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Spatio-temporal frequent pattern mining for public safety: Concepts and Techniques Pradeep Mohan * Department of Computer Science University of Minnesota,

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Presentation on theme: "Spatio-temporal frequent pattern mining for public safety: Concepts and Techniques Pradeep Mohan * Department of Computer Science University of Minnesota,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spatio-temporal frequent pattern mining for public safety: Concepts and Techniques Pradeep Mohan * Department of Computer Science University of Minnesota, Twin-Cities Advisor: Prof. Shashi Shekhar Thesis Committee: Prof. F. Harvey, Prof. G. Karypis, Prof. J. Srivastava *Contact:

2 Biography  Education  Ph.D., Student, Department. of Computer Science and Engineering., University of Minnesota, MN, 2007 – Present.  B. E., Department. of Computer Science and Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India. 2003-2007  Major Projects during PhD  US DoJ/NIJ- Mapping and analysis for Public Safety  CrimeStat.NET Libaries 1.0 : Modularization of CrimeStat, a tool for the analysis of crime incidents.  Performance tuning of Spatial analysis routines in CrimeStat  CrimeStat 3.2a - 3.3: Addition of new modules for spatial analysis.  US DOD/ ERDC/ TEC – Cascade models for multi scale pattern discovery  Designed new interest measures and formulated pattern mining algorithms for identifying patterns from large crime report datasets. 1

3 Thesis Related Publications Cascading spatio-temporal pattern discovery (Chapter 2)  P. Mohan, S.Shekhar, J.A.Shine, J.P. Rogers. Cascading spatio-temporal pattern discovery: A summary of results. In Proc. Of 10 th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining 2010 (SDM 2010, Full paper acceptance rate 20%)  P. Mohan, S.Shekhar, J.A.Shine, J.P. Rogers. Cascading spatio-temporal pattern discovery. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE). (Accepted Regular Paper, In Press ~20% Acceptance Rate) Regional co-location pattern discovery (Chapter 3)  P.Mohan, S.Shekhar, J.A. Shine, J.P. Rogers, Z.Jiang, N.Wayant. A spatial neighborhood graph based approach to Regional co-location pattern discovery: summary of results. In Proc. Of 19 th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in GIS 2011 (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2011, Full paper acceptance rate 23%) Crime Pattern Analysis Application (Chapter 4)  S.Shekhar, P. Mohan, D.Oliver, Z.Jiang, X.Zhou. Crime pattern analysis: A spatial frequent pattern mining approach. M. Leitner (Ed.), Crime modeling and mapping using Geospatial Technologies, Springer (Accepted with Revisions). 2

4 Other Publications Spatio-temporal data analysis  X.Zhou, S.Shekhar, P. Mohan, S. Leiss, P. Snyder. Discovering Interesting sub- paths in spatiotemporal datasets. In Proc. Of 19 th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in GIS 2011 (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2011, Full paper acceptance rate 23%) Spatial data analysis  P. Mohan, R. E. Wilson, S.Shekhar, B.George, N.Levine, M.Celik: Should SDBMS support a join index?: a case study from CrimeStat. In Proc. Of 16 th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in GIS 2008 (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2008, Full paper acceptance rate 19%)  P. Mohan, X. Zhou, S.Shekhar. Quantifying resolution sensitivity of spatial autocorrelation: A Resolution Correlogram approach. In Proc. Of 7 th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 2012 (GIScience 2012, Full paper)  S.Shekhar, M.R.Evans, J.M.Kang, P. Mohan. Identifying patterns in spatial information: A survey of methods. (Accepted) WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2011 (in press) 3

5 Outline  Introduction  Motivation  Problem Statement  Future Work  Our Approach 4

6 Motivation: Public Safety  Identifying events (e.g. Bar closing, football games) that lead to increased crime.  Crime generators and attractors  Identifying frequent crime hotspots  Law enforcement planning  Predicting crime events  Predictive policing (e.g. Predict next location of offense, forecast crime levels around conventions etc.) Predicting the next location of burglary. Courtsey: Question: What / Where are the frequent crime generators ? Question: Where are the crime hotspots ? Question: What are the crime levels 1 hour after a football game within a radius of 1 mile ? 5 Other Applications: Epidemiology Courtsey:

