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Presentation on theme: "LOUISIANA HIGH SCHOOL REDESIGN Putting the Pieces Together."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOUISIANA HIGH SCHOOL REDESIGN Putting the Pieces Together

2 Brief History  10/04 – HSR Commission jointly appointed by Governor, BESE, & BOR  05/05 - Commission enacted into Statute  04-06 - First Commission Report & recommendations released  2008 - Stand Alone HSR Division Established  10/04 – HSR Commission jointly appointed by Governor, BESE, & BOR  05/05 - Commission enacted into Statute  04-06 - First Commission Report & recommendations released  2008 - Stand Alone HSR Division Established

3 THE FACTS  32% of students entering LA colleges require remedial coursework  60% of students do not return for the sophomore year  72% of LA employers report difficulty in finding qualified applicants  47% of employers report difficulty in finding applicants with adequate reading skills.  80% of jobs in the near future will require some level of postsecondary education  32% of students entering LA colleges require remedial coursework  60% of students do not return for the sophomore year  72% of LA employers report difficulty in finding qualified applicants  47% of employers report difficulty in finding applicants with adequate reading skills.  80% of jobs in the near future will require some level of postsecondary education

4 GOAL 1 – Reduce Dropouts & Increase Graduation Rate 10 Year Target  Increase the graduation rate from 64.8% to 80%  Cut the dropout rate in half.

5 WHY STUDENTS DROPOUT Top 5 Reasons Classes not interesting47% Missed too many days to catch-up43% Friends not interested in school42% Too much freedom; not enough rules38% Failing in school35%

6 DROPOUT EARLY WARNING SYSTEM (DEWS)  Statewide electronic system - identifies students who are at high risk of dropping out. Absenteeism Low or failing grades Disciplinary referrals  Appropriate interventions provided.  Statewide electronic system - identifies students who are at high risk of dropping out. Absenteeism Low or failing grades Disciplinary referrals  Appropriate interventions provided.

7 CATCH-UP INSTRUCTION  Students 2 or more years behind in reading and or math  “Double dose” instruction  Accelerated curriculum designed for struggling adolescent learners  Students 2 or more years behind in reading and or math  “Double dose” instruction  Accelerated curriculum designed for struggling adolescent learners

8 $5 million in grants to district) CREDIT RECOVERY ($5 million in grants to district) New Policy Allows Students to:  Recover credit with less seat time  Stay on track with age-level peers New Policy Allows Students to:  Recover credit with less seat time  Stay on track with age-level peers

9 Credit Recovery Year One Data Very Encouraging! Number of credits earned: English669.5 Math546.5 Science322 Social Studies219.5 Other27.5 Total1,785 Number of credits earned: English669.5 Math546.5 Science322 Social Studies219.5 Other27.5 Total1,785

10 9 th Grade Initiative Year One Data  We had a very successful year!  Improvements were noted in each measured category  Personalization key  Personalization activities were the key to improvement  We had a very successful year!  Improvements were noted in each measured category  Personalization key  Personalization activities were the key to improvement

11 9 th to 10 th Grade Promotion Rate

12 9 th Grade Dropout Rate

13 9 th Grade Attendance Rate

14 9 th Grade Students Failing One or More Core Classes

15 9 th Grade Students Suspended

16 9 th Grade Students Expelled

17 9 th Grade Students Scoring Basic or Above on ELA iLeap

18 9 th Grade Students Scoring Basic or Above on Math iLeap

19 GOAL 2 – Increase Readiness for Postsecondary Education Require 4 th Year of Math End of course exams Alignment of standards & GLEs with college ready expectations Expanded AP Offerings through LVS AP Training for Teachers – expand Require 4 th Year of Math End of course exams Alignment of standards & GLEs with college ready expectations Expanded AP Offerings through LVS AP Training for Teachers – expand

20 Goal 3: Increase Career Readiness Career Exploration & Planning  LA ePortal – Educ. & Career Planning Website  Career Interest Inventories & Assessments 8 th Grade – EXPLORE; 10 Grade – PLAN  Education for Careers Course Required for Career area of Concentration  Job Shadowing/Internships  Statewide Communications Campaign  LA ePortal – Educ. & Career Planning Website  Career Interest Inventories & Assessments 8 th Grade – EXPLORE; 10 Grade – PLAN  Education for Careers Course Required for Career area of Concentration  Job Shadowing/Internships  Statewide Communications Campaign

21 Career-Ready Core Curriculum  Alignment of content standards & GLEs with workplace competencies  Integration of literacy and work based learning activities into LA Comprehensive Curriculum  Alignment of content standards & GLEs with workplace competencies  Integration of literacy and work based learning activities into LA Comprehensive Curriculum

22 CTE Program Improvements & Expansion  Align Curriculum with National/State IBCs  Articulation with LCTCS  Training/National Cert. for all CTE Instructors  Revisions to Teacher Cert. Policy Allows instruction by journeymen & other experts  New state developed courses  New funding & accountability policies (rewards)  Align Curriculum with National/State IBCs  Articulation with LCTCS  Training/National Cert. for all CTE Instructors  Revisions to Teacher Cert. Policy Allows instruction by journeymen & other experts  New state developed courses  New funding & accountability policies (rewards)

