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Organizations, Institutions, the Domain Name and addressing system, Internet Governance… D-day 2005 Milan, Italy 24 November 2005 Theresa Swinehart GM,

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Presentation on theme: "Organizations, Institutions, the Domain Name and addressing system, Internet Governance… D-day 2005 Milan, Italy 24 November 2005 Theresa Swinehart GM,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizations, Institutions, the Domain Name and addressing system, Internet Governance… D-day 2005 Milan, Italy 24 November 2005 Theresa Swinehart GM, Global Partnerships

2 Outline Internet’s values – what has brought it to where it is today; ICANN as part of this system – what are the results; Internet Governance – and the WSIS Moving forward…

3 The International Multi-stakeholder Organisation of the 21 st Century: Transnational All stakeholders represented –Including governments with choice of relevant agency or agencies Flexible in organisational management No capture by individuals, groups, or organisations Reflective of its own regime – that is, 35 years of the Internet’s players at work Focus on effectiveness and relevancy Cooperation, Coordination and Collaboration

4 ICANN as part of the system

5 The Need for Change Circa 1996/97  Globalization of Internet  Commercialization of Internet  Need for accountability  Need for more formalized management structure  Dissatisfaction with lack of competition  Trademark/domain name conflicts

6 Before ICANN, these are some of the issues and stakeholders competed for influence over the Domain Name and IP Addressing systems IETF ETSI Registries ISPs Root Server Operators Security Issues IAB RIRs PITA Registrars UNDP International business US Business ITU (ITU-T) WIPO OECD Intellectual Property interests Consumers Developing World Governments ccTLD registries Civil Society Groups US Military IPv6 NSI/ Verisign Regional Internet Registries Universities OECD governments W3C

7 At-large Advisory Committee ALAC Country Code Names Supporting Organisation ccNSO Generic Names Supporting Organisation GNSO Within ICANN, all stakeholders work collaboratively in the policy structure Root Server System Advisory Committee RSSAC Technical Liaison Group TLG Security and Stability Advisory Committee SSAC Address Supporting Organisation ASO President/ CEO Governmental Advisory Committee GAC Board of Directors

8 Founding Principles for ICANN  Stability  Competition  Private, bottom-up coordination  Representation  Internationalization

9 What is ICANN responsible for? ICANN is responsible for coordinating the management of the technical elements of the DNS to ensure universal resolvability so that all users of the Internet can find all valid addresses. It does this by overseeing the distribution of unique technical identifiers used in the Internet's operations, and delegation of Top-Level Domain names (such,.info, etc.). ICANN is dedicated to: Preserving the operational stability of the Internet; To promoting competition; To achieving broad representation of global Internet communities; And to developing policy appropriate to its mission through bottom-up, consensus-based processes


11 OECD Report ‘When OECD countries allocate resources they have certain common objectives irrespective of the method chosen. These can include efficient allocation of a resource and efficient use of that resource, transparency in the award of resource, non-discrimination, and the creation of appropriate conditions for market competition. There may also be other wider economic and social objectives. Through statements and actions it is clear that ICANN shares the ideals inherent in these objectives.’

12 Increased globalization Complete international accountability and completion of transition process –MoU steps Increased globalization and decentralization –Regional initiates, including office in Brussels and hiring of regional liaisons Increased simplification of online and remote participation Improvement of information on what ICANN is doing –Newsletter, increased translations, etc. Increased developing country, and other interested stakeholders, participation –Increased capacity building and partnerships with interested parties and organizations –Improved regional outreach and participation from all regions Via partnerships with organizations active in the respective regions, and globally. Ensure increased participation and improved response to needs. Strategic Plan outlines organization’s long term objectives

13 Some examples of recent issues within ICANN New generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) –Processes for new sTLDs and issues surrounding their introduction. Some aspects of the implementation Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) WHOIS and issues surrounding WHOIS Databases and information protection Inter-registrar transfer policies of a gTLD domain name – experiences ccNSO review of the ccNSO bylaws Domain name hijacking report

14 Internet Governance and the WSIS

15 WSIS and Internet Governance Internet governance involves a wide wide range of topics and issues Depth of debate in WSIS reflects a conflict of regimes Reflects importance of understanding the Internet, and ensuring that politics do not drive poor decisions At risk is 35 years of values and a regime that has created the Internet into what it is today True aspirations of WSIS as envisioned by the Secretary General have not been explored. All levels involved in issues surrounding the Internet. And all stakeholders need to be involved.


17 Moving forward ….

18 Outcome of WSIS Recognition of the existing multi-stakeholder model to ensure that the stability and integrity of the Internet’s naming and addressing system will be preserved; Importance of continued improvements and evolution of existing mechanisms and processes; Keeping the Internet’s operations independent of day-to- day politics and political influence; Convening a forum to build on sharing of broad range of issues not addressed within existing organizations; Certainty for more than a billion Internet users in the ongoing stability and security of the Internet’s core infrastructure and workings.

19 Thoughts -- Globalization of Internet governance built on the existing and further evolving international constituencies is important; Certainty of more than a billion users requires that the focus is on stability, integrity and security of the Internet operations; The operations of the Internet must be independent of day to day politics and political influence; changing existing mechanisms because of politics cannot be done at the risk of the Internet; The Internet routing and technical coordination is independent of issues that relate to the content it carries.

20 Next ICANN Meetings 30 November-4 December 2005: Vancouver, Canada 27-31 March 2006: Wellington, New Zealand 26-30 June 2006: Marrakech, Morocco

21 For more information please see Or send an email to

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