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Www.statistik.atWe provide information Chapter 4 Data Sources and data collection 8 th OCG Meeting Wolfgang Bittermann Directorate R BAKU 24 - 27 September.

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Presentation on theme: "Www.statistik.atWe provide information Chapter 4 Data Sources and data collection 8 th OCG Meeting Wolfgang Bittermann Directorate R BAKU 24 - 27 September."— Presentation transcript:

1 www.statistik.atWe provide information Chapter 4 Data Sources and data collection 8 th OCG Meeting Wolfgang Bittermann Directorate R BAKU 24 - 27 September 2013

2 www.statistik.atslide 2 | 12 October 2015 The 3 rd draft colours used : Green – new text Yellow – input from partners needed Cyan – country examples (Austria) that should be replaced by examples from other countries This draft doesn’t include contributions from the volunteers, for the time being (because they were not invited to contribute so far).

3 www.statistik.atslide 3 | 12 October 2015 Recommendations from OCG 7 th meeting 1 Provided a number of suggestions for the chapter to include: a reference to the multipurpose approach to data collection and the reuse of data; a link to the statistical production process that is presented in Chapter 8; a reference to the use of secondary data sources for validation purposes; some text on the data disclosure and challenge with confidentiality issues; some text on the legal obligation which in some cases would decide what kind of data sources/collection methods to use.

4 www.statistik.atslide 4 | 12 October 2015 Recommendations from OCG 7 th meeting 2 Considered important that the chapter keeps the focus on data collection and compilation methods specific to energy statistics. Recommended that attention should be paid not to have overlaps with the information presented in other chapters of the ESCM. In particular, the discussion of quality aspects and metadata should not covered in detail in this chapter, but in Chapter 8. Discussed if modeling should be included in the chapter and to what extent. Some suggested that it should be mentioned only when it is used for data collection/compilation (e.g. identifying the sample frame). Country practices could be included on this topic. This will be revisited once a revised draft chapter is available.

5 www.statistik.atslide 5 | 12 October 2015 Recommendations from OCG 7 th meeting 3 Agreed also to include some text on how to proceed in situations where data collection by questionnaires or administrative registers does not work (i.e. reference to the presentation from Ghana) Suggested to include as country practice the use of client information for natural gas in the Netherlands. Suggested to include also more information on energy prices (i.e. reference to paper prepared for the 4th Oslo group meeting in Ottawa) and how to provide good price information.

6 www.statistik.atslide 6 | 12 October 2015 Comments on the 2 nd draft Include data editing, imputation validation Modeling later in the chapter Adjustments for energy accounts Role of legislation Correction of biases from sample surveys Include Prices IRES product classification/SIEC More specific to energy Data sources by type of flows Advantages/disadvantages of methods Economic performance of energy industries Data items on reserves/resources

7 www.statistik.atslide 7 | 12 October 2015 What is new 1 2 additional subchapters  Modeling  Multipurpose approaches – Country practices Link to chapter 8 More details on planning a new data collection (multipurpose data use) Energy accounts Matrix on suitable instruments Examples for registers Country examples

8 www.statistik.atslide 8 | 12 October 2015 What is new 2 Focus on measurement units International classifications Comparison between supplier – consumer surveys Price statistics Model based data validation Model based estimation if surveys/registers don‘t work Country examples

9 www.statistik.atslide 9 | 12 October 2015 What is still needed Additional country examples (highlighted in yellow)  Energy accounts  Supplier surveys  Consumption surveys in industry/services  Household energy consumption in a tropical country Country cases to replace Austrian examples (highlighted in cyan)  Electricity and gas consumption by purpose  Austrian household energy consumption survey  Model based data validation  Modeling electricity consumption (data matching) Text modules to complement or replace the existing text

10 www.statistik.atslide 10 | 12 October 2015 Matrix on suitable instruments

11 www.statistik.atslide 11 | 12 October 2015 Questions to the group Do you agree with the proposed structure? Is the matrix complete or are you still missing something? Who has/knows good examples to be used? I now invite especially the institutions that have offered to contribute to give their input to that parts of the chapter they are not happy with, for the time being, and to assist the coordinator with examples for their countries to fill the country example gaps.

12 www.statistik.atslide 12 | 12 October 2015 Volunteers to assist in the drafting of Chapter 4 Country/OrganizationRepresentativeE-mail Indonesia/BPS Statistics IndonesiaMr. Mudjiandoko Canada/Statistics CanadaAndy Kohut Cameroon/Ministère de l'Energie et de l'Eau (MINEE) Defo Wafo Sylvain, Congo/Ministère de l'EnergieWilly Kipoy S. Musalu Ghana/Energy Commission of GhanaSalifu Addo UK/UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) Iain MacLeay México/Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía Roberto López Pérez Australian Bureau of StatisticsKaren UNSD

13 www.statistik.atslide 13 | 12 October 2015 Next steps (from the coordinators PoV) Decision on the structure of the chapter: during this meeting Decision who will contribute and in which way: during this meeting Submission of the conrtibutions to the coordinator: November 2014 Implementation of the contributions: December 2014 Copy editing of the final draft.

14 www.statistik.atslide 14 | 12 October 2015 Please address queries to: Wolfgang Bittermann Contact information: Guglgasse 13, 1110 Vienna phone: +43 (1) 71128-7315 fax: +43 (1) 71128-8155 wolfgang.bittermann@statistik. Thank you for your attention

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