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Electronic Invoicing Stop the Double Entry. Introduction To be presented: Technical and high level business processes used to import invoices from auxiliary.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Invoicing Stop the Double Entry. Introduction To be presented: Technical and high level business processes used to import invoices from auxiliary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Invoicing Stop the Double Entry

2 Introduction To be presented: Technical and high level business processes used to import invoices from auxiliary units’ systems and interdepartmental billing. Takeaways: » Understand why we needed this level of automation » General concepts of how we implemented this solution. » Understand the time and effort we have saved.

3 Agenda Background: Appalachian State University Opportunity Knocks Design Implementation Benefits

4 One of 16 universities in the University of North Carolina system. 18,000 students 918 full-time faculty 2,912 full and part-time staff

5 Opportunity Knocks Enterprise Auxiliary Units – Previous Process

6 Opportunity Knocks Enterprise Auxiliary Units – Desired Process

7 Opportunity Knocks Internal Service Auxiliary Units – Previous Process

8 Opportunity Knocks Internal Service Auxiliary Units – Desired Process

9 Design Goals: Meet GAAP Easy, quick, accurate Expandable

10 Design - Enterprise


12 Design – Internal Service Manual process for department to offer more flexibility. Two choices Create a space delimited file, upload the file to Unix server, email AP to process the file. Banner Auxiliary Billing form - FZAAUXB

13 Implementation Banner Finance requires some set up for each feed Enterprise – most automated – require most IT development Internal Service – very little IT development for each new feed

14 Implementation – Banner Finance Set Up



17 FZAAUXB Example with Template:

18 Implementation - ePrint All feeds are archived in ePrint.

19 Benefits Over 7 years 473,162 invoices or journal entries processed. – Assume 30 seconds for each invoice or journal entry and an estimated time saved is: 98 weeks or > 2 years Known processing time for AP Increased accuracy More easily auditable

20 Summary Computers love to work – we should let them.

21 Questions Kevin Patterson 828.295.2047 Appalachian State University

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