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USPS New Address Requirements For Automation, Presorted And Carrier Route Flat-Size Mail Launch in Presentation Mode (Hitting F5)

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Presentation on theme: "USPS New Address Requirements For Automation, Presorted And Carrier Route Flat-Size Mail Launch in Presentation Mode (Hitting F5)"— Presentation transcript:

1 USPS New Address Requirements For Automation, Presorted And Carrier Route Flat-Size Mail
Launch in Presentation Mode (Hitting F5)

2 New Address Requirements for Flat Size Mail
New address placement requirements apply to: Periodicals Standard Mail Package Services Bound Printed Matter Media Mail and Library Mail Flat-Size pieces sent at automation, presorted or carrier route rates

3 New Address Requirements for Flat Size Mail
USPS implementing new technology - “Flat Sequence Sorting” (FSS) Similar technology utilized with letters in 1990’s FSS will sort flats into delivery sequence for the Letter Carrier increasing efficiency and reducing cost FSS will process flat-size pieces at high speeds Output vertical bundles Effective March 29, 2009

4 New Address Requirements for Flat Size Mail
Require address to be in upper or “top” portion of mailpiece Address may be parallel or perpendicular to the top edge, but not upside down As close to top edge as possible with 1/8” clearance from edge 8-point type; or 6-point in all caps if mailpiece has a POSTNET or IM barcode Good addressing hygiene

5 Delivery Address on Enveloped or Polywrapped Pieces
Front or Back of Piece Address can not read upside down and must be within top half of mailpiece Mr John Sample 99Oak St Anytown WA 8” 5.5” 11” Mr John Sample 99Oak St Anytown WA

6 Front of Flat Size Mailpiece
Mr John Sample 99Oak St Anytown WA Front of Piece Address must be within “top” half of mailpiece Spine or final fold (piece not in envelope or polybag) Anytown WA 99Oak St Mr John Sample Front of Piece Address must be within “top” half of mailpiece Spine or final fold (piece not in envelope or polybag)

7 Delivery Address on Bound or Folded Pieces
5.5” Spine or final fold (pieces not in envelopes or polybags) Front or Back of Piece Address can not read upside down and must be within top half of mailpiece 11” Spine or fold Address can not read upside down and must be within the top half of mailpiece Mr John Sample 99Oak St Anytown WA 8”

8 Address Placement — Magazine
Yes ANYTOWN US 123 MAIN ST ABC COMPANY ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 No ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ABC COMPANY 123 MAIN ST ANYTOWN US Yes ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ANYTOWN US ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 ABC COMPANY 123 MAIN ST Top half Bound edge Yes ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ABC COMPANY 123 MAIN ST ANYTOWN US Yes ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ABC COMPANY 123 MAIN ST ANYTOWN US ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ABC COMPANY 123 MAIN ST ANYTOWN US Address Placement — Recap [This slide is a series of builds…keep clicking.] Remember that the new standards allow many options for placing the delivery address. Let’s recap those options on a typical magazine, and look at some placements that do not comply with the new standards. No ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ABC COMPANY 123 MAIN ST ANYTOWN US No ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ABC COMPANY 123 MAIN ST ANYTOWN US No

9 Address Placement — Catalog
Yes ANYTOWN US 123 MAIN ST ABC COMPANY ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 ABC Company PO BOX 321 Anytown US No ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ABC COMPANY 123 MAIN ST ANYTOWN US ABC Company PO BOX 321 Anytown US Yes Top half Bound edge Yes ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ABC COMPANY 123 MAIN ST ANYTOWN US ABC Company PO BOX 321 Anytown US ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ABC COMPANY 123 MAIN ST ANYTOWN US ABC Company PO BOX 321 Anytown US ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ANYTOWN US ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 ABC COMPANY 123 MAIN ST Anytown US ABC Company PO BOX 321 Yes ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ABC COMPANY 123 MAIN ST ANYTOWN US ABC Company PO BOX 321 Anytown US ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ABC COMPANY 123 MAIN ST ANYTOWN US ABC Company PO BOX 321 Anytown US Address Placement — Recap [This slide is a series of builds…keep clicking.] Now let’s recap using a typical catalog. Note that the postage and return address are oriented around the delivery address just like they are today. Postage is to the right or upper right, and the return address is to the upper left. ******** 5-DIGIT 98765 ATTN: VICE PRESIDENT ABC COMPANY 123 MAIN ST ANYTOWN US ABC Company PO BOX 321 Anytown US No No No

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