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Energising local economies: Partnerships for prosperous communities Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba Commonwealth Deputy Secretary General Closing Session: Commonwealth.

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Presentation on theme: "Energising local economies: Partnerships for prosperous communities Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba Commonwealth Deputy Secretary General Closing Session: Commonwealth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energising local economies: Partnerships for prosperous communities Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba Commonwealth Deputy Secretary General Closing Session: Commonwealth Local Government Conference 2011 Closing Session: Commonwealth Local Government Conference 2011

2 At a time when........ Worrying economic/natural disasters/political developments. Impact of local and national political agendas Impact of financial delivery, confidence and facilitation in delivery mandate. Opportunity for better coordination, benchmarking and policies. Theme response: Partnership, sustainability(energy), Prosperity.

3 The Commonwealth and Millennium Development Goals  An explicit strategy to realise the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)  Gender equity  Basic education  Preventive education about HIV/AIDS  Child and maternal health  Global partnerships

4 Happening successfully on the ground  different needs/different communities  freedom and flexibility at local level  stronger and more visible leadership  frameworks, systems and incentives  pubic service- investment

5 The Power of CLGF Large representative Body Central government and academic research Complimentary role to Commonwealth Secretariat Public service/citizen/community interface Endorsement by Commonwealth Heads of Government of the Aberdeen Agenda.

6 Yet, the benefits do not happen automatically  Policy proclamations do not implement themselves  Commitment to good governance and development.  Strengthening fundamentals of democracy, consultation and engagement.  Concurrency of legislative powers, education etc  Challenges of equity, one government, socio-economic developments, standards and framework for delivery.

7 Primary building blocks  Cooperative Government.  Balance of resources/ interests/ non-compete  Financial viability: national vs local/  Consultation, Coordination, mutual support.  Enhanced Participation in decision making  Equitable share of national assets.  Closer, constructive and dynamic stakeholder engagement.

8 The challenge  How do we move beyond communiqués and policies to concrete implementation and demonstrated outcomes?  Ability to deliver clean, good and effective government.  Managing expectations,  Private public partnerships, Innovation, Delivery.

9 The challenge  Women: Agents of Change  SG Comments and update on the EPG  Relevance to membership, democracy, development, visibility, impact.  Greater role in conflict resolution, respect and understanding  Next CHOGM Perth, October 2011  Vulnerability of small states, Youth, Gender, Human rights mainstreaming.

10 Finally  Mobilisation and operationising outcomes  Best Practice, Shared experiences  Local development as driver for political stability and governance  Models for engagement and sustainability  Inclusive development  Last met in Botswana, Now in Cardiff, may I guess next is Dominica.  Support and engagement of Comsec.


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