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Europe in Flames. Opener When is it alright for a nation to go to War? Under what circumstances does a country or people have the right to defend themselves?

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Presentation on theme: "Europe in Flames. Opener When is it alright for a nation to go to War? Under what circumstances does a country or people have the right to defend themselves?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe in Flames

2 Opener When is it alright for a nation to go to War? Under what circumstances does a country or people have the right to defend themselves?

3 Rise of Fascism Axis Powers – Germany – Italy – Japan Fascism driven by – Political/Economic problems Post WWI – People wanted strong leaders

4 What is Fascism Military Dictatorship Racist Ultranationalistic Partnership with business to control market

5 Benito Mussolini of Italy Prime Minister of Italy Anti-Communist/ Nationalistic Blackshirts - paramilitary group

6 Il Duce 1925, led Fascismo single-party state Came from fasces, (Latin) A bundle of rods bound around an axe A Roman symbol of authority and strength NN

7 Adolf Hitler of Germany Blamed Communists Foreign Powers Believed Jews controlled world’s finances Brownshirts or Schutzstaffel (SS)

8 National Socialist (Nazi) Party Attracted the unemployed Won seats in Germany’s Parliament (Reichstag) Hitler named chancellor Communists blamed for Reichstag fire – Hitler takes dictatorial power – Police state crushes opposition Sources of Power: – Nationalistic theatrics, ceremony and patriotism – bankrolled by militant industrialists – supported by army /secret police

9 Hitler’s Plans Reunite the German- speaking people Rearm Germany Crush Jewish power Expand Germany’s land “Lebensraum”

10 Japanese Imperialism Emperor Hirohito living god Warrior code indoctrinated soldier and society Militaristic Nationalists led by Hideki Tojo Invade China and SE Asia to to gain resources

11 Fight for China 1937 Japanese invade China Takes Beijing, all major Chinese cities Japanese sink US ship- Panay FDR gave loans to Chinese Nationalists Began export ban to Japan

12 American Neutrality 1935 Italy Invades Ethiopia Neutrality Act – Barred sale of arms to all belligerents Oil not part of embargo – sales to Italy triple

13 FDR and American Isolationism “America actively engages in the search for peace,” Recommended “quarantining” the aggressors acknowledging without identifying them

14 Appeasement 1938 March: Germany annexes Austria (Anschluss) September: German demands Sudetenland, German part of Czechoslovakia Munich- Britain / France accept demands – pressed Czechs give up land 1939: Hitler takes rest of Czechoslovakia

15 WWII 1939 Hitler demanded City of Gdansk Germany/Soviet Union non-aggression pact September 1: Germany Invades Poland France/Britain declare war on Germany FDR didn’t have votes to overturn neutrality

16 Nazi Onslaught Blitzkrieg “lightning war” – Coordinated attack Infantry, Artillery, Tanks and Airplanes Germany defeats – Denmark – Norway – The Netherlands – Belgium – France Allied armies retreat British escape at Dunkirk

17 Roosevelt’s Stopgap Cash and Carry: Allies can buy US arms / transport themselves Italy joins Germany Roosevelt freezes assets to prevent Germans from using FDR sells the British “surplus” American arms Trades American destroyers to British for Caribbean bases

18 Taking a Stand Congress approved Lend-Lease Act - $781 Billion (2012) Four Freedom speech Atlantic Charter outlining war aims Shoot on Sight

19 AIR RAID PEARL HARBOR. THIS IS NOT A DRILL Two Japanese air attacks – US loses 19 ships – 292 aircraft – 2,403 Americans, military and civilian, had been killed – 1,178 wounded Roosevelt asks Congress for a Declaration of War

20 Closer Would you ever choose to go to war? Under what circumstances would you be willing to fight on behalf of your country?

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