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Electricity. Electrical Potential Every charged particle has the ability to do work. They can exert a push or a pull on each other or another object by.

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Presentation on theme: "Electricity. Electrical Potential Every charged particle has the ability to do work. They can exert a push or a pull on each other or another object by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electricity

2 Electrical Potential Every charged particle has the ability to do work. They can exert a push or a pull on each other or another object by repulsion or attraction.

3 Electrical Potential Since charges are able to make each other or other objects move that means charges have both kinetic and potential energy. In the case of charged particles we call it Electrical Potential.

4 Electrical Potential How much potential energy a particle has depends upon distance between charges and the other charge. When two particles of the same charge are forced to be close they have a high potential energy. When they are far apart they have low potential energy.

5 Electrical Potential It works in reverse when the charges are different. If the charges are far apart they have a high potential energy. If they are close they have a low potential energy.


7 Potential Difference The amount of energy it takes to move a certain charge is called potential difference. Joules/ Coulomb = Volts (V)

8 Electric Current Once we get electrons moving we now have a current of electrons. Current is how fast the electrons are moving. It is measured in Amperes (Amps) 1 coulomb /1 second = 1 amp

9 Resistance Just like us swimming in water electrons feel friction. The internal friction between electrons and the substance they are flowing through is called Resistance.

10 Resistance Resistance = Voltage/ Current Ohms Law (ohm) In other words how much work each charge is doing over how fast its moving.

11 Circuits A circuit is nothing more than a path for the electrons to follow. When the circuit is broken it is said to be OPEN. When the circuit is complete and electrons can flow all the way around it’s CLOSED.

12 Circuits There are two types of circuit – Series – Parallel Series means everything is hooked up on one path. 1 goes out they all go out. Parallel means that the electricity has more than one path. 1 goes out the rest stay on.

13 Direction Of Current When we draw a circuit we actually show the path of electricity as OPPOSITE the way the electrons would move.

14 Power When we hook items up to an electrical circuit we say they have POWER. Power is a measure of how much electrical energy is transferred back into useful work.

15 Power We can calculate how much power electricity will do by the following: P = Current x Voltage Measure in Watts (W) Basically how much energy is being moved by the charges times how fast they are being moved.

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