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Green Universities and Colleges Subcommittee March 16, 2011.

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1 Green Universities and Colleges Subcommittee March 16, 2011

2  Independent, Private charitable organization  Created in 1999 with an endowment of $225 Million from Commonwealth Edison Company.  Grants available to local governments and 501c3 charitable organizations in Illinois.  Mission to invest in clean energy development and land preservation efforts.  Mission is supported by programs/projects to: ◦ Improve energy efficiency ◦ Develop renewable energy resources ◦ Preserve natural areas & wildlife habitats




6  Lighting Upgrade Program ◦ 137 grants totaling $12.695 Million  Green Design & Commissioning ◦ 30 grants totaling $3 Million+  Geothermal ◦ 13 grants totaling $1 Million+

7  Over 3,700 facilities upgraded to date and saving energy  Over 125 MEGAWATTS of electricity saved ◦ Power savings equivalent to  Electrical demand of 46,000 Illinois households  Taking 31,000 cars off the road  Planting over 7.2 million trees  Over 10 MEGAWATTS of electricity generated ◦ 10 Wind Turbine Installations ◦ 175+ Solar PV Installations ◦ 31 Solar Thermal Installations

8 Wind Feasibility Studies Turbines ◦ Utility scale to micro-turbines Solar Thermal ◦ - Domestic hot water, heating, cooling, process heat, etc. Solar Photovoltaics ◦ - Electricity from traditional rack-mounted or building- integrated applications Biomass ◦ - Use 100% biomass. Must meet State definition for biomass

9 Utility and Mid-Size (over 100kW) - Wind Feasibility Study: 75% of cost up to $30,000 (must include collection of min. 12 months of MET tower data) - Capital Funding: varies according to size of project ($5000/kW to $400/kW) Small Scale (up to 100kW) - Capital Funding: varies according to size (site wind resource assessment required) K-12 Wind Schools Pilot - 1-3 kW - $20,000 (90%) - February 17

10  Solar Thermal ◦ Hot water, heating, cooling, process heat, etc. ◦ $100/Sq or linear foot up to 60% of system cost ◦ Performance monitoring required ◦ Priority Sectors  March 10 & September 28 ◦ Other Sectors  January & July

11  Photovoltaics ◦ Photovoltaic for electricity generation limited to Silver+ LEED buildings or meet >25% of peak building load ◦ Capital Funding:  $3/W up to 60%, whichever is less ◦ Combined ICECF and ILDCEO funding cannot exceed 60% ◦ Competitive Cycles or as part of High Performance Green Buildings Program

12  Lighting ◦ Community Care Providers ◦ Community Centers ◦ EEPS Ineligible ◦ Government Buildings ◦ Historic Courthouses ◦ College/University Program Ended in 2009  Model Energy Efficiency Systems ◦ Geothermal ◦ Innovative Building Systems  Lighting  HVAC  Green Buildings ◦ Design & Commissioning ◦ High Performance Green Buildings ◦ Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Upgrades

13  March and September Application Deadlines  $500/kW of Electricity Demand Reduced  Varying funding caps ranging from $20,000 to $120,000  Application Process: ◦ Lighting Upgrade Form ◦ Grant Request Cover Sheet ◦ Cover Letter from Applicant

14  Geothermal ◦ Funding = 1/3 of incremental cost with $90,000 cap  Innovative HVAC ◦ Systems must exceed minimum prescriptive standards of Illinois Energy Code ◦ New to the Illinois market ◦ Funding at % of total cost or incremental cost  Other Innovative Systems ◦ Lighting ◦ Building Envelope  Application Process ◦ “ Stand-Alone” Systems in Competitive Cycles ◦ If part of High Performance Building Program – Rolling Review

15  Design and Commissioning Program ◦ Up to $75,000 for LEED Certification @ Silver (minimum) ◦ Up to $150,000 for LEED Certification @ Gold  High Performance Green Buildings ◦ Minimum LEED Gold Certification ◦ Single Application on Rolling Review:  Design and Commissioning up to $150,000  Energy Systems up to $250,000 (e.g., geothermal/solar thermal)  Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Upgrade ◦ Limited to Community Centers and Community Care Providers ◦ Broad range of eligible systems ◦ Funding Cap of $100,000

16  EEPS Funding ◦ Ameren ◦ ComEd ◦ Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity  Renewable Energy Trust ◦ Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity  One Time Programs ◦ Illinois Board of Education Energy Program

17 Energy Efficiency Grants Bob Romo Jolie Krasinski Natural Areas Grants Renewable Energy Grants Gabriela Martin 312-372-5191

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