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Published byCory Flynn Modified over 9 years ago
Week 25Chinese 1 Mar. 17-23.2014 TEKS: 2A,3a,4a, 5A, My family unit continue: Review grammar: 1)To have 2)Not to have 3)How many 4)The adverbial of place 5)Measure words 6)And 7)The usage of 二 Èr and 两 Bye the end of the week, the students will be able to say, make sentences with the following sentences: There are … people in my family. I have … uncle. I have… aunt. My family lives in …. The students will be able to distinguish the words 二 and 两 Friday, we will have 4 th 6 th week exam
Monday: first day after spring break Review the new words: Start your family tree project.
Tuesday objectives TEKS: 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A Review New words Grammar review: 1)To have/ There is/ are 2)Not to have / There isn’t / are not Dialogue 1, Grammar: How many 多少 ?
Family members: voc. quiz Wednesday 爷爷 Yéye grandpa from father’s side 奶奶 Nǎinai grandma from father’s side 姥姥 Lǎolao grandma from mother’s side in the north part of China 姥爷 Lǎoye grandpa from mother’s side in the north part of China 外公 Wàigōng grandpa from mother’s side in the south part of China 外婆 Wàipó grandma from mother’s side in the south part of China 曾祖母 Zēngzǔmù great grand mother from father’s side 曾祖父 Zēngzǔfù great grand father from father’s side 外曾祖母 WàiZēngzǔmù great grand mother from mother’s side 外曾祖父 WàiZēngzǔfù great grand father from mother’s side
practice 1. 外婆 2. 爷爷 3. 曾祖父 4. 姥爷 5. 奶奶 6. 姥姥 7. 外公 8. 曾祖母 9. 外曾祖父 10. 外曾祖母
a) Yéye grandpa from father’s side; b) Nǎinai grandma from father’s side; c) Lǎolao grandma from mother’s side in the north part of China; d) Lǎoye grandpa from mother’s side in the north part of China ; e)Wàigōng grandpa from mother’s side in the south part of China; f) Wàipó grandma from mother’s side in the south part of China; g) Zēngzǔmù great grand mother from father’s side; h) Zēngzǔfù great grand father from father’s side; i) WàiZēngzǔmù great grand mother from mother’s side; j) WàiZēngzǔfù great grand father from mother’s side 1. 奶奶 2. 曾祖母 3. 姥姥 4. 姥爷 5. 爷爷 6. 外公 7. 外曾祖父 8. 外婆 9. 曾祖父 10. 外曾祖母
Review the New words: Family members II 伯伯 Bóbo, / 大爷 dàyé, uncle, father’s big brother 伯母 Bómǔ/ 大娘 dàniáng, aunt, wife of father's elder brother 叔叔 shūshu uncle, father’s younger brother 婶婶 Shěnshen/ 叔母 shúmǔ; aunt, wife of father's younger brother 姑妈 Gūmā, aunt, father’s sister 姑父 Gūfù husband of father’s sister 姨妈 Yímā, aunt, mother's sister 姨父 Yífù husband of mother’s sister 舅舅 JiùJiù, uncle, mother’s brother 舅母 / 妈 Jiùmu/ jiumā ; aunt, wife of mother's brother 阿姨 āyí. aunt, it can be referred to any female who is at your parent’s generation.
More new words for students who want to learn more. 大哥 dàgē first big brother 二哥 èr gē second big brother 大姐 dàjiě first big sister 堂哥 Táng gē,cousin, a male who is older than you are from father’s side 堂姐 Táng jie, cousin,a female who is older than you are from father’s side 堂弟 Táng dì, cousin, a male who is younger than you are from mother’s side 堂妹 Táng mèi, cousin, a female who is younger than you are from mother’s side
Grammar How many? 多少 Duōshǎo / 几 Jǐ 你有多少 / 几个叔叔 ? Nǐ yǒu duōshǎo/jǐ gè shūshu? There is/ are 有 yǒu 我家有 五 个人. Wǒjiā yǒu wǔ gèrén. There is/ are… 我家有四个人。 Wǒjiā yǒu sì gèrén. To have/ has 我有五个阿姨 / 姨妈. Wǒ yǒu wǔ gè āyí/ yímā. Negative form for there is/ are…, have/ has= 没有 Méiyǒu 我没有弟弟,妹妹 Wǒ méiyǒu dìdì, mèimei. 。 我家没有猫 Wǒ jiā méi yǒu māo 。 There is no cat in my house. Live at, in, 住在 zhù zài 我住在达拉斯. Wǒ zhù zài dálāsī I live in Dallas.