7 Scientific Domain: Environmental Criminology Courtsey: Crime pattern theory Routine activity theory and Crime Triangle Courtsey: x.cfm?stepnum=8 x.cfm?stepnum=8  Crime Event: Motivated offender, vulnerable victim (available at an appropriate location and time), absence of a capable guardian.  Crime Generators : offenders and targets come together in time place, large gatherings (e.g. Bars, Football games)  Crime Attractors : places offering many criminal opportunities and offenders may relocate to these areas (e.g. drug areas) 6

8 Outline  Introduction  Future Work  Our Approach  Problem Statement  Spatio-temporal frequent pattern mining problem  Challenges 7

9 Spatio-temporal frequent pattern mining problem  Given :  Spatial / Spatio-temporal framework.  Crime Reports with type, location and / or time.  Spatial Features of interest (e.g. Bars).  Interest measure threshold (P θ )  Spatial / Spatio-temporal neighbor relation.  Find:  Frequent patterns with interestingness >= P θ  Objective :  Minimize computation costs.  Constraints :  Correctness and Completeness.  Statistical Interpretation (i.e. account for autocorrelation or heterogeneity) 8

10 Illustration: Output Cascading ST Patterns (Inputs: Spatial, Temporal Neighborhood - 0.5 miles, 20 mins, Threshold - 0.5) Regional Co-location patterns (Inputs: Spatial Neighborhood – 1 mile, Threshold- 0.25) Aggregate(T1,T2,T3) Time T1 Assault(A)Drunk Driving (C)Bar Closing(B) Time T3>T2Time T2 > T1 a BA C CSTP: P1 9

11 Challenges  Spatio-temporal Semantics  Continuity of space / time  Partial order  Conflicting Requirements  Statistical Interpretation  Computational Scalability  Computational Cost  Exponential set of Candidate patterns Time T1 Time T3>T2 Time T2 > T1 B.2 B.1 C.2 C.3 C.1 C.4 A.1 A.3 A.2A.4 A.5 a Aggregate(T1,T2,T3) B.1 B.2 A.2A.4 C.2 C.3 C.4 A.5 C.1 A.1 A.3 Time partitioning misses relationships Space partitioning misses relationships {Null} ABACBABCCACB C BA B CA C BA A BC C AB ………. C A B B AC A BC C BA B CA A C B # Patterns = Exponential (# event types) 10

12 Our Contributions 11  New Spatio-temporal frequent pattern families.  Ex: Cascading ST Patterns and Regional Co-location patterns.  Novel interest measures guarantee statistical interpretation and computable in polynomial time.  Scalable algorithms based on properties of spatio-temporal data and interest measures.  Experimental evaluation using synthetic and real crime datasets.

13 Outline  Introduction  Future Work  Problem Statement  Our Approach  Big Picture  Cascading Spatio-temporal pattern discovery  Other Frequent Pattern Families 12

14 Spatio-temporal frequent pattern mining (SFPM) Process of discovering interesting, useful and non-trivial patterns from spatiotemporal data. Input Data SpatialSpatio-temporal (ST) Pattern Semantics UnorderedCo-location PatternsST Co-occurrences Totally OrderedXST Sequences Partially OrderedXCascading ST Patterns Statistical Foundation AutocorrelationCo-location PatternsCascading ST Patterns HeterogeneityRegional Co-location Patterns X Taxonomy of Spatio-temporal frequent patterns X: Unexplored 13 Today’s Focus

15 Cascading ST pattern (CSTP)  Output: CSTP  Partially ordered subsets of ST event types.  Located together in space.  Occur in stages over time. BA C CSTP: P1Aggregate(T1,T2,T3) Time T1 Assault(A)Drunk Driving (C)Bar Closing(B) Time T3>T2Time T2 > T1 a  Input: Crime reports with location and time. 14

