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Migrating serials data from Horizon to Kuali OLE University of Chicago Library data conversion experience Frances McNamara Director Integrated Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Migrating serials data from Horizon to Kuali OLE University of Chicago Library data conversion experience Frances McNamara Director Integrated Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Migrating serials data from Horizon to Kuali OLE University of Chicago Library data conversion experience Frances McNamara Director Integrated Library Systems and Administrative and Desktop Systems

2  Crescat scientia; vita excolatur Let knowledge grow from more to more; and so be human life enriched.  Founded: 1890  Students  5,369 undergraduate students  9,850 graduate, professional, and other students  Faculty  2,188 full-time faculty  Academics  49 majors and 29 minors in the undergraduate College  4 graduate divisions  6 graduate professional schools  Research  Manager of Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (in partnership); also affiliated with the Marine Biological Laboratory  89 Nobel Prize winners, including 8 current faculty  Campus  In Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood on Lake Michigan University of Chicago

3  By the Numbers, 2012-2013  Size  9 th largest research library in North America  11.19 million volumes in print and electronic form  51,760 linear feet of archives and manuscripts  117.5 TB of University electronic archives and research data  Facilities  6 campus libraries with capacity to store approximately 11 million print volumes on campus  205 miles of shelving  Average Mansueto book retrieval time: 3 minutes  Services  306,445 volumes circulated to 14,499 unique individuals  26,258 Scan & Deliver requestsScan & Deliver  16,087 UBorrow requestsUBorrow  9.1 million successful responses to full-text article requests  1,246,969 entries into Regenstein and 116,452 entries into Crerar  31,813 visiting researchers unaffiliated with the University  20,432 questions to reference librarians  5,800 attendees at training sessions  University of Chicago Library

4  Campus Libraries  D'Angelo Law Library: U.S., foreign, and international law D'Angelo Law Library  Eckhart Library: Mathematics, statistics, and computer science Eckhart Library  Joe and Rika Mansueto Library: Interdisciplinary, automated storage and retrieval Joe and Rika Mansueto Library  John Crerar Library: Science, medicine, and technology John Crerar Library  Joseph Regenstein Library: Humanities, social sciences, business Joseph Regenstein Library  Social Services Administration Library: Social welfare, social work Social Services Administration Library  Special Collections Research Center Libraries

5 Automation at the library  LDMS mainframe local development  Horizon 1995 Cataloging, Circulation, Serials checkin  III 1997 Acquisitions  Kuali OLE and Vufind August 2014

6  Serials bibs  Holdings  Extent of Ownership (Holdings Summary)  Items  Serial Receiving Records (Only still active many stopped over last decade)  Serial enumeration and chronology labels  Serials Issue records (only not bound)  III Open continuing orders (only open, a challenge to link to Hzn data) Serials data conversion

7  III closed orders. Last 7 years are moved to a separate db for historical lookups.  Serials checkin for copies where subscription was cancelled. Retained bibs/holdings/items where we physically retained those items or where they were suppressed rather than deleted.  Prediction. OLE Project description NOT to migrate prediction data (lots of horizon tables involved) Serials Data NOT converted

8 Bib with 856 URLs Bound Media type Hldg sum Items Unbound Media type Hldg sum Prediction SCKI Issues Internet Horizon data structures

9 Bib Bound Main,Idx,Supp Ext of Ownership Items Dummy on order PO link SRR Unbd Locn Main,idx,supp Issues Eholdings URL1Eholdings URL2 Kuali OLE data struchtres

10 Horizon Bib

11 OLE Bib with Holdings

12 Horizon copy list

13 Horizon bound copy

14 Horizon Holdings Summary

15 Horizon Bound copy items

16 Horizon unbound copy

17 Horizon Summary Holdings ubper

18 OLE Holdings

19 More

20 More and unbound issues

21 Link to PO in dummy Item

22 Serial Receiving Record

23 More

24 EHoldings

25 More


27  Data conversion dummy items, 856 become Eholdings  2.0 will bring GoKB integration, maintenance of additional data for some Eholdings. GoKB represents shared pool of data. OLE uses OCLC for bib data, will be able to share eresource data in GoKB  2.0 will bring ERM functionality Eholdings and ERM

28 Differences in data structures Hzn only some copy records OLE always a holdings, so items treated differently OLE only 3 tables HZN many including Prediction Eholdings Hzn 1 dummy, OLE each 856 gets Eholdings Collapsing bound/unbound copies (staff only and multiple copies different locations) Link to Purchase Order (coming from III and Hzn) Extra media types in Hzn (law, looseleaf etc.) Item data (call no. prefixes) Issues in converting the data

29 Results in Vufind public catalog

30 Currently received copy

31 ASR copy bound vols only

32  Complex data  Non-standard  Bib uses MARC  Holdings MHLD mostly MARC is communications format  Items each ILS slightly different  Serials issues stored in various ways  Enum/Chron labels, Prediction each ILS could be different Comprehensible public display is required result. Serials data migration

33  Bibs 7,001,624  Bibs with copies 512,195 (includes multivolume monos)  Holdings 5,683,057 mono  Holdings 569,912 multivolume mono and serials  Holdings Summary 822,147  Items 11 million total, 3,622,896 multivol mono and serials  SRR 22,610  SRR types 23,804  SRR issues 101,741 Chicago converted records

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