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CoE EECS Department Graduate Students Welcome Party – 2014 (Updated on Aug. 22, 2014) Welcome questions: Do you know Einstein? Do you know me? Knowing.

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Presentation on theme: "CoE EECS Department Graduate Students Welcome Party – 2014 (Updated on Aug. 22, 2014) Welcome questions: Do you know Einstein? Do you know me? Knowing."— Presentation transcript:

1 CoE EECS Department Graduate Students Welcome Party – 2014 (Updated on Aug. 22, 2014) Welcome questions: Do you know Einstein? Do you know me? Knowing ahead may help … (knowledge is power) Albert Einstein? My work? (theoretical physicist... theory of relativity... 1879-1955) (assistant professor... teaching / research... 2014-?)

2 Dr. Zaman; WSU-52612

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5 5 Computing System: A Multilevel Approach CS 194/DL CS 211/C/C++ CS 238/Assembly CS 394 CS 594 CS 738, 794, and 898X Human Machine Software Hardware EECS GR Students Welcome Party Fall 2014 CS 494? CS 540/OS

6 Dr. Zaman; WSU-52616 Teaching CS 194: Digital Design CS 594 MP Sys Design CS 394: Intro Comp Arch CS 211: Prog C/C++ CS 738 Embed Sys Prog CS 794 Multicore Sys Prog CS 898X Altr Comp Para or EECS GR Students Welcome Party Fall 2014 CS 238: Prog Assembly

7 Dr. Zaman; WSU-52617 EECS GR Students Welcome Party Fall 2014 Teaching (cont’d)  CS 898X: Alternative Computing Paradigms  CPU/GPU Systems, …, Chaotic Computing, etc.  Research: Performance, Power, and Big Data  CS 794: Multicore System Programming  Parallelism (ILP, TLP) & Concurrency (multicore, SMT)  Research: Performance, Power, and Big Data  CS 738: Embedded Systems Programming  DEMOEM(/Dragon12) Board, CodeWarrior C/C++ IDE  Research: Performance, Power, and Applications

8 Dr. Zaman; WSU-52618 EECS GR Students Welcome Party Fall 2014 Teaching (cont’d)  CS 594/594L: Microprocessor Based System Design  Hardware/Software aspects of designing embedded sys  Hands-on experience with real-life problems  CS 394: Intro to Computer Architecture  A simple computer sys;  the microarchitecture and ISA levels  Other/Future Courses: CS 194, CS 494?

9 Dr. Zaman; WSU-52619 Research  Computer Architecture  Multicore/Manycore Architectures  Cache Memory Subsystem  Parallel Programming  Concurrent Processing  Multithreaded Programming  Embedded Systems  Designing and Programming  Performance, Power, Applications  Performance and Power Evaluation  Modeling & Simulation, Optimization  Simulation Tools, Workload Characterization EECS GR Students Welcome Party Fall 2014

10 Dr. Zaman; WSU-526110 Research (cont’d)  Recent Research/Grant Activities  Wiktronics, WSU (awarded)  NSF CAREER (pending)  KS NSF EPSCoR First Award (2013-14)  NVIDIA, M2SYS, and Xilinx (awarded)  Motorola-FAU (awarded)  US AF, NIH, NASA, NetApp, PetroPower, etc.  CAPPLab (JB245) CAPPLab (JB245)  Contacts, Research, Teaching, Publications, Grants, etc.  GRA Opportunity  Please see me.  (Take 1+ GR course from me and get ‘B+’+ to be considered.) EECS GR Students Welcome Party Fall 2014

11 Dr. Zaman; WSU-526111 Thank you and Welcome! G O S H O C K E R S … EECS GR Students Welcome Party Fall 2014

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