16 16 Related Pattern Semantics: ST Data mining Spatio-temporal frequent patterns Partially OrderedOthers Unordered (ST Co-occurrence) Totally Ordered (ST Sequences) Our Work (Cascading ST patterns )  ST Co-occurrence [Celik et al. 2008, Cao et al. 2006]  Designed for moving object datasets by treating trajectories as location time series  Performs partitioning over space and time.  ST Sequence [Huang et al. 2008, Cao et al. 2005 ]  Totally ordered patterns modeled as a chain.  Does not account for multiply connected patterns(e.g. nonlinear)  Misses non-linear semantics.  No ST statistical interpretation. 15

17 Limitations of Related ST Pattern Semantics  ST Sequence  Total order  Ex. (B  A,A  C)  No ST statistical interpretation. BA C CSTP: P1 Time T1 Time T3>T2 Time T2 > T1 B.2 B.1 C.2 C.3 C.1 C.4 A.1 A.3 A.2A.4 A.5 A.1B.1 C.2 C.1A.5  Limitations  Absence of Partial Order  Ex. (B  A, B  C, A  C) B.2 C.1 Possible ST Sequences 16

18 Interpretation Model: Directed Neighbor Graph (DNG)  Nodes: Individual Events  Directed Edge (N1  N2) iff  Neighbor( N1, N2)  and  After(N2, N1) B.2 B.1 C.2 C.3 C.1 C.4 A.1 A.3 A.2A.4 TimeT1 TimeT3 TimeT2 Assault(A)Drunk Driving (C)Bar Closing(B) A.5 A.1 A.2 B.1 C.2 C.3 A.3 A.4 C.1 C.4 B.2 A.5 BA C CSTP: P1 17

19 Statistical Foundation: Interest Measures  Instances of CSTP P1 : (B  A, B  C, A  C) are  (B1  A1, B1  C1, A1  C1)  (B1  A3, B1  C2, A3  C2)  ? ?(B1  A1; A1  C2; B1  C2)  Cascade Participation Ratio : CPR (CSTP, M) :  Conditional Probability of an instance of CSTP in neighborhood, given an instance of event-type M  Examples  Cascade Participation Index: CPI(CSTP)  Min ( CPR(CSTP, M) ) over all M in CSTP  Example: BA C CSTP: P1 A.1 A.2 B.1 C.2 C.3 A.3 A.4 C.1 C.4 B.2 A.5 18

20 Analytical Evaluation: Statistical Interpretation  Cascade Participation Index (CPI) is an upper bound to the ST K-Function per unit volume. Example: ST -K (B  A)2/6 = 0.333/6 = 0.56/6 = 1 CPI (B  A)2/3 = 0.6611 A.1 A.3 B.1 A.2 B.2 A.1 A.3 B.1 A.2 B.2 A.1 A.3 B.1 A.2 B.2 Spatial Statistics: ST K-Function (Diggle et al. 1995) 20

21 Comparison with Related Interest Measures MeasureKey Property Frequency  Double counting of pattern instances Maximum Independent Set (MIS) Size [Kuramochi and Karypis, 2004]  NP Complete Scoring Criterion for Bayesian Networks [Neopolitan, 2003; Chickering, 1996]  NP Complete  Learning requires Prior specification Lower bound on vertex label frequency  Frequency based interpretation. BA C CSTP: P1 MeasureValue Frequency3 / (What is the # of transactions ?) MIS2 Lower Bound on Frequency min{1,2,2} = 1 A.1 A.2 B.1 C.2 C.3 A.3 A.4 C.1 C.4 B.2 A.5 19

