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@ IYL 2015. “Let there be a Year of Light” The International Year of Light is: A global initiative created by UNESCO and adopted by the United Nations.

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Presentation on theme: "@ IYL 2015. “Let there be a Year of Light” The International Year of Light is: A global initiative created by UNESCO and adopted by the United Nations."— Presentation transcript:

1 @ IYL 2015

2 “Let there be a Year of Light” The International Year of Light is: A global initiative created by UNESCO and adopted by the United Nations to highlight the importance of light and optical technologies @ IYL 2015

3 Why Light and Optics ? Light is central to science, technology, art and culture Light can promote education at all levels Light technology drives development @ IYL 2015 Light is necessary to the existence of life itself

4 What are the goals ? We aim to inspire a new generation to study science through light …………………………………………………….. @ IYL 2015 Promote lighting technology to improve the quality of life in the developing world Reduce light pollution & energy waste Promote minorities’ empowerment in STEM fields Promote education amongst young people Promote sustainable development

5 How can we participate ? @ IYL 2015 Programs and Social Media participation on Light in the following themes:

6 How can we participate ? @ IYL 2015 Programs and Social Media participation on Light in the following themes:


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