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Tuesday January 7, 2014 January 7, 2014. Lucas David Karrena Angie Mariano Marissa Kylie Napthali Kacey Chris Isabelle Samone Jannett Jonathan Danielle.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday January 7, 2014 January 7, 2014. Lucas David Karrena Angie Mariano Marissa Kylie Napthali Kacey Chris Isabelle Samone Jannett Jonathan Danielle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday January 7, 2014 January 7, 2014


3 Lucas David Karrena Angie Mariano Marissa Kylie Napthali Kacey Chris Isabelle Samone Jannett Jonathan Danielle Destiny Teo Nate Jesse Arlene Matt Desiree Elizabeth Elias Steven Elijah Acsa Chloe Sandra

4 Molly Valentin Josiah Lukas Jenny Faith Chris Jabbaar Jayda Alex B. Raul Victoria Nic Gigi Luis Donald Isabel Fernando Sara Josh Ashley Elizabeth Icses Adria Damian Amber Stephanie Parker Icses

5 Jordan Jimmy Adilene Alyssa Sabrina Daisy Jesse Jesus Angel Maria Liz Julia Anthony Josh Mac Allyson Ashley Sam Rosa Stephanie Daniel Brenda Danny Frank Cesar

6 Isabella Elijah Alejandra Erik Miguel Moses Ciera Aizeck Savvy Tina Sandra Christina Colby Yasmin Bobby Amy Demi Ben Antonio Andrew Ashley Elizabeth Icses Adria Quintin Jr.

7 19 th Century  What do you know about it?  What was going on during this time?  Which era was taking place?  What were some major events that took place?

8 Progressive EraProgressive Era  1895 – 1917 (start of WWI)  American women earn the right to vote in 1918  Jazz music becomes very popular  Filmmaking becomes very popular  Accessibility to tobacco and alcohol  The point is... Social change was happening fast!

9 19 th Century American Literature  Muckraking and Reform  Journalistic Phenomenon  The “literature of exposure”  Magazines are the primary medium, followed by newspapers  Focus on failures of government and corporations  Primary targets of muckrakers:  Child labor, exploitation of minorities by government and corporations, meat processing industry, photography of Jacob Riis depicting the crime and disease

10 Jacob RiisJacob Riis  Born in Ribe, Denmark in 1849  Immigrated to New York in 1870 at 21 years old.  Initially, he was unable to find work, so he lived in police lodging houses, begging for food.  After three years of doing odd jobs, he landed a job as a police reporter with the New York Evening Sun. He worked in the poorest, most crime-ridden areas of the city. These were generally neighborhoods where immigrants lived in deplorable tenement houses.  He is considered one of the fathers of photojournalism.

11 Jacob RiisJacob Riis  How the Other Half Lives inspired then police commissioner Theodore Roosevelt to close the police lodging houses as the conditions were so poor.  One of the things that Jacob Riis recognized was the need for parks and open spaces. The overcrowded tenement neighborhoods were unhealthy and helped breed crime. Riis said, “Bad boys and bad girls are not born but made... They are made bad by environment and training. The children must have room to play.”  He was called “New York’s most useful citizen.”

12 How the Other Half LivesHow the Other Half Lives  In the 1890s, many people in the middle and upper class society were unaware of the dangerous conditions in the slums among poor immigrants.  He blamed the apathy of the middle and upper classes for the conditions of the New York slums, and assumed that as people were made more aware of these conditions they would be motivated to help eradicate them.

13 Let’s recall...Let’s recall...

14 Visual Rhetoric Why is it important?  We use visual thinking as a major part of our cognition.  We live in a visually dominating world!  We must be able to read, dissect, and produce effective visuals.

15 The GoalThe Goal  The goal of rhetorical analysis is to demonstrate your understanding of how the piece communicates its messages and meanings.  Often, you are not looking to place a value judgment on the piece, and if there is an implicit or implied argument you may not be ultimately taking a side.

16 Let’s recall...Let’s recall...  Before break, we talked about how images present arguments. What were the ways?

17 With your photos...With your photos...  1. Each member at your table should choose one of Riis’s photos.  2. “Read” the photo and create a brief list of possible titles for the photo. Once you have done so, trade with another person in your group and repeat with the other pictures.  3. Once you have each come up with your lists of possible titles, discuss what you came up with and WHY. Be specific and back up your claim with evidence based on your knowledge. Be ready to share!

18 5 Cent Lodging5 Cent Lodging

19 $1 a Month$1 a Month

20 Dens of DeathDens of Death

21 Homeless ChildrenHomeless Children

22 Exit TicketExit Ticket  Why is visual rhetoric important?  How did Riis use his photos to present an argument? Write using your knowledge of the three persuasive appeals and the goal(s) of the muckrakers.  MAKE SURE TO WRITE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES. IF YOU FAIL TO DO SO, I WILL AUTOMATICALLY MARK IT A 0 AND RETURN IT TO YOU.

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