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IRS-III: A Platform and Infrastructure for Creating WSMO-based Semantic Web Services John Domingue, Liliana Cabral, Farshad Hakimpour, Denilson Sell,

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2 IRS-III: A Platform and Infrastructure for Creating WSMO-based Semantic Web Services John Domingue, Liliana Cabral, Farshad Hakimpour, Denilson Sell, and Enrico Motta Presentation @ WSMO Workshop, September 2004

3 The Internet Reasoning Service is an infrastructure for publishing, locating, executing and composing semantic web services, organized according to the WSMO framework

4 Design Principles Compatible with WSMO Tight integration Open Inspectable Backward compatible OWL-S import Research platform for semantic web services

5 Features of IRS-III (1/2) Based on Soap messaging standard Provides Java API for client applications Provides built-in brokering and service discovery support Provides capability-centred service invocation

6 Features of IRS-3 (2/2) Publishing support for variety of platforms –Java, Lisp, Web Applications, Java Web Services Enables publication of ‘standard code’ –Provides clever wrappers automatically, which turn code into web services –One-click publishing of web services Integrated with standard Web Services world –Published code appears as Semantic web service to IRS ‘Ordinary’ web service to web service world IRS-III components are WSMO services –Web service discovery –Web service selection –Mediating input values

7 IRS-3 Server Domain Models Web Service Specifications + Registry of Implementors Goal Specifications + SOAP Binding IRS Publisher S O A P IRS Client SOAP IRS Publisher Lisp Java Java WS IRS-3 Framework

8 LispWeb Server IRS-III Architecture IRS-III Server WS Publisher Registry OCML WSMO Library OWL(-S) Handler OWL(-S) Browser Invocation Client Publishing Clients SOAP Handler SOAPSOAP Publishing Platforms Web Service Java Code Web Application SOAP Browser Handler Publisher Handler Invocation Handler JavaAPIJavaAPI WSMX

9 Publishing Platform Architecture IRS-III Publishing Platform HTTP Server SOAP Handler Service Registrar Service Invoker WS Service Registry IRS-III Server Invocation Client SOAP Publishing Clients SOAP Web Service 1 Web Service 2 Web Service 3

10 IRS-III/WSMO differences Underlying language OCML Goals have inputs and outputs IRS-III broker finds applicable web services via mediators –Used mediator within WS capability –Mediator source = goal Web services have inputs and outputs ‘inherited’ from goal descriptions Web service selected via assumption (in capability)

11 Additional Mediators GW-Mediator –Transforms goal inputs -> web service inputs –WG-Mediator transforms web service output for goal GInv-GInv-Mediator –Mediates between two goal invocations

12 IRS-III Demo

13 SWS Creation & Usage Steps Create a goal description –(e.g. exchange-rate-goal) –Add input and output roles –Include role type and soap binding Create a wg-mediator description –Source = goal –Possibly add a mediation service Create a web service description –Used-mediator of WS capability = wg-mediator above Publish code or web service against web service description Invoke web service by ‘achieve goal’

14 Defining a Mediation Service Define a wg-mediator Source = goal Mediation-service = goal for mediation service Mediation goal –Mediation goal input roles are a subset of goal input roles Define mediator and WS as normal

15 Exchange Rate Example (goal & mediator) exchange-rate-goal (goal) has-input-role :value has_source_currency :value has_target_currency has-output-role :value has_exchange_rate has_source_currency :type currency has_target_currency :type currency has_exchange_rate :type positive-number exchange-rate-mediator (gw-mediator) has-source-component :value exchange-rate-goal has-mediation-service :value exchange-rate-mediation-goal

16 Exchange Rate Example (WS & capability) european-exchange-rate-web-service (web-service) has-capability :value european-exchange-rate-capability has-interface :value european-exchange-rate-web-service-interface exchange-rate-capability (capability) used-mediator :value exchange-rate-mediator european-exchange-rate-capability (exchange-rate-capability) has-assumption :value (kappa (?goal) (and (european-currency (wsmo-role-value ?goal 'has_source_currency)) (european-currency (wsmo-role-value ?goal 'has_target_currency))))

17 Exchange Rate Mediation Service Goal exchange-rate-mediation-goal (goal) has-input-role :value has_source_currency has-output-role :value has_mediated_currency has_source_currency :type currency has_mediated_currency :type fully-named-currency

18 Goal Based Invocation Invocation Instantiate Goal Description Exchange-rate-goal Has-source-currency: us-dollars Has-target-currency: pound Web Service Discovery European-exchange-rate-ws Non-european-exchange-rate-ws European-bank-exchange-rate-ws Goal -> WG Mediator -> WS/Capability/Used-mediator Web service selection European-exchange-rate Mediate input values ‘$’ -> us-dollar WS -> Capability -> Assumption expression Mediation Invoke selected web service European-exchange-rate Invocation

19 Summary IRS-III features –WSMO compatible platform –Contains OWL-S import –One click publishing –Capability based invocation IRS-III mediators –WS ‘inherit’ input/output roles from goals –Mediation service = goal Openness –WS discovery, WS selection, input value mediation, orchestration are SWS Already used by attendees in 2 tutorials and will be shown at tutorial at ISWC


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