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DODGE LITERACY MAGNET CRISIS PLAN 2013-2014. A little humor before we begin..

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Presentation on theme: "DODGE LITERACY MAGNET CRISIS PLAN 2013-2014. A little humor before we begin.."— Presentation transcript:


2 A little humor before we begin..

3 Expectations C Voice 0 to 1 when appropriate H Use parking lot, post-its A Listening/Discussing/Presenting M Seated, taking care of own needs P Everyone, everyday S uccess!

4 Plan of Action  Each grade level/team will receive one section of the crisis plan to become an expert on and represent that section for your house. Things to look for in your section are the following: Overview/definition of that crisis Responsibilities of all (administrator, crisis team, staff) Any special instructions or questions you may have

5 Sections Pre-K/K-Bomb Threat1 st -Bus Accident 2 nd -Evacuation3 rd -Fire 4 th -Intruder5 th -Lockdown Coaches-Suicide ThreatSpecials-Tornado CST-Weapons

6 Houses  You will now break into your houses and present about a 1 minute explanation about your crisis.  Please begin with the lowest grade and go up from there!

7 Changes “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” -Winston Churchill

8 Let’s Discuss  Fire Drill Exits:  Find your room number and highlight your exit door!  Tornado Seating Chart:  This should look very similar, but let’s double check.

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