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Lesson 4 Bibimbap The best meal in a Bowl Positive negative.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 4 Bibimbap The best meal in a Bowl Positive negative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 4 Bibimbap The best meal in a Bowl Positive negative

2 Ingredient Seasoning sauce Hot pepper paste Bean paste Soy sauce vinegar Hot pepper powder crushed garlic Hunger is the best sauce

3 is a dish ________ of _________ rice with various v________, b____f, garnishes and red p_______ paste. It is said that this dish came from the customers of memorial service and rural villages. This dish is very c________t to provide, just mixing of cooked rice with various v_______, namul and red ________ paste together. Garnish 곁들이다 Urban 도시의 Bibimbap mixed cooked egetable ee epper onvenien egetable pepper Mixed. Cooked. Vegetables. Various Beef. Pepper. Convenient. Bibimbap

4 나 호주에 6 개월 전에 한국인 온 친구가 호주에 있다 I have a Korean friend _______ came to Australia six months ago. 함께 지금 그녀는 머무르고 우리와 있다. She’s now staying with us. 그녀는 한국에서 모든 것을 그리워 한다 즉, 가족, 친구, 그리고 물론 음식까지.. She missed everything in Korea: her family, friends, and of course, the food. 어제는 그녀의 생일이었다. 내가 그녀를 위해 특별한 무엇인가를 만들어 주었다. Yesterday was her birthday. I made something special for her.. 한국문화에 관한 웹사이트에서 아이디어를 얻었다. I got an idea from a website about Korean culture. who 나는 6 개월 전에 호주에 온 한국인 친구가 있다 I have a Korean friend. He came to Australia six months ago. 그녀는 지금 우리와 함께 머무르고 있다

5 1. Where did her friend come from? Her Korean friend came from Korea. She is a Korean. 2. When did her Korean friend come to Australia? She came to Australia six months ago. 3. When was her Korean friend’s birthday? Yesterday was her Korean friend’s birthday. 4. What did she do for her Korean friend? She made something special for her. 5. What was it? A Korean food, Bibimbap. 6. Where did she get an idea? She got an idea from a website about Korean culture.

6 Look at the present that I made for my Korean friend. 내가 친구를 위해 만들 선물을 보아.. You know what? 있잖아.. It really helped (to) stop her homesickness 그 선물로 인해 그녀의 향수병이 없어졌어. Motion sickness seasickness

7 Recipe for Bibimbap cooked rice stir-fry the carrots and mushrooms. Boil the beansprouts and spinach fry an egg

8 How to make Bibimbap Put some cooked rice in a bowl. Then add a small amount of each of the cooked vegetables. Add some gochujang, sesame oil, and a fried egg. Mix them well, and enjoy your bowl of Bibimbap Hot pepper past!

9 다음 문장을 이해하고 암기하도록 하세요 I have a Korean friend ________ came to Australia six months ago. 나는 6 개월 전 호주에 온 한국인 친구가 한 명있 습니다. She’s now staying with us. 그녀는 지금 우리들과 함께 머물고 있습니다. She misses everything in Korea: her family, friends, and, of course, the food. 그녀는 이 곳 한국에서 그녀의 가족, 친구, 물론 음식 등 모든 것을 그리워한다. who Colon 구체적인 내용 덧붙여 설명

10 Yesterday was her birthday. I made something special for her. 어제는 그녀의 생일이었다. 나는 그녀를 위해 무 엇인가 특별한 것을 만들었다. I got the idea from a website about Korean culture. 나는 한국 문화에 관한 웹사이트에서 아이디어 를 얻었다. Look at the present ________ I made for my Korean friend. 내가 한국인 친구를 위해 만든 선물을 보아 ! that

11 You know what? It really helped her stop her homesickness. 있잖아, 그 선물들이 그녀의 향수병을 멈추게 했 어.

12  stir-fried vegetables ( 프라이팬을 흔들면서 ) stir-fried vegetables 센 불에서 재빨리 볶은 야채.  멸치볶음 stir-fried anchovies 멸치볶음  볶음밥 stir-fried rice 볶음밥  낙지볶음 stir-fried small octopus 낙지볶음  shiitake mushroom 양송이 버섯  제육볶음 stir-fried spicy pork 제육볶음  닭갈비 spicy, stir-fried chicken ribs 닭갈비  낙지볶음 stir-fried small octopus 낙지볶음 (seasoned with red pepper)

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