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Sparkman Middle School MIDDLE SCHOOL 101. Sparkman Middle School Established in 1999 Established in 1999 Mascot: Cougars Mascot: Cougars School Colors:

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1 Sparkman Middle School MIDDLE SCHOOL 101

2 Sparkman Middle School Established in 1999 Established in 1999 Mascot: Cougars Mascot: Cougars School Colors: Blue and Black School Colors: Blue and Black Grade Configuration: 6 th – 8 th Grade Configuration: 6 th – 8 th Current Enrollment: 820 Current Enrollment: 820

3 SMS GOALS FOR 2007-2008 Increase Math Scores Increase Reading Scores Increase Science Scores Increase Technology Use Increase Parental Involvement

4 How do we establish goals? Title I – Continuous School Improvement Committee Title I – Continuous School Improvement Committee DATA – Formal and Informal Data DATA – Formal and Informal Data SAT 10 Scores, ARMT Scores, ThinkLink Results, Benchmark Assessments, ADAW Levels, Informal Reading Inventory, STAR Reading Test, ASA (Alabama Science Assessment), Grades SAT 10 Scores, ARMT Scores, ThinkLink Results, Benchmark Assessments, ADAW Levels, Informal Reading Inventory, STAR Reading Test, ASA (Alabama Science Assessment), Grades

5 Advanced Course Offerings Math Language Arts Social Studies Science Algebra I (8 th )



8 Modified Block Schedule More instructional time for ARI StrategiesMore instructional time for ARI Strategies More instructional time for AMSTI ImplementationMore instructional time for AMSTI Implementation A decrease in office referralsA decrease in office referrals Improve attendanceImprove attendance Less time lost in the halls between classesLess time lost in the halls between classes Less stress on both the students and the teachersLess stress on both the students and the teachers More time for teacher planningMore time for teacher planning Reduces the number of students with whom teachers have daily contactReduces the number of students with whom teachers have daily contact Encourages cooperative learning, problem solving, decision making, research, use of manipulative, discovery learning and hands-on projectsEncourages cooperative learning, problem solving, decision making, research, use of manipulative, discovery learning and hands-on projects Allows students more intense focus on subject matterAllows students more intense focus on subject matter

9 Typical Schedule

10 Unique Course Offerings Computer Applications Career Technology *Ed. Task Force Pilot School 2007* Band Consistently Qualifies for State Competition All- State Band Students Visual Arts

11 Unique Course Offerings Yearbook/Journalism Indian Education ESL Services DRAMA/Humanities

12 Athletics Team Sports for 7 th and 8 th Grade Students

13 Athletic Requirements Before tryouts the following items are required…… 1. Certified Birth Certificate 2. Insurance Waiver 3. Physical Examination Signed by a Doctor

14 Clubs and Organizations 4-H Club (6 th Grade) First Priority Fellowship of Christian Athletes National Junior Honor Society (7 th and 8 th Grade) Student Government Association Chess Club Scholars Bowl (7 th and 8 th Grade) After School Tutoring

15 Parent Involvement Parent, Teacher, Student Association – PTSA Title I Team Volunteering: Career Day, Clinic, Health Fair, Picture Days, Teacher Classroom Booster Clubs: Athletic and Band Parent Advisory Committee

16 6 th Grade Orientation During the Month of May Incoming 6 th Grade Visit During the School Day Parent Open House for Incoming 6 th Grade

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