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1 Quality of life N.G. Neznanov, prof. St. Petersburg neuropsychiatric Research Institute. VM spondylitis ALMATY,, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Quality of life N.G. Neznanov, prof. St. Petersburg neuropsychiatric Research Institute. VM spondylitis ALMATY,, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Quality of life N.G. Neznanov, prof. St. Petersburg neuropsychiatric Research Institute. VM spondylitis ALMATY,, 2009

2 2 The purpose of the presentation Substantiate the idea that according to already known to the general trends of the society towards globalization of social psychiatry in the future will inevitably face some problems, and solving them will be forced to use the quality of life of the strategic goal of its activities

3 3 globalization "Free movement of flows of ideas, people, goods, services and capital, leading to ever-increasing integration of economies and societies." International Monetary Fund "the process of forming a single global financial information space on the basis of new, mostly computer technology " MG Deljagin

4 4 Global Problem Basic humanitarian problem of the future - it's maladjustment, due to delay of adaptive processes regarding stress factors of globalization novelty, complexity, number of events

5 5 Adaptation and Quality of Life New challenges require the use of social psychiatry universal criteria of adaptation to life of both patients and healthy individuals. These criteria are the quality of life indicators that measure the subjective relationship of the individual to the internal and external validity on the basis of a unified system of concepts.

6 6 The notion of "quality of life" "The perception of people of their position in life in the context of the culture and values ​​ and in accordance with their own objectives, expectations, standards and concerns» (WHOQOL, 1993)

7 7 QOL Medical Subjective evaluation system patozavisimyh individual experiences that motivate its adaptive behavior. Defining the group QoL Institute of VM Bekhterev

8 8 Optimization mechanism Measuring QOL fill the shortage of information about the inner world of the participants and the treatment process removes motivational conflicts

9 9 The results of the optimization of treatment The reorientation of the patient with residual manifestations of the disease with complete recovery of health on compensatory increase the quality of life The reorientation of the patient with a residual reduction of QoL with a recovery in the structure of quality of life on a compensatory change of life values

10 10 Adaptation and QOL: Thanks differentiation dysfunctions and reactions to them, the tools: Psychiatrists help reconcile patients with irreversible losses they suffer due to illness Stimulate the search for compensatory sources of satisfaction in other areas of life, instead of fruitless attempts to treat already incurable and hence deterioration of life, instead of improvement thereof.

11 11 Tools JV –Quality of Life Scale (QLS) * –Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) * –Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) * –Functional status questionnaire (FSQ) –Scale level of functioning (LFS) –Assessment of social competence Maryland –Social Adaptation Scale (SAS) –Social Adaptation Scale II (SAS-II) –Impact of the disease profile (SIP) –Scale of evaluation of social and occupational functioning (SOFAS) –Scale of assessment of psychosocial Fitness (PARS) –Subjective assessment of the state of health when taking neuroleptics (SWN) –The scale of everyday life and social functioning (PSP)

12 12 New tool QOL 2F (Burkovsky GV et al) designed for measuring the quality of life psihotikozavisimogo - that part of the emotional relationship of the individual to his life, which depends on the state of mental health and motivates his participation in treatment that part of the emotional relationship of the individual to his life, which depends on the state of mental health and motivates his participation in treatment

13 13 Self-preservation and self-development Self-preservation - a relatively simple, stereotyped and current view of life, aimed at maintaining the stability and preservation of life Self-development - relatively complex, creative and strategic view of life, aiming at the development and improvement of living

14 14 Self-healing and self-sufficiency Self-healing - restoring balance and psychophysiological balance between the individual and his environment Self-sufficiency - providing yourself and your family the material means of subsistence

15 15 We do not know how long I will survive the earth and sky, but we know that it is always 3 and 7 is 10. Augustine of Hippo

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