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Built Workshop Ann Arbor Automated Vehicle Symposium 2015 DOWNTOWN ANN ARBOR.

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1 Built Workshop Ann Arbor Automated Vehicle Symposium 2015 DOWNTOWN ANN ARBOR



4  Population expected growth is 8.6% by 2040  Employment growth is 20.2% by 2040  Households growth is 11.1% by 2040  Current Job occupations  Education – 21%  Health – 18%  Art & Food – 7.6%  Retail Trade – 8.1% SEMCOG PROJECTIONS OF DEMOGRAPHICS IN ANN ARBOR

5  Premium living environments such as Varsity Apartments, 411 Lofts, Zaragon, etc.  High-end boutiques such as Shinola, Cherry Republic, etc.  Restaurants like Jolly Pumpkin, Aventura, etc.  High-tech offices like Menlo, Torrent Consulting, Google, etc.  Medical, retail or small personal services UTILIZATION OF SPACE

6  Downtown Ann Arbor will have pedestrian zone/restricted vehicle area during prime hours  University zone will make non-changing demand for social and cultural experiences, found through music, art, and dining  Young professionals desire to live in the downtown area or its near surroundings SOCIAL HUB

7  People living and working downtown  Walk or bike to work  Travel using automated transit  People who work and live outside and go inside for pleasure  Use car-sharing and automated transit to get to downtown drop-off zones  People who live inside and work outside  Work in Detroit-Metropolitan area in auto industry (for example) and live in Ann Arbor  People who live outside and work inside  Use car-sharing and automated transit to get to downtown drop-off zones, public automated transit to get to workplace DAY IN THE LIFE (2040)

8  Multi-modal last mile solutions  Multiple areas where switch from single-occupancy vehicle to shared vehicle outside of downtown zones  possibly near bike-share locations  Don’t want door-to-door single-occupancy autonomous vehicles within downtown city bounds  Parking swap in northern downtown area – convert existing parking lot into a public space  Downtown zone: Shared vehicle environment within downtown area  Bus system within city  Handicap services and Emergency Vehicles  Pedestrian zone: Walking, biking, and automated public transit (tram) only within pedestrian zone  Emergency one lane for Emergency Vehicles and delivery vehicles RESTRICTED VEHICLE ZONES



11 Pedestrian Networks Urban Magnets Existing Road Network

12  Off-hour or scheduled freight delivery  Unmanned freight delivery  Amazon drones  FedEx and UPS autonomous trucks FREIGHT ACCESS

13  Time slot to be dropped off at zone  Time slot for freights  Time slot for charging cars  Time slot for being picked up at zone HUGE RELIANCE ON SCHEDULING

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