23 Goal 4: Increase Participation in Postsecondary Education  Expansion of Dual Enrollment Courses  Increased Statewide articulation agreements  Establishment of Early College High Schools  Increased LCTCS recruitment efforts  Summer programs for disadvantaged youth to experience college life  Increased access & funding sources (LA ePortal) GO Grants; TOP Tech; TOPS  Expansion of Dual Enrollment Courses  Increased Statewide articulation agreements  Establishment of Early College High Schools  Increased LCTCS recruitment efforts  Summer programs for disadvantaged youth to experience college life  Increased access & funding sources (LA ePortal) GO Grants; TOP Tech; TOPS

24 It’s An Exciting Time for Louisiana High School Students! Together We Can Make a Difference!

25 ALTERNATIVE DIPLOMA Alternative Diploma Task Force currently developing recommendations for alternative diploma requirements for Special Education Students


27 LA ePORTAL  One-stop electronic resource for educational and career planning  5-Year Plans/Personal Portfolios  Personal Profiler  Career exploration  Postsecondary information Version 2.0 released 10/08 – more interactive  One-stop electronic resource for educational and career planning  5-Year Plans/Personal Portfolios  Personal Profiler  Career exploration  Postsecondary information Version 2.0 released 10/08 – more interactive

28 8 th Grade LEAP Policy  Revise appeals process  Allow districts to choose campus placement for LEAP failures  Allow LEAP failures to earn Carnegie credits in all subjects except those on which they earned failing LEAP scores  Revise appeals process  Allow districts to choose campus placement for LEAP failures  Allow LEAP failures to earn Carnegie credits in all subjects except those on which they earned failing LEAP scores

29 STATE LITERACY PLAN Literacy for All  Literacy instruction across the curriculum  Literacy coach in every school  Regular diagnostic testing  3-tiered program of interventions  Literacy instruction across the curriculum  Literacy coach in every school  Regular diagnostic testing  3-tiered program of interventions

30 INCREASE CTE OFFERINGS  Nationally recognized curricula leading to Industry Based Certifications (IBC’s)  20 statewide articulation agreements -More to come!  Changes to Graduation Index to serve as incentive for districts/schools  Communications campaign to direct more students to technical colleges and careers  More work-based learning opportunities  Nationally recognized curricula leading to Industry Based Certifications (IBC’s)  20 statewide articulation agreements -More to come!  Changes to Graduation Index to serve as incentive for districts/schools  Communications campaign to direct more students to technical colleges and careers  More work-based learning opportunities

31 LA CORE 4 CURRICULUM  4 rigorous courses in English, Math, Science and Social Studies, plus other course requirements  All students must enroll, but may select the Basic Core after 2 years (requires parent’s permission and counselor approval)  Flexibility to allow students to complete CTE program BESE policy becomes effective for 9 th graders of 2008-09  4 rigorous courses in English, Math, Science and Social Studies, plus other course requirements  All students must enroll, but may select the Basic Core after 2 years (requires parent’s permission and counselor approval)  Flexibility to allow students to complete CTE program BESE policy becomes effective for 9 th graders of 2008-09

32 INCREASE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS  Require a 4 th year of math (Only additional requirement)  Changes credits required from 23 to 24 New BESE policy becomes effective for 9 th graders in 2008-09  Require a 4 th year of math (Only additional requirement)  Changes credits required from 23 to 24 New BESE policy becomes effective for 9 th graders in 2008-09

33 DUAL ENROLLMENT  Funding for dual enrollment (BOR – Early Start) $2 million in 2006-07 $4 million in 2007-08 $5 million in 2008-09  Three types of courses Academic Developmental CTE  Funding for dual enrollment (BOR – Early Start) $2 million in 2006-07 $4 million in 2007-08 $5 million in 2008-09  Three types of courses Academic Developmental CTE

34 CAREER PREPARATION FOR BASIC CORE STUDENTS Tentative Recommendation HSR Commission  Career area of concentration  Education for Careers course  WorkKeys training and assessment Tentative Recommendation HSR Commission  Career area of concentration  Education for Careers course  WorkKeys training and assessment

35 END OF COURSE TESTS  Tests being phased in Algebra I and Geometry English II and English III Biology and Physical Science Civics and American History  May count as part of final course grade  Tentative Plan is to Replace GEE Pass 1 math, 1 English, 1 Science or Social Studies Become effective for 9 th graders of 2010-11  Tests being phased in Algebra I and Geometry English II and English III Biology and Physical Science Civics and American History  May count as part of final course grade  Tentative Plan is to Replace GEE Pass 1 math, 1 English, 1 Science or Social Studies Become effective for 9 th graders of 2010-11

36 COMPREHENSIVE CURRICULUM REVISIONS  Aligned with college expectations  Increased relevancy  Literacy infusion  Aligned with college expectations  Increased relevancy  Literacy infusion

37 DEVELOPMENT OF NEW COURSES Courses with high workplace relevancy To be available for 2008-09:  Senior Applications in English  Senior Applications in Math/Math Essentials Other courses such as Anatomy/Physiology to be developed Courses with high workplace relevancy To be available for 2008-09:  Senior Applications in English  Senior Applications in Math/Math Essentials Other courses such as Anatomy/Physiology to be developed

38 MORE ADVANCED LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES  New AP courses through Louisiana Virtual School  Training of AP teachers  Expansion of dual enrollment programs

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