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Bryophytes Oldest plants ~400 million years old

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2 Bryophytes Oldest plants ~400 million years old
Autotrophic, multicellular eukaryotes 18,600 species Mosses, Liverworts, Hornworts

3 Bryophytes Nonvascular- cannot transport water or nutrients or starch
No true leaves, roots, stems- Small <20 cm 3 features of land plants Cuticle Cellular jacket around gametes Large gametophytes separate from sporophyte

4 Mosses 10, 000 species Grow in moist areas- water still needed for sperm to move to egg Peat moss- used for fuel Rhizoids- root-like structures used for attachment to soil

5 Mosses

6 Hornworts

7 Liverworts

8 Bryophytes life cycle

9 Seedless Vascular plants
Next group to evolve further features for life on land Xylem and Phloem- move water and sugars throughout the plant 13, 000 species True roots, leaves, stems- rhizomes NO SEEDS but use SPORES Large sporophyte

10 Seedless vascular 4 major divisions Pterophyta- ferns
Psilotophyta- whisk ferns Lycophyta- club mosses Sphenophyta- horsetails

11 Lycophyta 1,100 species Club mosses- still need the water to reproduce
Commonly called “mini pines” Cone-like structures called a strobilus contain spore producing leaves

12 Club Mosses

13 Psilotophyta Whisk ferns- not true ferns
Rhizomes- short branched, horizontal absorptive stems that grow underground Reduced leaves Photosynthetic branches

14 Psilotophyta Whisk ferns- not true ferns
Rhizomes- short branched, horizontal absorptive stems that grow underground Reduced leaves Photosynthetic branches

15 Whisk Ferns

16 Horsetails

17 Pterophyta Ferns- 12,000 species Largest and most diverse group
Mostly tropical 1 cm across to 25 m tall Vascularized rhizomes give rise to roots and leaves Sporangia on leaves release spores

18 Ferns Stomata in leaves
Life cycle dominated by sporpohyte (1st time we see this) Eggs and sperm produced- need water Immature leaves are called fiddleheads- mature leaves- fronds

19 Ferns Sorus- clusters of sporangia- spore producing tissue

20 Fern life cycle

21 Tree fern

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