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Community Service Awards Whittemore School of Business and Economics University of New Hampshire February 17, 2009 Awards The Fidelity Literacy Award will.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Service Awards Whittemore School of Business and Economics University of New Hampshire February 17, 2009 Awards The Fidelity Literacy Award will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Service Awards Whittemore School of Business and Economics University of New Hampshire February 17, 2009 Awards The Fidelity Literacy Award will recognize a student volunteer project or activity that promotes literacy and/or helps strengthen reading skills for a variety of age groups and populations. In this category, the judges will also consider projects in the areas of media literacy, financial literacy and environmental literacy, but preference will be given to those projects that focus on reading. The Fidelity Financial Education Award will recognize a student volunteer project or activity that helps to promote personal financial education and further individual understanding of personal finance concepts, including but not limited to budgeting and savings, avoiding credit and investment risks, philanthropic investment strategies, understanding different economic models, etc. In this category, the judges will consider all projects that help nonprofit organizations improve financial performance or help individuals achieve financial independence and success. The Fidelity Innovation and Technology Award will recognize a student volunteer project or activity that helps a nonprofit organization use technology to initiate changes in its operations and service delivery channels to expand or improve service. In this category, the judges will give strongest consideration to those projects that demonstrate how the implementation of new technologies will fundamentally advance the agency’s efforts and improve the quality or scope of service beyond standard equipment upgrades. Technology planning projects are also eligible for consideration. The Fidelity Community Investor Award will recognize the student volunteer project or activity that provides the greatest benefit to families and individual residents in or around NH. In this category, judges will consider a variety of projects in areas including but not limited to affordable housing, health and human services, transportation, arts and culture and the environment. Existing programs that demonstrate measurable enhancements and improvements resulting from student volunteer participation will receive the most serious consideration.

2 Finalists The Fidelity Financial Education Award Roula (Lulu) Assadi Hannah Clayman Michelle Garofalo Rachel Hughes Courtney Reed Steven Robinson The Fidelity Innovation & Technology Award Kurt Eddins Joel Peltokangas Benjamin Roberge Anthony Savani The Fidelity Literacy Award Lindsay Houle Sarah Laptino Caitlin Moloney Holly Perrin Sarah Sceery The Fidelity Community Investor Award Samantha Frost Sarah Kinsman Paige Ricci William Sandore Kaitlyn Scofield Welcome & Program Overview Ross Gittell, James R. Carter Chair & Professor of Management The Fidelity/UNH Partnership Alison Stebbins, Fidelity Regional General Manager Awards Presentation The Fidelity Financial Education Award The Fidelity Innovation & Technology Award The Fidelity Literacy Award The Fidelity Community Investor Award Community Service: Make it a Habit Roger Grinde, Associate Dean

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