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ITUppsala universitet Advanced Computer Graphics Filip Malmberg

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1 ITUppsala universitet Advanced Computer Graphics Filip Malmberg filip

2 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #2@ UU/IT Todays lecture  Rendering transparent surfaces  Texture Mapping  Volume rendering

3 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #3@ UU/IT Visualizing volume data  Surface Rendering We assume that data to be visualized can be modelled by surfaces. Normally, we model the object with geometric primitives such as points, lines, triangles or polygons and use standard Computer Graphics techniques to render the data  Volume Rendering operates on the data itself and takes into account the changing properties inside the object

4 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #4@ UU/IT Surface renderings

5 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #5@ UU/IT Two isosurfaces (skin semi-transparent) ‏

6 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #6@ UU/IT Transparency and Alpha Values Opaque objects reflect, scatter, or absorb light at their surface – no light is transmitted Transparency and its complement opacity are referred to as alpha in computer graphics On graphics cards the frame buffer can store the alpha value along with the RGB values

7 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #7@ UU/IT Light transmission in the real world

8 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #8@ UU/IT What is compositing? A method for combining two or more images in a way that approximates the intervisibility of the scenes + =

9 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #9@ UU/IT What is compositing? A method for combining two or more images in a way that approximates the intervisibility of the scenes + =

10 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #10@ UU/IT How to composite? A separate component other than RGB is needed to represent the coverage of an element at a pixel, the alpha channel The value of alpha can be in [0,1] to indicate the extent of the coverage (or how opaque the object is) alpha = 0 -> zero coverage alpha = 1 -> full coverage (opaque) ‏ The colour of a pixel is represented by a quadruple (r,g,b,  ) ‏ (0,0,0,1) = opaque black (0,0,0,0) = transparent

11 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #11@ UU/IT How to represent a pixel that is partly covered by a red object (1, 0, 0, 0.75) ? The red contribution is 1* 0.75 If we want to composite a foreground colour Cf (1,0,0) over a background color Cb then C = (1,0,0) * 0.75 + (1-0.25)* Cb, i.e., C = Cf *  * Cb

12 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #12@ UU/IT A problem with transparency rendering Objects must be drawn in the correct order. In VTK, this is solved by sorting all objects prior to rendering. This makes transparency rendering quite slow

13 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #13@ UU/IT Texture Mapping

14 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #14@ UU/IT Texture Mapping 2D image2D polygon + Texture-mapped polygon Applying 2D texture maps to the surface of an object is analogous to pasting a picture. The location of the texture map is specified via texture coordinates.

15 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #15@ UU/IT Texture mapping, cont´d (0,0)‏ (1,0)‏ (0,1)‏(1,1)‏ Each texel has 2D coordinates assigned to it Assign the texture coordinates to each polygon to establish the mapping (0,0.5) ‏ (0.5,0.5) ‏ (0,0) ‏ (0.5,0) ‏

16 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #16@ UU/IT Texture mapping Additional detail is introduced without extensive geometric modelling

17 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #17@ UU/IT Bump mapping Use textures to modify surface normals. Blinn, James F. "Simulation of Wrinkled Surfaces", Computer Graphics, Vol. 12 (3), pp. 286-292 SIGGRAPH-ACM (August 1978)‏

18 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #18@ UU/IT Alpha value in texture mapping By adding alpha values to make an RGBA texture map, parts of the texture becomes transparent Trick in computer graphics Example: Trees have a complex model Render a rectangular RGBA texture map for the whole forest Leaves, branches, and trunks:  Gaps and open space: 

19 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #19@ UU/IT Digital volume images True three-dimensional functions f(x, y, z) ‏ Often medical data from CT, MR, PET, SPECT, … How should these data be visualized? N x 2D arrays = 3D array

20 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #20@ UU/IT Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) ‏ 3D imaging of the blood vessel system

21 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #21@ UU/IT Slice by slice

22 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #22@ UU/IT Slice by slice

23 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #23@ UU/IT Slice by slice

24 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #24@ UU/IT Slice by slice

25 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #25@ UU/IT Slice by slice

26 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #26@ UU/IT Slice by slice

27 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #27@ UU/IT Slice by slice

28 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #28@ UU/IT Slice by slice

29 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #29@ UU/IT Slice by slice

30 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #30@ UU/IT Slice by slice

31 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #31@ UU/IT Slice by slice

32 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #32@ UU/IT Multi-Planar Reformatting (MPR) ‏

33 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #33@ UU/IT Volume rendering approaches Image-order volume rendering  Ray casting  Front-to-back Object-order volume rendering  Splatting  Footprint  Back-to-front

34 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #34@ UU/IT Ray casting For each display pixel, cast one or more rays Calculate contribution C for each voxel along the ray Colour C(x,y,z) determined by  gradient (approximative surface normal) ‏  lighting (independent of other voxels between the point and the light) Opacity is determined by mapping density values to different types of tissue through transfer functions

35 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #35@ UU/IT Ray casting issues Uniform sampling Voxel by voxel traversal What connectivity?

