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Annual Work Plan & Budget 1
Objectives To improve the nutritional status of children.
To increase and retain enrolment in schools. To reduce drop-out rate. To improve health and hygiene of the child by increasing nutrition level. To improve learning outcomes of children.
Action Taken on Commitment Made By The State In Last PAB Meeting.
Action taken on commitment made by the State in last PAB
1 Delay in released of funds and delay in payment to cook- cum-helpers. Steps have been taken to release fund by e-transfer from the State to the Sub-Divisional and inturn from the Sub-Divisional to the Schools Bank Account. Steps have also been taken to transfer the funds directly from the State to the schools account during this current financial year in order to address the issue of mismatch of utilization of cooking cost and foodgrain. The Corpus Fund amounting to Rs Crores for Mid Day Meal w.e.f has been approved by State Government so that there is no gap in providing cook meals to the children and payment of honorarium to cook-cum-helpers. 2 Management and Monitoring Recruitment process has been initiated by the State Government through advertisement for the 3 posts of Consultant and one post of Data Entry Operator at the State Level as recommended by the JRM for Mid Day Meal Scheme and as well as for Districts.
Action taken on commitment made by the State in last PAB
3 Delay in Payment to FCI During , payment of cost of foodgrain is paid only for the 1st Quarter for Rs lakhs and for the 2nd & 3rd Quarter of of Rs Lakhs and the amount is made during March 2015. The reason for not being able to clear the FCI bills on a priority basis is because payments have to be made for the previous year from the current year allocation.
Action taken on commitment made by the State in last PAB
4 Convergence School Health Programme Toilet/Drinking water The State Government has setup a Coordination Committee for proper monitoring and supervision of School Health Programme with Health Department and for Toilet/Drinking water/Hand Washing with PHE Department. The State Coordination Committee Meeting has been held with Health Department on the 29th March, 2014 , 7th May, 2014 & 27th Feb With PHE Department on 4th July, 2014, 4th August 2014 & 27th Feb 2015. 5 Training of cook- cum-helper The State Government has tied up with the Institute of Hotel Management (IHM), Shillong to impart training to 100 cook- cum-helpers in the State from 5th – 9th August 2014 and similarly Training Calendar schedule will be framed for training of cooks by Master Trainer numbering to 300 who have been trained by Akshaya Patra Foundation and IHM, Shillong.
Action taken on commitment made by the State in last PAB
6 Evaluation on Poor performance districts Steps have taken to conduct sample Evaluation study on 3(three) poor performance Districts in the State by IHM Shillong and the action is being initiated on the recommendations of the Evaluation Reports.. 7 Convening of District Vigilance and Monitoring Committee meeting in each Quarter District Monitoring-cum-Vigilance and Monitoring Committee Meeting have been held and chaired by the Member of Parliament. Such meeting was held in East Khasi Hills on , Jaintia Hills on August 2014 and Garo Hills on 8 Emergency Medical Plan The State Government has taken steps to ensure that important telephone numbers like Primary Health Center, District Hospitals, Ambulance, Police, Fire Brigade are painted and display in a proper place to be used in case of emergency.
Action taken on commitment made by the State in last PAB
9 Centralized Kitchen Sheds The IHM is being requested to submit detail plan and proposal regarding centralized kitchen sheds, so that the same could be taken up in future. The proposal are yet to be received from IHM. 10 Inspections Instructions have been issued to all DSEOs and SDSEOs including inspecting staff that at least 10 schools or more should be inspected during the month. The DCs/SDO(Civil) may also be involved for school inspection on implementation of MDMS. Reports of the inspection should be submitted to the Directorate regularly. The proforma for inspection is being prepared by the Directorate and will be forwarded to all the Districts.
