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>>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Visit to eWaste Recycling, 91 Hillside Rd, Glenfield, Auckland. Meet in front of Building 111 at 9am. Expression of Interest.

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Presentation on theme: ">>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Visit to eWaste Recycling, 91 Hillside Rd, Glenfield, Auckland. Meet in front of Building 111 at 9am. Expression of Interest."— Presentation transcript:

1 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Visit to eWaste Recycling, 91 Hillside Rd, Glenfield, Auckland. Meet in front of Building 111 at 9am. Expression of Interest for transport! Fill the form Or meet us there. Field Trip Next Friday 1

2 Governance & Social Sustainability Good governance and sustainable human development are indivisible (UNDP, 1994)

3 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY What is governance? Why is it important? 3

4 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY the act of governing guidance consistent management cohesive policies processes and decision making- rights for a given area of responsibility governance is the way law & rules are set and implemented What is Governance? 4

5 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Governance is about overseeing policies, procedures and management, process and systems. Government at national levels have authority to oversee these processes and systems. Governance is what a "governing body" does Examples of governance? In a corporate entity? In a City? Governance and Government: The difference? 5

6 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Challenge for all societies is to create a system of governance that promotes, supports and sustains human development Governance can be seen as the exercise of economic, political and administrative authority to manage a country's affairs at all levels. Good governance is participatory, transparent and accountable. It is also effective and equitable. And it promotes the rule of law. 6

7 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1.Non-profit Governance: e.g. Board of Trustees 2.Participatory governance: e.g. Citizens Involvement 3.Project governance 4.Global governance: United Nations Some Types of Governance 7

8 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1.Who is in charge of project governance in this case? 2.How will this project “promote, support and sustain human development”? Project Governance: An Example 8

9 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Governance is about the interaction between institutions in all sectors, that must set goals and co-operate in achieving them and creating an orderly framework for action at local, national, regional and global levels. Governance needed for sustaining common resources for present and future generations.common Partnership between Governments and all sectors of civil society Organize, coordinate and implement policy at all levels: international, national, ecosystem, town and village levels. 9

10 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Global Governance 10 Three types of commons National commons: local territories of a nation e.g. fish, soil, forests, EEZ. Regional commons: resources bordering nations e.g. Nile basin (9 countries- Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Global commons: oceans, polar regions, outer space, atmosphere

11 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY No local regulatory authority (no Governance) 11 Individuals will over-exploit resources Degradation of quality of life TRAGEDY of the COMMONS

12 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Clear boundaries (documented in Conventions & protocols) Locally appropriate rules Collective Agreement: International Whaling CommissionInternational Whaling Commission Monitoring systems: e.g. Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) VideoVessel Monitoring Systems (VMS)Video Graduated sanctions to punish infringementsinfringements Conflict resolution mechanisms What is needed to stop the “Tragedy of the Commons” 12

13 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Players in Global Governance 13 Multilateral organizations: UN International associations: G8, CommonwealthG8 Regional groups: EU Private governance: Greenpeace, WWF National Governance: 230 in the world Subnational governments: Regional councils

14 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1.Read the article. What is the mentioned convention and it’s purpose?Read the article. 2.Was it effective and how? Conventions 14

15 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Some Conventions for Sustainability 15 Montreal Protocol – ozone layer protection Kyoto protocol- targets greenhouse gas reductions (some countries exempted?) Biodiversity Convention Rio Declaration Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution

16 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Social Sustainability 16

17 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Future generations should have the same or greater access to social resources as the current generation ("inter-generational equity"), while there should also be equal access to social resources within the current generation ("intra-generational equity"). Encompasses human rights, labour rights, and corporate governance. 17 What is Social Sustainability?

18 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Social sustainability is focused on the development of programs and processes that promote social interaction and cultural enrichment e.g. Cultural festivals in AucklandCultural festivals It emphasizes protecting the vulnerable, respecting social diversity and ensuring that we all put priority on social capital. Globally, The Food Aid Convention (FAC)Food Aid Convention (FAC How we make choices that affect other humans in our ‘global community’ -- the Earth. Social sustainability is also related to more basic needs of happiness, safety, freedom, dignity and affection. e.g UN globalglobal 18

19 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY It has the following dimensions: Equity - the community provides equitable opportunities and outcomes for all its members, particularly the poorest and most vulnerable members of the community (Globally: World Vision), Locally: Food bank and KidsCanWorld VisionFood bank e.g Education Policies, equal employment opportunity. Diversity - the community promotes and encourages diversity Interconnected/Social cohesions - the community provides processes, systems and structures that promote connectedness within and outside the community at the formal, informal and institutional level e.g. community events 19

20 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Quality of life - the community ensures that basic needs are met and fosters a good quality of life for all members at the individual, group and community level (eg. health, housing, education, employment, safety) New ZealandNew Zealand Democracy and governance - the community provides democratic processes and open and accountable governance structures. e.g. public feedback on bills Maturity - the individual accepts responsibility of consistent growth and improvement through broader social attributes (eg. communication styles, behavioural patterns, indirect education and philosophical explorations) 20

21 >>UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1. Electric cars: better for society?better for society? 2. Biofuels: Biofuels Biofuels 3. E-Waste: Dumping Grounds?Dumping Grounds? Social Sustainability and technology: some 21

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