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Plant Kingdom Division of Domain Eukarya All are producers – autotrophs – photosynthesize (Venus Fly trap?) All have eukaryotic cells All are multicellular.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Kingdom Division of Domain Eukarya All are producers – autotrophs – photosynthesize (Venus Fly trap?) All have eukaryotic cells All are multicellular."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Kingdom Division of Domain Eukarya All are producers – autotrophs – photosynthesize (Venus Fly trap?) All have eukaryotic cells All are multicellular

2 Phylogenetic Tree  Family tree that shows the evolutionary relationships thought to exist among groups of organisms.

3 Algal Ancestors Seedless Non vascular Plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms Seedless vascular plants

4 Vascular tissue  Type of tissue that transports water and dissolved substances throughout the plant  Provides support for the plant  What advantage does a plant have when it has vascular tissue?

5 Algal Ancestors Seedless Non vascular Plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms Seedless vascular plants

6 Seedless Non – Vascular Plants  No vascular tissue  No true roots or leaves  Attached to soil by rhizoids – which absorb water and minerals.  Produce spores to reproduce


8  Pioneer plant – one of the 1 st to appear in an environment.  Phyla: Mosses, Liverwort and hornworts  These plants don’t have vascular tissue, so what type of habitat must they live in? Non – Vascular Plants

9 Algal Ancestors Seedless Non vascular Plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms Seedless vascular plants

10 Seedless Vascular Plants  Have vascular tissue  Reproduce with spores.  Phyla: Ferns, Club mosses, Horsetails  What type of habitat can these plants be found in?

11 Algal Ancestors Seedless Non vascular Plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms Seedless vascular plants

12 Vascular Seed Plants  Have vascular tissue and reproduce with a seed.  Can be herbaceous or woody.  Phyla 1.Gymnosperms EvergreenEvergreen Have conesHave cones Seeds are naked – not protected by a fruit.Seeds are naked – not protected by a fruit. Example: Red PineExample: Red Pine

13 Algal Ancestors Seedless Non vascular Plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms Seedless vascular plants

14 2.Angiosperms Flowering Plants.Flowering Plants. Usually deciduous.Usually deciduous. Most have seeds protected in a fruit.Most have seeds protected in a fruit. Example: Apple treeExample: Apple tree

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