Action taken on commitment made by the State in last PAB
11 Awareness Programmes An Awareness Programmes on Mid Day Meal in collaboration with SSA & C&RD is going on in the State. Reports has been submitted by East Khasi Hills and South West Khasi Hills. Other Districts report is awaited. 12 Data Entry into the MDM MIS Web Portal Steps have been taken to expedite that the data entry is complete at the earliest. All concerned officers at the Level of SDSEOs have been directed to complete the Annual & Monthly Data Entry into the MIS Portal. Matter also have been taken up with SPD-SSA to ensure that regular meeting are held with the BMCs/BRCs/CRCs, to ensure that teachers bring information as per prescribed format for MDM Scheme and to submit the same to the BMCs/BRCs/CRCs to be submitted to the SDSEOs for Data Entry into the MIS Portal.
Performance During
Schools: PAB Approval Vs. Coverage (2014-15)
Approved Covered Difference Primary 7968 7963 5 Upper Primary 3259 Total 11227 11222 5 SSA LPS have surrender SSA Scheme in East Jaintia Hills and hence MDM is not provided.
School : Approval Vs. Coverage (Primary)
School : Approval Vs. Coverage (Upper Primary)
Beneficiaries during 2014-15
(Children) Category Enrolment PAB Approved Avg. Benef-iciaries till % Approved Vs. Benif. % Enrl. Vs. Benif. Primary 405729 378351 376173 99.42% 92.72% Upper Primary 169357 135861 135561 99.78% 80.04% Total 575086 514212 511734 99.52% 88.98%
Children : Approval Vs. Coverage (Primary)
(in Lakhs) (In lakhs)
Children : Approval Vs. Coverage (Upper Primary)
(in Lakhs) 1.36 1.35 1.36 1.35 (In lakhs)
Plan Vs. Performance Primary & Upper Primary
Category MDM-PAB Approval for till Performance upto Schools Children (in Lakhs) Working Days Meal Served (in Crores) Meal Served (in Crores) Primary 7968 3.78 174 6.58 7563 3.76 168 6.50 U.Primary 3259 1.36 178 2.42 1.35 173 2.27 Total 11227 5.14 9.00 10822 5.11 8.77
Utilisation of Foodgrain in 2014-15 (Till Dec’ 2014)
Units in MTs Allocation Opening Balance Lifting Utilised Balance LPS 0.00 UPS Total
Food grains Utilisation (Primary)
(in MTs) 99 %
Food grains Utilisation (Upper Primary)
(in MTs) 100 %
Details of Budget Provision and Releases 2014-15
Rs. In Lakhs Sl. No. Component Budget Provision as Per PAB Budget Released till Unutilized Budget Central Share State Share Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Recurring Assistance Cost of Foodgrain 680.85 0.00 408.41 272.44 Cooking Cost 423.07 253.49 Honorarium to Cook-cum-Helper 177.89 872.85 96.98 969.83 809.07 Transportation Assistance 118.10 70.86 47.24 MME 108.41 55.06 53.35 600.96 350.47 Non-Recurring Assistance Kitchen Sheds 109.81 Kitchen Devices 30.75 Grand Total 710.77
Non-Recurring Assistance
Utilisation of Funds upto 31st December 2014 (Primary and Upper Primary) Rupees in Crores Category Alloca-tion Opening Balance Releases Expenditure Central State Total Recurring Assistance Cost of Foodgrain 6.81 0.00 4.08 3.68 Cooking Cost 42.31 0.03 0.06 22.81 2.53 25.34 21.36 2.37 23.73 Honorarium to cook-cum-helper 17.79 0.88 0.12 1.00 8.73 0.97 9.70 9.60 1.09 10.69 Transportation Cost 1.18 0.71 MME 1.08 0.55 0.57 69.17 1.03 0.15 36.88 3.50 40.38 35.92 3.46 39.38 Non-Recurring Assistance Kitchen-Sheds 12.08 Kitchen Devices 0.31 12.39 Grand Total 81.56 37.19 40.69
Funds Utilisation Vs. Allocation upto Dec’2014
Payment to FCI MTs MTs MTs
Cooking cost :Allocation Vs. Utilisation
(Rs in lakhs) % Utilisation 25
No. of Cooks working under MDM 2014-15