Ask questions to five of your classmates, write down the answers and report to class. Oral exam 1.Q. 你家有几个人 Nǐ jiā yǒu jǐ gèrén ? How many people are there in your family? A: 我家有 6 个人 Jiā yǒu 6 gèrén.There are 6 people in your family. 2.Q: 你有几个叔叔 Nǐ yǒu jǐ gè shūshu?How many uncle( your dad’s young brother) do you have? A: 我有 2 个叔叔. Yǒu liǎng gè shūshu I have two uncles. 3.Q: 你有几个姨妈 Nǐ yǒu jǐ gè yímā ? How many aunts( mother’s sister) do you have? A: 我有 2 个姨妈. Wǒ yǒu liǎng gè yímā I have two aunts. 4.Q: 你有几个舅舅 Nǐ yǒu jǐ gè jiùjiu ? How many uncles( mother’s brother) do you have? A: 我没有舅舅 Wǒ méiyǒu jiùjiu. I don’t have uncle( mother’s brother) 5.Q. 你住在哪里 Nǐ zhù zài nǎlǐ ? Where do you live? A: 我住在 … Wǒ zhù zài... I live in….
Voc. practice: put English after each word 伯伯 Bóbo, / 大爷 dàyé, 伯母 Bómǔ/ 大娘 dàniáng, 叔叔 shūshu 婶婶 Shěnshen/ 叔母 shúmǔ; 姑妈 Gūmā, 姑父 Gūfù 姨妈 Yímā, 姨父 Yífù 舅舅 JiùJiù 舅母 / 妈 Jiùmu/ jiumā ; 阿姨 āyí.
Hw: Celebrity Family Tree Project Create a family tree using magazine pictures or pictures from your own family. They can be celebrities, professional athletes, pictures of actual friends and family members or just random people from ads or magazines. Must have an ACTUAL photograph of you. Print one out Must have at least 16 people and represent at least 3 generations Must do something to make YOUR picture stand out- outline it with glitter, add stickers, arrows, something to make it easy to find YOU! Must show marriages with a heart sign. Needs to be neat and easy to follow/understand Label each person with their title and a name (either real or made up). Label them according to their relationship to YOU: ex: 我姥姥,石玉琴 My grandmother , Yunqin Shi 我爷爷,武光允 My grandfather, Guangyun Wu REMEMEBER: This is an IMAGINARY, fake, made up, make believe, family tree. You can be married, have kids, ANYTHING! DO not limit it to your REAL family tree- You can marry Channing Tatum, your kids can be Drew Brees and Taylor Swift, your mom and dad can be Johnny Depp and Paula Deen. BE CREATIVE!!!! It is due Mar. 21!
Grade Rubrics of Family tree Effort 10 4 generations 10 16 people 20 Correct labels 20 Neatness 20 Title 10 Picture of you 10 TOTAL 100
Example of a short paragraph about your family. 我家有 7 个人。爸爸妈妈,三个哥哥,一个 姐姐。我爸爸 88 岁。我妈妈 85 岁。我大哥 64 岁。我二哥六十岁。我三哥 58 岁。我姐 姐 55 岁。我 49 岁。我爷爷奶奶,姥姥姥爷 住在天堂。我有一个大爷,一个姑姑。我 有 3 个姨妈,一个舅舅。我有四个堂哥一个 堂姐,一个堂妹, 6 个表姐,四个表哥。 我 爱我的家。
How to say these in Chinese? 中文怎么说 ? Zhōngwén zěnme shuō? There are 4 people in my family, dad, mom, big sister and me. My dad is 56 years old. My mom is 52 years old. My big sister is 21 years old. I am 14 years old. My grandpa and grandma( father’s side) and my grandpa and grandma( mother’s side) all live in Dallas. I have two uncles. ( father’s big brothers) and one aunt( father’s sister). I have 2 elder male cousins( from mother’s side). I have 1 young female cousin from mother’s side. Also I have 3 male cousins and 3 female cousins from dad’s side. I love my family.
By the end of today You should be able to read short paragraph on slide11. You should be able to say family members in Chinese without the help of pinyin.
Wednesday objectives TEKS: 2A,2B, 3A, 4A Review new words on 3 rd and 4 th slide Review the grammar There is, there are, To have/ has how many Read dialogue 1 Oral practice with sentence patterns.
