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Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 TExES and Student Advising Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 TExES and Student Advising Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 TExES and Student Advising Office

2 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 What’s New Number of Paper Based Test administrations reduced. -4 sessions for 2010-2011 testing year Fixed Administration CAT Exams-Offered 6 times per year ESL/Generalist EC-6, Business 6-12, Technology Applications EC-12 Reminder: Test admission ticket will no longer be mailed. Score reports will not be mailed. 2College of Education

3 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 What’s New The State of Texas is complying with a Federal mandate that requires new elementary teachers to show competency in all subject areas to comply with the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). For Texas teachers, this requires passing a Generalist exam (EC-4, EC-6, 4-8). Who does this impact: Content specific 4-8 certifications: Math, Science, Social Studies, English Language Arts 3College of Education

4 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 Types of Exam Offered Paper-Based Test (PBT) > 4 times a year Computer-Based Test (CAT) > 5-6 times a week at most test centers 4College of Education

5 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 Test dates PBT October 2, 2010 January 29, 2011 April 16, 2011 June 25, 2011 5College of Education

6 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 CAT dates Dates vary from one CAT center to another. Not all CAT exams are offered at all CAT centers. Plan accordingly. New CAT tests – Bilingual Generalist EC-6. 6College of Education

7 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 I am not sure which tests I am supposed to take? Go to 7College of Education

8 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 How should I prep for the tests? Free study guides @ Practice exams @ Talk to friends who have taken the exams. Course work. 8College of Education

9 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 Practice exams Register @ September 11, October 8, 2010 November 6, 2010 December 3, 2010 9College of Education

10 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 When should I take the exams? Ideal time …….. Anytime between now and graduation. 10College of Education

11 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 Where and how do I sign up? Go to TEA website @ Create Educator account Obtain TEA ID# Go to ETS website @ Create Testing account 11 College of Education

12 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 What should I do the day before the exam? 12College of Education Print admission ticket!

13 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 What should I do on the day of the exam? -Arrive early @ least 30 minutes before. -Bring IDs to test centers. -Check Registration Bulletin 13College of Education

14 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 Scores and such. Get scores online @ ETS website. Print score reports within 90 days. 14College of Education

15 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 Apply for graduation Fall 2010 – September 16 Check Academic Calendar for date changes 15College of Education

16 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 Apply for certification @ TEA Final semester Passed all required exams Complete fingerprinting Get a 16College of Education

17 Student Teacher Orientation Fall 2010 TExES Advising Office Matthews Hall 103 940-369-8601 Student Advising Office 940-565-2736 TEA 512-936-8400 ETS 800-205-2626 17College of Education Contact

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