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C opying Not Allowed! Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for School Projects Created by Debbe Brooks Madison County TECOS Team Spring 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "C opying Not Allowed! Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for School Projects Created by Debbe Brooks Madison County TECOS Team Spring 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 C opying Not Allowed! Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for School Projects Created by Debbe Brooks Madison County TECOS Team Spring 2005

2 Why Cant I Just Take Whatever I Want? You should never just cut and paste or copy someone elses pictures, illustrations, music or text and claim it as your own. Someone worked long, hard hours to create the information. How would you feel if that someone had been you?

3 If I Cant Take Whatever I Want, What Can I Take? Each type of information has its own guidelines. There are guidelines for,…….

4 Music You can use up to 10% of a song or musical work in a presentation. Some guidelines say you can use no more than 30 seconds from one song without asking for permission. You must include a bibliography of any work you use. From Microsoft Word Clip Art Collection

5 Photograph or Illustration You must have permission from the photographer or illustrator if you plan to use more than 5 from the same creator. You must include a bibliography of any work you use. Artwork by T. Salge

6 Video Clip You need to ask permission to use more than 10% or 3 minutes (whichever is less) of copyrighted videotapes, DVDs, encyclopedias on CD-ROM, etc. You must include a bibliography of any work you use.

7 Text Material A poem with less than 250 words Up to 250 words from a poem that has 2500 or more words Articles, stories, or essays less than 2500 words 10% or 1000 words from a longer work One chart, picture, diagram, graph, cartoon or picture per book, encyclopedia, newspaper, or magazine Two pages from a picture book with less than 2500 words You must include a bibliography of any work you use. You can use the following items without the creators permission:

8 Remember this! You may keep your project in a portfolio forever, but you should not put it on the Web or make copies of the project without permission from the creator(s) of the material.

9 Bibliography Microsoft Clip Art Collection Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines adapted from a chart adapted by Kathy Schrock from Video clip taken from Windows Movie Maker Artwork by Teresa Salge, Madison County Schools

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