36 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #36@ UU/IT Sampling distance 0.1 unit step size1.0 unit step size2.0 unit step size Smoothness vs computational cost (linear in time) ‏

37 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #37@ UU/IT More issues Parallel (easy for hardware!) vs perspective projection (will image warp?) Starting point for sampling Initial point of ray First intersection

38 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #38@ UU/IT Various rendering modes Maximum intensity projection (MIP) ‏ Integral projection Distance to a certain threshold value Depth shading Depth gradient shading Grey-level gradient shading Combined multi-modal rendering …

39 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #39@ UU/IT Ray traversal schemes

40 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #40@ UU/IT Ray traversal - First Depth Intensity First First: extracts iso-surfaces

41 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #41@ UU/IT Ray traversal - Average Depth Intensity Average Average: produces basically an X-ray picture, an integral projection Distance along ray can also be taken into account and used

42 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #42@ UU/IT Ray traversal - MIP Depth Intensity Max Max: Maximum Intensity Projection used commonly for MRA images

43 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #43@ UU/IT Ray traversal - Accumulate Depth Intensity Accumulate Accumulate opacity while compositing colors: make transparent layers visible

44 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #44@ UU/IT Grey-level gradient shading  A threshold is given and the rays are cast into the volume until a voxel above the threshold is encountered  The gradient at the points are combined with the light source to render the image  Cut planes can be used to remove parts of the volume

45 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #45@ UU/IT Gradient/Normal estimation Estimate a gradient vector G per voxel using central differences of the density data D Gx(i,j,k) = D(i+1, j, k) - D(i-1, j, k) ‏ Gy(i,j,k) = D(i, j+1, k) - D(i, j-1, k) ‏ Gz(i,j,k) = D(i, j, k+1) - D(i, j, k-1) ‏

46 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #46@ UU/IT Multi-modal rendering MRI + PET Register two volumes to each other Rays are cast into the first volume For points on cut planes, values from both volumes are blended to produce a colour that enhances both modalities

47 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #47@ UU/IT Splatting (feed-forward) ? “Splat” all voxels onto the image plane, in a back-to-front order Trades quality for speed

48 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #48@ UU/IT Fill the gaps We need to fill the pixel values between the volume projection samples To fit a continuous function through the discrete samples convolution can be used

49 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #49@ UU/IT Convolution g(x,y) ‏ f(i,j) ‏ The output g is a weighted average of inputs f g(x,y) =   i= -j= - sample value weight relative position

50 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #50@ UU/IT Convolution, cont´d Another way of thinking convolution is to deposit each function value to its neighbour pixels f(i,j)‏ This weighting function is called kernel

51 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #51@ UU/IT 3D kernel for splatting Need to know the 3D extent of each voxel Project the extent to the image plane ? Splatting x This is called a footprint

52 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #52@ UU/IT Splatting Footprints can be precalculated and saved in a lookup table. Therafter, pasted as needed Splatting is more difficult for perspective volume rendering; image space extent is not identical for all samples Considerations: –type of kernel –radius of kernel –resolution of footprint table

53 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #53@ UU/IT Efficient Volume Rendering Consider 512 x 512 x 512 data At least one byte per element 134 217 728 bytes = 128 MB How to render such data interactively?

54 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #54@ UU/IT Big data problem One way to handle big data problem is to use hierarchical data structures (hierarchical volumes) ‏ 8x8x8 4x4x4 2x2x2 … … Less data required

55 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #55@ UU/IT Issues Creation of hierarchical data structures Utilization of hierarchical data structures

56 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #56@ UU/IT Hierarchical volume A hierarchical volume can be constructed using e.g., an octree … Entire volume Half in each dim

57 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #57@ UU/IT How do we subdivide space? We illustrate in 2D - known as quadtree Divide space into four regions Subdivision continues recursively until a node in the tree represents a homogeneous region of the image Or until a specified subdivision level

58 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #58@ UU/IT Rendering through octree Object-order rendering (splatting): Only non-empty leaf nodes of the octree are traversed. Thereby, avoiding all empty regions while efficiently processing all contributing homogeneous regions

59 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #59@ UU/IT Rendering through octree Image-order rendering (ray casting): Similarly casting rays through leaf nodes allowing to quickly step over empty nodes

60 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #60@ UU/IT Octrees for volume rendering Data structure: each tree node is a subvolume Each tree node may store the mean value of the encompassed voxels Each tree node may store an error measure: e.g., standard deviation of the voxels (root mean square to approximated value) ‏

61 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #61@ UU/IT Octrees for volume rendering At run time, the error measures stored in the octree nodes are compared with a threshold The traversal is stopped at the tree nodes that pass the threshold … …

62 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #62@ UU/IT Octrees for volume rendering

63 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #63@ UU/IT Hardware accelerated volume rendering

64 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #64@ UU/IT Surface versus Volume Rendering Surface rendering + Standard computer graphics software can be used - simple + Supported by dedicated hardware - fast + A high data reduction can be achieved - Intensity information is lost - Cutting through the data is meaningless - Changes in surface definition criteria means recalculation of the data

65 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #65@ UU/IT Surface versus Volume Rendering Volume rendering + Arbitrary cuts can be made allowing the user to see inside the data + Allows for display of different aspects MIPs semi-transparent surfaces etc. + Rendering parameters can be changed interactively - May be slower than surface rendering

66 UU/IT 08-01-29 | #66@ UU/IT Intermixing Volumes and Geometry

67 Department of Information Technology - Scientific Computing The Visible Human

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