22 Computational Structure: CSTP Miner Algorithm  Basic Idea  Initialization  for k in (1,2…3..K-1) and prevalent CSTP found do  Generate size k candidates.  Compute CSTP instances / Materialize part of DNG  Calculate interest measure and select prevalent CSTPs.  end Not part of a conventional apriori setting  Item sets in Association rule mining  Chemical compounds/sub graphs in graph mining.  Directed acyclic graph in CSTP mining 21

23 CSTP Miner Algorithm: Illustration {Null} ABACBABCCACB C B A C BA A.1 A.2 B.1 C.2 C.3 A.3 A.4 C.1 C.4 B.2 A.5 CPI Threshold = 0.33 0 C BA C BA 0.4 0.8 0.4 Spatio-temporal join 22

24  Key Bottlenecks Computational Structure: CSTP Miner Algorithm  Interest measure evaluation  Exponential pattern space  Space-Time Partition Join Strategy  Time Ordered Nested Loop Strategy  Filtering strategies Fixed Parameters: Spatial neighborhood = 0.62 miles and temporal neighborhood = 1hr, CPI threshold = 0.0055  Computational Strategies  Reduce irrelevant interest measure evaluation  Compute interest measure efficiently 23

25 CSTP Miner Algorithm: Interest Measure Evaluation  ST Join Strategies: Perform each interest measure computation efficiently  Time Ordered Nested Loop (TONL) Strategy  Space-Time Partitioning (STP) Strategy Time Space = volume of ST neighborhood ST join by plane sweep A.1 A.2 B.1 C.2 C.3 A.3 A.4 C.1 C.4 B.2 A.5 # Edges = 13 24

26 CSTP Miner Algorithm: Alternative Ideas  Can neighborhood graph be pre-computed ? 25  Trade off : Storage versus Online computation  Cost of Storage  Pre-computed Graph: O(#Edges+#Nodes)  Example: 24  On-the-fly: O(#Nodes)  Example: 11  Cost of computation  Pre-computed graph: O(#Edges+#Nodes)  Example: 24  On-the-fly: O(#Nodes * Log(#Nodes))  Example: 38  Other factors  Dense vs Sparse data  Positive ST autocorrelation

27 CSTP Miner Algorithm: Filtering Strategies  Key Rationale : Enhance Savings filter non prevalent candidates early  Upper bound (UB) filter  Multi-resolution ST(MST) filter Key Idea  There exists a low dimensional embedding in space and time.  Over estimate CPI by coarsening ST dataset.  If Overestimate (CPI) < Threshold: Pruned Key Idea  CPI has anti-monotone upper bound. 26

28  Multi resolution ST Filter : CSTP Miner Algorithm: Filtering Strategies Summarizing on a coarser neighborhood yields compression in most cases. 27 BABABCBCACACCACA B.1 A.1B.1 C.2A.1 C.2C.1 A.5 B.1 A.3B.1 C.3A.3 C.3 B.2 A.2B.2 C.1A.1 C.3 B.2 A.4A.3 C.4 0.80.750.40.2 CPI Threshold = 0.33 Time Space Actual Relation Coarse Relation BABABCBCACACCACA (0,0) (1,0) (0,2) (1,2) (1,2)(1,2)(1,1)(2,0) (0,2) (1,2) (0,0)(1,1)(1,0)(1,1)(2,1)(2,0) (1,2)(2,1) (1,0)(2,1) 0.80.750.80.2

29 Experimental Evaluation :Experiment Setup Goals 1. Compare different design decisions of the CSTPM Algorithm - Performance: Run-time 2. Test effect of parameters on performance: - Number of event types, Dataset Size, Clumpiness Degree Experiment Platform: CPU: 3.2GHz, RAM: 32GB, OS: Linux, Matlab 7.9 28

30 Experimental Evaluation :Datasets Lincoln, NE Dataset  Data size: 5 datasets  Drawn by increments of 2 months  5000- 33000 instances  Event types:  Drawn by increments of 5 event types  5 – 25 event types. Real Data Synthetic Data  Data size: 5 datasets  5000- 26000 instances  Event types:  5 – 25 event types.  Clumpiness Degree:  5- 25 instances per event type per cell. 29

