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Guildford and Waverley CCG update 16 th July 2015 Shaping healthcare for you … and your family.

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Presentation on theme: "Guildford and Waverley CCG update 16 th July 2015 Shaping healthcare for you … and your family."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guildford and Waverley CCG update 16 th July 2015 Shaping healthcare for you … and your family

2 Successes RSCH Lower than expected rate of Clostridium difficile cases (<40% also lapse in care) Excellent mortality rates (actual and indexed) Increased timely reporting of serious incidents and significant improvement in quality of investigation High performing for overall results of NHS staff survey Reduced mixed sex accommodation breaches Good Compliance to NICE guidelines Low numbers of upheld complaints and timely responses to complainants Improved response to PALS ‘Good’ rating for CQC Inspection ‘Good’ A&E Patient Survey (December 2014) Good Inpatient, accident and emergency and maternity friends and family test ratings Mount Alvernia Significantly improved CQC Inspection Report CAMHS Good compliance at Q2 to CQUIN standards. Challenges RSCH Referral to treatment waits – particularly cancer two week wait (ENT/Dermatology) and some specialities for 18 weeks A&E – significant improvement but more work needed. Cancelled Operations – bed capacity remains an issue so elective lists being cancelled. Workforce – all except staff survey. Mount Alvernia Significantly improved CQC inspection report but four compliance actions CAMHS Actions required from CQC inspection report On-going challenges for under 18 admissions to adult facilities HIGH QUALITY SERVICES Shaping healthcare for you … and your family

3 Accident and Emergency Strong performance over the winter overall despite failing Q4. New emergency pathway agreed Increased staffing in A&E Colocation of Out of Hours Current performance is 95.17% for the year. Shaping healthcare for you … and your family

4 Benchmark Position for Emergency Admissions Shaping healthcare for you … and your family

5 Unplanned Care Care Planning in Primary Care and Uploading to IBIS has reduced the conveyance rate for over 75’s from 73% on average to 49% Current Frailty initiative is reducing admissions from care homes Emergency admissions reducing for over 65’s by approx. 6 per week. Implementation of new DVT pathway will reduce admissions by 600. Enhanced discharge pathway for A&E will reduce admission by a further 200 The Localities development will reduce admissions by a further 5 per locality per week. Shaping healthcare for you … and your family

6 Unplanned Care - LOS In the acute hospital we have reduced LOS for over 65’s by 1 day This is in combination with a LOS reduced in the community hospitals from in excess of 60 days to 21 days with an increased bed occupancy rate of 85%. Excess bedday costs have reduced in the hospital by an average of £30,000 per month. The HIG continues to drive improvements in discharge arrangements. A new integrated H&SC integrated discharge team start work in April 2015. Shaping healthcare for you … and your family

7 Planned Care New DVT pathway to be launched summer 2015 MSK pathway reducing new Consultant OPD appointments

8 Planned Care Community Dermatology services significantly reducing T&O New outpatient activity Shaping healthcare for you … and your family

9 Parity of Esteem Improved IAPT Waiting times. 15% target has not been met but will be delivered by Q2 in 2015/16 Community Mental Health Team response to referrals are within 1 day. Psychiatric liaison has been extended across 7 days a week 8am until midnight. A new ‘Crisis Cafe’ is being implemented at RSCH. Dementia Diagnosis Rate for G&W currently at 50%. Pharmacist and GP trainee will be targeting practices with low diagnosis rates and high dementia care homes to improve target. Shaping healthcare for you … and your family

10 Five Year Forward View Provision We have developed five Localities to provide a consolidation of services to support the Frail and Elderly. Our local GP Federation provide ideal strategic support to develop these localities into an MCP. We have excellent provider relationships across health and Social Care. Commissioning We have established a local Joint Commissioning Group, mandated by the Membership for the purposes of managing the BCF. We are now pursuing a structural integration of Health and Social Care commissioning Exploring the benefits and options regarding an Accountable Care Organisation (ACO) Shaping healthcare for you … and your family

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