Dialogue 1 Mǎlì yà : 玛丽娅: Maria : Nǐ hǎo, tāngmǔ! Zhè shì wǒ de yī jiā. 你好, 汤姆! 这 是 我 的一家。 Hi,tom. This is my family. Wǒjiā yǒu wǔ gè rén , bàba, māmā, gēgē, mèimei hé wǒ 我家有 五 个人,爸爸 妈妈 哥哥 妹妹 和我。 There are five people in my family. Mom, dad, big bro, little sister and me. Wǒ jiāzhù zài shànghǎi 我 家住 在 上 海。 My family is in Shanghai. Wǒ bàba māmā dōu zài shànghǎi gōngzuò. 我 爸爸妈妈 都 在 上 海 工 作。 Both my dad and mom work in Shanghai. Nǐ jiā ne? 你家呢? How about your family?
Oral questions 1 )你家有几个人 Nǐ jiā yǒu jǐ gèrén? ? 2 )你有几个哥哥 Nǐ yǒu jǐ gè gēgē? ? 3 )你有几个妹妹 Nǐ yǒu jǐ gè mèimei ? 4 )你住在哪儿 Nǐ zhù zài nǎ'er? 5 )你叔叔几岁 Nǐ shūshu jǐ suì ? 6 )你阿姨在哪里工作 Nǐ āyí zài nǎlǐ gōngzuò ? 7 )你喜欢喝咖啡吗 Nǐ xǐhuan hē kāfēi ma ? 8 )我可以请你去看电影吗 Wǒ kěyǐ qǐng nǐ qù kàn diànyǐng ma ? 9 )你哥哥喜欢玩电脑游戏吗 Nǐ gēgē xǐhuan wán diànnǎo yóuxì ma? 10 )你喜欢吃年糕吗 Nǐ xǐhuan chī niángāo ma ?
Thursday objectives TEKS: 2A, 2B, 3A, 4A Review the new words Review dialogue 1.2 Practice oral questions with your peers. Hw: Review the exam packet.
Review New Words 伯伯, / 大爷 _____, uncle, father’s big brother 伯母 / 大娘 ______, aunt, wife of father's elder brother 叔叔 _____ uncle, father’s younger brother 婶婶 / 叔母 _____aunt, wife of father's younger brother 姑妈,_____ aunt, father’s sister 姑父 _____husband of father’s sister 姨妈 _____, aunt, mother's sister 姨父 _____husband of mother’s sister 舅舅 _____, uncle, mother’s brother 舅母 / 妈 ______; aunt, wife of mother's brother 阿姨 ______ aunt, it can be referred to any female who is at your parent’s generation. 工作 ______Work gōngzuò 二 _________ Two èr 吉米 _______Jimmy jímǐ· 旧金山 ______San Francisco jiùjīnshān 纽约 ______ New york Niǔyuē 达拉斯 ______ Dallas dálāsī 在 … ______ In, At…Zài
Dialogue 1-Part2 汤姆: Wǒjiā yǒu sì gèrén 我家有四个人, there are 4 people in my family. Bàba, māmā, dìdì hé wǒ. 爸爸,妈妈,弟弟和 我. Dad, mom, little brother and me. Wǒ dìdì jiào jié mǐ. 我弟弟叫杰米。 My little brother’s name is Jimmy. Wǒ māmā zài shànghǎi gōngzuò 我妈妈在上海工作, My mom works in Shanghai. Wǒ bàba zài jiùjīnshān hé shànghǎi gōngzuò 我爸爸在旧金山和上海工作。 My dad works in Shanghai and San Francisco.
Reading fluency Test 汤姆: 我家有四个人, there are 4 people in my family. 爸爸,妈妈,弟弟和 我. Dad, mom, little brother and me. 我弟弟叫杰米。 My little brother’s name is Jimmy. 我妈妈在上海工作, My mom works in Shanghai. 我爸爸在旧金山和上海工作。 My dad works in San Francisco andShanghai 。
some more words about cities New York 纽约 Niǔyuē Dallas 达拉斯 dálāsī Boston 波士顿 bōshìdùn Washington DC. 华盛顿特区 huáshèngdùn tèqū Seattle 西雅图 xiyǎtú San Francisco 旧金山 Jiùjīnshān
Extra practice: Tell me what this paragraph is about Zhè shì wǒ de jiā. Wǒ bàba māmā, mèimei hé wǒ. 这是我的家。我爸爸妈妈,妹妹和我。 Wǒ bàba zài dálāsī gōngzuò 我爸爸在达拉斯工作。 Wǒ māmā zài bōshìdùn gōngzuò 我妈妈在波斯顿工作。 Wǒ zài BHS xuéxí. 我在BHS学习。 Wǒ mèimei zài RMS xuéxí. 我妹妹在RMS学习。
Friday objectives Oral exam: Students will answer teacher’s questions 1 )你家有几个人? 2 )你有几个哥哥? 3 )你有几个舅舅 ? 4 )你住在哪儿 ? 5 )你叔叔几岁? 6 )你妈妈在哪里工作?
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