31 Experimental Evaluation: Join strategy performance Question: What is the effect of dataset size on performance of join strategies? Trends: ST Partitioning improves performance by a factor of 5-10 on synthetic data and by a factor of 3 on real data. Fixed Parameters: Real Data (CPI = 0.15, 0.31 Miles, 10 Days); Synthetic data(0.5,25,25) 30

32 Experiment 2: What is the effect of # of event types on performance of join strategies? Trends: ST Partitioning improves performance by a factor 10 on synthetic data and by a factor of 2.5 on real data. Fixed Parameters: Real Data (CPI = 0.15, 0.31 Miles, 10 Days); Synthetic data(0.5,25,25) Experimental Evaluation: Join strategy performance 31

33 Experiment 3: What is the effect of dataset size on performance of filtering strategies? Trends: Filtering improves performance by a factor 5 on synthetic data and by a factor of 1.5 on real data. Fixed Parameters: Real Data (CPI = 0.15, 0.435 Miles, 10 Days); Synthetic data(0.65,70,70) Experimental Evaluation: Filtering strategy performance 32

34 Question: What is the effect of # of event types on performance of filtering strategies? Trends: Filtering improves performance by a factor 2.5 on synthetic data and by a factor of 1.3 on real data. Fixed Parameters: Real Data (CPI = 0.15, 0.435 Miles, 10 Days); Synthetic data(0.65,70,70) Experimental Evaluation: Filtering strategy performance 33

35 Question: What is the effect of clumpiness degree on different design decisions? Trends: a.Filtering improves performance by a factor 40 b.ST Partitioning improves performance by a factor of 10. Experimental Evaluation: Filtering strategy performance 34 Fixed Parameters: CPI = 0.5, 15.53 Miles, 1.04 Days

36 Lincoln, NE crime dataset: Case study  Is bar closing a generator for crime related CSTP ?  Observation: Crime peaks around bar-closing! Bar locations in Lincoln, NE  Is bar closing a crime generator ?  Are there other generators (e.g. Saturday Nights )? Questions K.S Test: Saturday night significantly different than normal day bar closing (P-value = 1.249x10 -7, K =0.41) 35

37 Lincoln, NE crime dataset: Case study 36

38 Lincoln, NE crime dataset: Case study Pop IPop IIKSP-Val.α = 0.05α = 0.2 Sat NightAll Year0.41871.249x10 -7 Yes Football Night All Year0.34000.1067NOYes Sat NightFootball Night 0.19870.7899NONo 37

39 Outline  Introduction  Future Work  Problem Statement  Our Approach  Big Picture  Cascading Spatio-temporal pattern discovery  Other Frequent Pattern Families 38

40 Regional co-location patterns (RCP)  Input: Spatial Features, Crime Reports.  Output: RCP (e.g. )  Subsets of spatial features.  Frequently located in certain regions of a study area. 39

41 Statistical Foundation: Accounting for Heterogenity Regional Participation Ratio Regional Participation index Example  Conditional probability of observing a pattern instance within a locality given an instance of a feature within that locality. Example Quantifies the local fraction participating in a relationship. 40

42 42 Performance Tuning: Key Ideas Key Idea  Interest Measure shows special pruning properties in certain subsets of the spatial framework. Maximal Locality  RPI shows anti-monotonicity property within Maximal Localities  Pruning a co-location, {AB}, prunes all its super sets (e.g. {ABC}, {ABCD}…etc.).  Collection of connected instances.  Maximal localities are mutually disjoint.  Contains several RCPs. Key Observations Key Properties  RPI within a Maximal locality is an upper bound to RPI of constituent Prevalence localities.

