Senses An electrical field sent out by special organs in the Red Fish is distorted by the other fish. Electrical field detectors on the Red Fish detect the distortion and know that the other fish is there. Finds prey and predators.

28 Active Electricity for Locating prey Avoiding predators Navigation Communication Active Electricity for Locating prey Avoiding predators Navigation Communication

29 Active Electrical Senses Rock

30 Why to Electric Eels and Mormyrids have such weird fins?

31 The elephant fish sets up a nice symmetrical electrical field using it’s electrical organ. When anything enters the field, the field is distorted and the fish can sense the change.

32 Active Electricity for Locating prey Avoiding predators Navigation Communication Active Electricity for Locating prey Avoiding predators Navigation Communication

33 Electricity for Communication


35 Overview  Make Strong Fields for hunting (rare)  Make Weak fields for other uses (more common)  Don’t make electrical fields, but sense them (very common).  Make Strong Fields for hunting (rare)  Make Weak fields for other uses (more common)  Don’t make electrical fields, but sense them (very common).

36 Passive Electricity for Locating prey Avoiding predators Navigation Communication Passive Electricity for Locating prey Avoiding predators Navigation Communication

37 All animals make a weak electrical field

38 Red October Nimitz Sound from the engines and propeller of the Nimitz are detected by sonar operators on the Red October. When they hear the sound they know the Nimitz is there. Passive Sonar

39 An electrical field produced by normal muscle and nerve activity in the green fish is detected by electrical sensors on the Red Fish. Passive Electrical Senses

40 Hammerheads and Stingrays

41 Fish That Sense Electricity: It isn’t just for exotic species


43 Dermis Epidermis Ampullary Organ for sensing electrical fields

44 Sharks



47 Moving a wire through a magnetic field produces an electrical current

48 Sensors on Sharks = Opening of Ampullae = Lateral Line = Canal between Ampullae Canals are full of Conductive jelly!


50 Shark Navigation

51 Electricity Highlights Some fish use muscle and nerves to make strong fields for killing prey Some fish just sense electrical fields –Passive electrical senses – detects other animals for hunting or escape Other fish make weak fields for navigation or communication Communication: Mormyrids zap messages to each other and receive them Navigation –Active electrical senses: zap out a field and look for interference Sensors in bony fish = ampullary organs Sensors in sharks = conductive canals, Ampullae of Lorenzini



54 The Lateral Line

55 Ampula Cupola Lateral Line Canal Cupola Hair Cells Canal to skin surface Crista in Ear Neuromast in Lateral Line

56 Ampula Cupola Lateral Line Canal Cupola Hair Cells Canal to skin surface Crista in Ear Neuromast in Lateral Line

57 Water Movement Neuromasts Muscle Dermis Epidermis Pore

58 Muscle Dermis Epidermis Pore Scale Water Water Movement


60 Free Neuromasts Super Sensitive No “Filter”


62 = Lateral Line Pores = Exposed Neuromasts


64 Tilapia: The lateral line is interrupted to avoid the fin


66 Flounder: The lateral line goes around the fin.

67 Placements avoid fins, but also reveal the purpose of the Lateral Line

68 Schooling



71 Protection




75 Flying Fish: The lateral line is on the bottom of the fish so that it can sense what is beneath.

76 Prey Detection

77 Frogfish


79 Frog Fish: The lateral line goes along the top of the fish so that it can sense what is above.

80 Killifish

81 The struggling bug makes ripples that the killifish detects with free neuromasts

82 Antarctic Pagothenia


84 Lateral line specially tuned to shrimp vibrations

85 Navigation

86 Blind Cavefish


88 Lateral Line Highlights Detects movements in the water Canal connected to surface by pores Movement of water detected my neuromasts Neuromasts look like cristae (ears) Neuromasts may be exposed, but they are extremely sensitive: not for rough water Lateral line and neuromasts are positioned depending on the needs of the fish Lots of uses: Schooling, prey detection, predator avoidance, navigation


90 Semicircular Canals Third canal (horizontal) not visible Ampullae Fish Ear

91 Right side Up Fish Otolith Upside Down Fish Otolith bending hairs on hair cells Hairs on hair cells straight

92 Focusing in Mammals Lens shape changes Side Views Front View Near Far

93 Focusing in Fish Muscle pulls on lens

94 Daytime Cones in front Rods Shaded Light

95 Night Rods in Front No Shading Cones in Back Light

96 Smell vs. Taste? Nose Sensors in the Olfactory Epithelium Many uses, including food location Nose Sensors in the Olfactory Epithelium Many uses, including food location Mouth, & many places Taste buds SCC Primarily for feeding Mouth, & many places Taste buds SCC Primarily for feeding

97 Olfactory Epithelium Ciliated Cells Molecules Whooshing by in the Water Nerves to the brain

98 Amino acids: The building blocks of protein. Some amino acids are more stimulatory than others. Steroids: Some fish are highly sensitive to hormones especially those related to reproductive activities (see below). –Prostaglandins: Released by female fish upon ovulation.

99 What Can They Taste ? sweet, sour, bitter, salty, uma Amino acids Steroids: Sex hormones Organic acids and nucleotides: Carbon Dioxide: ?? Peptide toxins: Like marine puffer toxin

100 Solitary Chemoreceptor Cells: SCC Dispersed on external surface of fish as well as on gills and in the oral cavity. These cells are sensitive to amino acids in some species but not others. They are especially adept at detecting fish mucus and some organic acids.

101 Eggs: found in a redd Alevin: fry with yolk Parr: Fingerlings in fresh water, black bars Smolt: Fingerling ready for the sea, silver Adult: In the sea

102 Does not die, returns to the sea

103 Homing Theories Imprinting: Salmon smell the stream Pheromone: Salmon smell their kin Which is right?


105 “zap” Active Electrical Senses An electrical field sent out by special organs in the Red Fish is distorted by the other fish. Electrical field detectors on the Red Fish detect the distortion and know that the other fish is there.

106 An electrical field produced by normal muscle and nerve activity in the green fish is detected by electrical sensors on the Red Fish. Passive Electrical Senses

107 Sensors on Sharks = Opening of Ampullae = Lateral Line = Canal between Ampullae Canals are full of Conductive jelly!

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