Total No of CCH Engaged Category of cooks SC ST OBC Minority General Total 348 16163 77 269 100 16957 No. of CCH posts approved : No. of CCH working : 26 26
Honorarium to CCH : Releases & Utilisation Primary &Upper Primary (Upto December 2014)
(Rs in Lakhs) % Utilisation 27
Transportation Assistance : Approved Vs. Utilisation
(Rs in Lakhs) 121.23 121.23 118.10 % Utilisation 70.86 28
MME : Releases & Utilisation
(Rs in Lakhs) 111.74 97.13 % Utilisation 57.23 Rs in lakhs 29
Progress on Construction of Kitchen Sheds
Primary & Upper Primary Year Sanctioned Completed In progress Yet to start 2539 468 1294 1467 1308 3723 2474 1114 135 Total 9491 8242
Progress on procurement of Kitchen Devices
Components Physically Allocation since as on 31st December 2014 Physically Progress since as on 31st December 2014 Total allocation Purchased In Progress Kitchen Devices ( to ) 10612 ( ) 615 Total 11227 Replacement 3007 GrandTotal 14234 13619
) School health Programme (SHP) Distribution of spectacles
Component Annual Target Achieved till Jan’ 15 % Health Check-up 608836 253369 41.62 Distribution of spectacles - 505 Nutrient Tablets Deworming Vitamin A Folic Acid Number of children Served - 322 32 32
Toilet/Drinking Water
Government and Government Aided schools having Facilities Total Schools Available Boys Toilet* Girls Toilet** water Hand Washing Facility near Toilet/Urinal 11227 9729 5903 7334 816 Government and Government Aided schools Not having Facilities Total Schools Available Boys Toilet* Girls Toilet** water Hand Washing Facility near Toilet/Urinal 11227 1498 1145 3893 10411 Source: UDISE
Feeding of Data into MDM MIS Portal 2014-15
83% of Annual Data Entries of Schools are completed. Annual and Monthly Data Entries of Schools is done at Sub- Divisional levels and at NIC Offices. Data entry operator-Cum-Office Assistant and casual data- entry operator are feeding information to MIS Portal. 34 34
MIS-Portal – Annual Entry Status
As on
MIS-Portal – Monthly Entry Status
As on
Proposal for
Number of Schools Propose to be Covered in 2015-16
S.No. Category No. of Schools Proposed Additional Schools for MDM Total of Schools Proposed to be Covered in 1 Primary 7963 613 8576 2 Upper Primary 3259 254 3513 Total 11222 867 12089 NB: 867 Schools out of which 859 Schools are Special Training Centers, 6 SSA Schools & 2 Govt. Aided Schools proposed to be cover during
Working Days (Primary & Up.Pry)
Physical Targets for S. No Component PAB Approval Achievement upto Enrolment as on Proposal for 1 Children (Pry) 378351 376172 422147 2 Children (U Pry) 135861 135560 177084 3 Working Days (Primary & Up.Pry) 200-Py 168-Py 220-UPy 173-UPy 220-Upy 4 Cook cum Helpers 17776 16784 19490 (including 2533 Addl.) 5 Kitchen cum Store Nil 572 6 Kitchen Devices 613 7380 (Replacement) 40
Financial Requirements for 2015-16
Rs. In Lakhs Category Primary Upper Primary Total Central State A) Recurring Assistance Cost of Foodgain 477.03 0.00 330.17 807.20 Cooking Cost 329.27 225.96 555.23 Transportation 163.12 112.90 276.02 Cook cum helper 175.16 528.44 58.72 233.88 MME 197.75 114.28 312.03 504.44 284.68 789.11 B) Non-Recurring Assistance Kitchen-Sheds 155.94 Kitchen Devices 269.75 66.95 336.70 G. Total (A+B) 440.62 945.06 Total (Central + State)
Training of Cook-cum-helper By IHM Shillong
Training of Cook-cum-helper By IHM Shillong
Awareness Programme on Mid Day Meal Under SAGY at Mawkynrew C&R
Awareness Programme on Mid Day Meal Under SAGY at Mawkynrew C&R.D Block during
Fieldwork approach By IHM Shillong
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