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My Sidewalks Third Grade
Week 5 Day 1
Vocabulary Read Words 2 the Wise on page 111. Have students turn to p of the selection. What do you notice about the kids? Can you use the words idea and earn to describe any of these pictures? This week’s concept is kid business. A business is work that involves selling goods or doing things for people. Selling clothes is a business. Repairing cars is a business. business customer Kid Business! product earn idea
Look for Meaningful Word Parts:
As you say each word, ask yourself. Do I see any parts I know? Chunk words with No recognizable parts Model how to chunk the word customer to read it Model I see a chunk at the beginning of the word: cus. I see a part in the middle: tom. I see a part at the end of the word: er. I say each chunk slowly: cus tom er. I say the chunks fast to make a whole word: customer. Is it a real word? Yes, I know the word customer. Read page 110 Do you see any of the words we just learned?
Word Work bat tin You already can read words like these. What are the words? What is the vowel sound in bat? In tin? These words have one syllable. Now you will learn about vowel sounds in words with more than one syllable.
Les son tun neling If a word has two consonants in the middle, divide between them to find the syllables. Then try the short vowel sound in the first syllable. What is the short e sound? This is how I blend this syllable: /l/ /e/ /s/, les. Then I blend this syllable and the second syllable to read the whole word: /les/ /en/ What is the word? Let’s blend this word together: les son, lesson. Write the word lesson. Divide the word into two syllables. Say each syllable to yourself: les son. Now say the word aloud.
Group practice Rabbit Happen Fossil Mitten Tennis Kittens Basket
Picnic Zigzag Cactus Invent object Happened Happening Connected Connecting Intended intending
Individual Practice Attic Cabbage Traffic Success Connect Mammal
Dentist Helmet Napkin Insect Admit velvet Invented Inventing Admitted Admitting Blossomed blossoming
Earning Money pp 112-115 Before Reading During Reading After Reading
p. 112 What is the boy doing? Yes, shoveling snow is work that involves doing something for people. Shoveling snow can be a business. p. 113 What is happening in this picture? Perhaps these girls have a business selling drinks. pp. 114 What is the girl holding? Maybe this is a product the girl is selling. Do you think many customers would buy this product? pp. 115 What business might this boy have? Let’s read to find out about some kid business. As you read, ask yourself: What is this mainly about? What am I learning? During Reading What examples of kid businesses are given in the selection? Whose business takes place only in the winter? Only in the summer? All year long? Why? What words on the concept web could help you describe the picture in this selection? After Reading What idea did Eric have for a business? Who sells a product? How does Sam earn cash? Who was one of Shannon’s customers?
My Sidewalks Third Grade
Week 5 Day 2
Paired Reading Read p. 114 switching readers for each sentence. Have partners reread; now the other partner begins.
Word Work catnip summer
You already studied words like these. What do you know about reading them? What are the words? Today we will learn about the long vowel in the second syllable of some words.
Sup pose ad vice Since there are two consonants together, I will try short u in the first syllable sup. I see a vowel-consonant-silent e pattern in the second syllable. With this pattern, I know the vowel usually stands for its long sound. I will blend this syllable: /p/ /o/ /z/, pose. Let’s blend this word together: sup pose, suppose.
Group practice Tadpole Reptile Inside Inhale Umpire Escape Trombone
Excuse Immune Exhale admire
Individual practice Entire Mistake Empire Invade Sunrise Engage
Cascade Excite Stampede estate
Vocabulary Read Words 2 the Wise on page 111. Have students turn to p of the selection. What do you notice about the kids? Can you use the words idea and earn to describe any of these pictures? This week’s concept is kid business. A business is work that involves selling goods or doing things for people. Selling clothes is a business. Repairing cars is a business. business customer Kid Business! product earn idea
Comprehension Today you will read about real kids who have started their own businesses. When you read this selection, it’s important to think about the facts and details and decide something about them, or draw conclusions. You should use the information in the selection and what you already know to draw conclusions. For example, if I read that a business had a Web site and that the business got big, I can use these facts along with what I know to draw a conclusion. I know that products can be ordered through a Website. I can draw conclusion that one reason that the business was successful was it got a lot of orders on through the Web site. As you read “Biz Kids”, look for facts and details that can help you draw conclusions about their business. Add your conclusions to your graphic organizer along with the facts and details that helped you draw the conclusions.
Biz Kids pp. 116-123 Before Reading During Reading After Reading
pp What do you think this title means? Yes, the selection is about real kids who started a business. Biz is a short, fun word for business. What kind of business do you think this girl started? Yes, the captions for the pictures identify the goodies as chocolate treats. p. 118 What do you see written on the notebook? These steps tell how to plan a business. Who can read the second step? The word chat means to talk in a friendly way. Pp Look at the rest of the pictures. What do they show the kids doing? During Reading As we read, ask yourself: What am I learning about this kid business? What is this mainly about? Yes, Elise made a product people liked. What should you think about if you want to start a business? What can Biz Kids write in an idea web? What more did you learn about starting a kid business? After Reading What did you learn about kid businesses? What was the selection mainly about? The selection told you about one kid business and described a business plan. It was mainly about steps kids can follow to start businesses.
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