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10/12/20151 Fillmore Middle School Fillmore Unified School District School Site Council (SSC)

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Presentation on theme: "10/12/20151 Fillmore Middle School Fillmore Unified School District School Site Council (SSC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 10/12/20151 Fillmore Middle School Fillmore Unified School District School Site Council (SSC)

2 Why do we have an SSC? Every district school is required to establish and maintain an appropriately-configured School Site Council. Meaningful consultation on site plan and categorical budgets California Education Code § 52852

3 Myths about SSCs The principal is a non-voting member of the SSC. The principal has veto power over SSC decisions. A majority is 50%. Operational issues and student discipline come under the SSC’s purview. Roundtable is an appropriate SSC agenda item. The SSC is an advisory group.

4 SSC Responsibilities Develop, monitor, and evaluate a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for categorically funded programs operated at the school to improve student achievement. (Education Code Section 64001)

5 SSC Responsibilities SSC members must have knowledge of, review, and monitor: Student achievement data (STAR, API scores, reading and math benchmark assessment results, CELDT results, attendance rates, suspension rates, etc.) The implementation of the various components of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) The effectiveness of the SPSA strategies and make modifications as needed

6 Purpose and Duties of the SSC Establish the Council and Bylaws. Establish/Review school goals and select specific improvements. Develop the SPSA with collaboration and input from other advisory groups. Allocate categorical expenditures associated with the plan. Monitor progress of plan implementation.

7 Purpose and Duties of SSC (cont.) Review/Modify plan as needed. Collaborate with other advisory groups. Develop/Oversee Title I Parent Involvement Policy and Home/School Compact. Recommend plan to Board of Education.

8 Roles and Responsibilities of SSC Members Regularly attend SSC meetings; come prepared with materials and good ideas. Review district policies and procedures regarding categorical programs and budgets. Review meeting procedures. Focus on improving student achievement for all students.

9 The School Principal Is a voting member of the council. Provides information and leadership. Is responsible for staff and student elections of the SSC. Is responsible for the proper functioning and implementation of the SSC. Is responsible for any program and/or fiscal implications due to non-compliance with federal/state policies, rules, and regulations. Directs staff to implement the approved Student Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and monitors in conjunction with SSC.

10 Officers The council shall elect officers, including: Chairperson to organize, convene, and lead meetings of the council Vice-Chairperson to serve in the absence of the chairperson *Secretary to record events and actions taken at council meetings

11 Organizing the SSC Opportunity and Equal Education Access The District does not deny any person the opportunity to participate as a member of planning or advisory committees on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, mental disability, or physical disability.

12 Organizing the SSC Elementary/Middle School Composition

13 Elementary Model 10 Total Members of School Site Council Principal-1 Classroom Teachers-3 Other Staff (1) Parents/Community(5)

14 Rules of Order Meetings must be open to the public. The public must be given the opportunity to address the School Site Council (SSC) on topics under the jurisdiction of the SSC. Notice of the meeting must be posted at the school site or other accessible place at least 72 hours in advance The SSC cannot act on an item not described on the posted agenda unless, by unanimous vote, it finds a need for action unknown when the agenda was posted. The notice must specify the meeting date, time, location, and the agenda. If these procedures are violated, upon demand of any person, the SSC must reconsider the item at its next meeting, after allowing for public input on the item. (Education Code Section 35147) The Greene Act - The council must observe the following rules of order:

15 How To Hold Elections Can be in the Spring or Fall. Call for Nominations (via school newsletter, website, at PTA meetings, registration, etc). Elections must be open to all eligible constituents.

16 SSC Bylaws Bylaws should clarify such matters as: Duration of terms for members and officers Election procedures Meeting times Quorum requirements Attendance procedures Means of electing members and officers Notice of elections for each peer group Responsibilities of the council A policy of non-discrimination Election of alternate members

17 The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)  The intent of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is to create a cycle of continuous improvement of student performance, and to ensure that all students succeed in reaching state academic standards. The school plan serves as an official document in audits to determine appropriate expenditures of categorical funds, including equipment purchases, and personnel responsible to complete multi-funded and semiannual certifications.

18 Guidelines for Categorical Expenditures Provide direct instructional support to students to improve academic achievement. Supplement the district’s core program. Support professional development. Foster parent partnerships. Categorical funds must be: Reflected in the school plan. Approved by the SSC.

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