43 43 Performance Tuning {Null} CBA ML1ML2ML3 {AB},0.167 ✕ {BC},0.167 ✕ Compute Maximal Locality {ABC}: Pruned Automatically Due to anti-monotonicity of RPI {AC},0.25,0.25 No RCP Due to upper bound property of RPI Completeness  Pruning a pattern within a maximal locality does not prune any valid RCPs. Correctness  Accepting a pattern involves additional checks so that only prevalent RCPs are reported. {AB},0.25{BC},0.33{AC},0.25,0.167 ✕ ✕ Prevalence Threshold = 0.25

44 44 Experimental Evaluation: Spatial Neighborhood Size Trend s Run Time # of RCPs  What is the effect of spatial neighborhood size on performance of different algorithms ?  Fixed Parameters: Dataset Size : 7498 instances; # Features: 5; Prevalence Threshold: 0.07  Run Time: ML Pruning out performs PS Enumeration by a factor of 1.5 - 5  # of RCPs examined: ML Pruning out performs PS Enumeration by a factor of 4.13 - 19

45 45 Experimental Evaluation: Feature Types Trend s Run Time # of RCPs  What is the effect of number of feature types on performance of different algorithms ?  Fixed Parameters: Dataset Size : 7498 instances; Spatial neighborhood size: 800 feet; Prevalence Threshold: 0.07  Run Time: ML Pruning out performs PS Enumeration by a factor of 1.2  # of RCPs examined: ML Pruning out performs PS Enumeration by a factor of 1.6 – 3.5

46 RCPs from Lincoln Crime Data This result shows the interaction between Alcohol and Vandalism apart from highlighting outbreaks 41

47 Conclusions  Proposed SFPM techniques (e.g., Cascading ST Patterns and Regional Co-location patterns) honor ST Semantics (e.g., Partial order, Continuity).  Interest measures achieve a balance between statistical interpretation and computational scalability.  Algorithmic strategies exploiting properties of ST data (e.g., multiresolution filter) and properties of interest measures enhance computational savings. 42

48 Future Work – Short and Medium Term Input Data SpatialSpatio-temporal (ST) Pattern SemanticsUnordered ✔✔ Totally OrderedX ✔ Partially OrderedXCSTP discovery Statistical Foundation Autocorrelation ✔ CSTP discovery HeterogeneityRCP DiscoveryX Underlying Framework EuclideanRCP DiscoveryCSTP discovery Non-Euclidean (Networks)XX Neighbor RelationUser specifiedRCP DiscoveryCSTP discovery Algorithm DeterminedXX Interestingness Criterion Interest measure thresholdRCP DiscoveryCSTP discovery Threshold freeXX Type of dataBoolean / CategoricalRCP DiscoveryCSTP discovery Quantitative data (e.g., Climate)XX X: Unexplored 43

49 Future Work – Long Term 43  Exploring interpretation of discovered patterns by law enforcement.  ST Predictive analytics, Predictive models based on SFPM and Predictive policing.  Towards Geo-social analytics for policing (e.g. Criminal Flash mobs, gangs, groups of offenders committing crimes)  New ST frequent pattern mining algorithms based on depth first graph enumeration.  ST frequent pattern mining techniques that account for patron demographic levels.  Explore evaluation of choloropeth maps via ST frequent pattern mining.

50 Acknowledgment  Members of the Spatial Database and Data Mining Research Group University of Minnesota, Twin-Cities.  This Work was supported by Grants from U.S.ARMY, NGA and U.S. DOJ.  Advisor: Prof. Shashi Shekhar, Computer Science, University of Minnesota.  Thesis committee.  U.S. DOJ – National Institute of Justice: Mr. Ronald E. Wilson (Program Manager, Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety), Dr. Ned Levine (Ned Levine and Associates, CrimeStat Program)  U.S. Army – Topographic Engineering Center: Dr. J.A.Shine (Mathematician and Statistician, Geospatial Research and Engineering Division ) and Dr. J.P. Rogers (Additional Director, Topographic Engineering Center)  Mr. Tom Casady, Public Safety Director (Formerly Lincoln Police Chief), Lincoln, NE, USA Thank You for your Questions, Comments and Attention! 44

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