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 10 minutes to complete article from yesterday and summary.

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2  10 minutes to complete article from yesterday and summary.

3  DO NOT UNDERLINE EVERYTHING!!! Facts and important information ONLY.  Do not circle everything- only key or related words.  Summaries Should be no more than 10 sentences. Should mention title and author Should summarize main ideas only- don’t talk about EVERYTHING only important ideas.

4  Imagine not seeing your family for 20 years. How would you feel? What would you do to try to get back to them? 5-7 sentences.

5  Describe the god/goddess your group was assigned. 5-7 sentences.

6  Explain what you learned last week about Homer and gods/goddesses.5-7 sentences.


8  Surpass  Verb  Surpass

9  To become better or stronger than.

10  He had surpassed his older brother in his baseball skills.  The students’ test scores surpassed the teacher’s expectations.


12  Mutinous  Adj  Mutinous

13  Rebellious.

14  The children became mutinous when their babysitter said they could not have any candy; they tore up their rooms and ran around the house screaming.


16  Companion  Noun  Companion

17  One that keeps company with another.

18  Her companion for her trip to Europe was her best friend Sally.  His dog was a loyal companion, always by his side.


20  Appalled  Verb  A ppalled

21  To shock or horrify.

22  He was appalled by the behavior of his students.  Odysseus was appalled when the Cyclops ate his men.


24  Solitude  Noun  SolItude

25  a state or situation in which you are alone usually because you want to be

26  She wished to work on her novel in solitude.  He enjoyed the peace and solitude of the woods.


28  Briskly  Adverb  Briskly

29  Moving or speaking quickly.

30  They went for a brisk walk in the woods.  She walked at a brisk pace.


32  Use each vocabulary word in an original sentence.  Surpass  Mutinous  Companion  Appalled  Solitude  briskly

33  Answer in 6-8 sentences:  What is a hero? What qualities should a hero possess? Why? Based on what we have read so far in The Odyssey, do you think Odysseus is a hero? Why or why not?


35  Metaphor – a comparison between two dissimilar things that does not use the words like or as  Ex: The sun is soft-boiled egg in a frying pan sky.  Simile – a comparison between two dissimilar things using like or as  Ex: Upon hearing the bad news, she felt as broken as a cracked egg.

36  Personification – give human qualities to animals or things/objects  Ex: The sky threatened us with a storm.  Idiom – special expressions and cannot be taken literally  Ex: It is raining cats and dogs.  Hyperbole – a great exaggeration  Ex: It will take me like ten years to clean my room. (looks like a simile but it’s not)



39  An epic is….  An epic hero is…  Odysseus is considered an epic hero because…  The Cyclops’s name was…  One thing that happened so far in the poem was…

40  Give synonyms and antonyms for each word.  Surpass  Mutinous  Companion  Appalled  Solitude  briskly

41  The sirens/cattle of the sun god

42  You have 10 minutes to study vocab and literary notes or re-read “The Cyclops”.

43  What is an epic hero? What kind of qualities do you think an epic hero should possess? Why? Is Odysseus an epic hero? Why or why not. 7-10 sentences.

44  So far in “The Odyssey”…  Some characters are…  Some things that have happened are….  Another thing that happened was….  I predict that…


46  Ardor  Noun  Ardor

47  Passion or enthusiasm.

48  She sang the song with such ardor, the judges began to cry.  The Animal rights activist spoke with ardor and convinced many people to become vegetarians.

49  Dwindled  Verb  Dwindled

50  Faded or stopped.

51  The roar of the crowd dwindled after the star player was ejected.  The sound of children yelling dwindled as they all went back to class.

52  Scarcely  Adverb  Scarcely

53  by only a small amount of time, space, etc.

54  We scarcely missed being hit by the speeding bus.  He had scarcely enough money.  He could scarcely control his joy.

55  Insidious  Adj.  InsidIous

56  Causing harm in a sneaky or crafty way.

57  The evil ghosts intentions were insidious.  The villain went through with his insidious plan.

58  Restitution  Noun  RestItution

59  payment that is made to someone for damage, trouble, etc.

60  He was ordered by the judge to pay the restitution of her stolen property  He was ordered to make restitution to the victim.

61  Use each vocabulary word in a complete sentence(not the same sentence from your notes.  Restitution  Ardor  Insidious  Scarcely  dwindled

62  What is an epic hero? What qualities do they possess? Is Odysseus an epic hero? Why? Cite evidence from the text (at least 3) to support your answer. 8-10 sentences.

63  Answer in complete sentences 1. Where did Circe tell Odysseus he had to go? 2. Who was he supposed to see? 3. Summarize what Tiresias told him. 4. Why doesn’t Odysseus tell his men about Scylla and Charybdis? 5. What does Zeus do to punish Odysseus’s men for eating the Sun God’s Cattle?

64  You have ten minutes to study vocab and Odyssey notes/stories.

65  Compare and contrast the poem to the movie. Find at least 3 differences. 5-7 sentences.

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