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Rapid Assessment Process Project Strategic Plan City of Marfa Water and Wastewater System Improvements Marfa, Texas Presented to: Stakeholders and Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Rapid Assessment Process Project Strategic Plan City of Marfa Water and Wastewater System Improvements Marfa, Texas Presented to: Stakeholders and Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rapid Assessment Process Project Strategic Plan City of Marfa Water and Wastewater System Improvements Marfa, Texas Presented to: Stakeholders and Project Sponsor El Paso, Texas February 6, 2003

2  General Aspects  Environmental and Human Health Indicators  Technical Approach, Objectives and Funding Plan  Public Participation  Sustainable Development  Project Development Schedule  Stakeholder Comments/Discussion Agenda

3 General Aspects Project Location §Marfa is located in Pecos County on Highway 90 between Valentine to the Northwest and Alpine to the East.

4 Existing Water Supply and Distribution System  Water is supplied from three wells at a central site to a 1 MG Ground Storage Tank  Booster Pump Station at central site pumps chlorinated water to the system and an Elevated Storage Tank  Distribution system consists of three pressure zones made up of 1-inch to 8-inch water lines  Distribution system includes two booster pump stations, a stand pipe and ground storage tanks General Aspects

5 Water System Problems and Concerns  Water does not meet secondary drinking water quality standards for fluoride  Undersized and dead end lines resulting in:  Low pressure areas  Low chlorine residual  Fire flow concerns  Concerns: Compliance with TCEQ regulatory requirements for fluoride, chlorine residual, low pressures and fire flows

6 Proposed Water Supply and System Improvements  Water supply improvements to meet TCEQ regulatory requirements for fluoride  Distribution system improvements to upsize and loop lines in problem areas to alleviate pressure, chlorine residual and fire flow concerns General Aspects

7 Existing Wastewater Collection & Treatment System  WWTP consists of influent meter, bar screen, 2 Imhoff tanks and 2 sludge pits and 2 sludge drying beds  Effluent Disposal by irrigation of 62 acres of non-public access pasture land  Permitted flow = 0.120 MGD Average Flow = 0.08 MGD  Collection system comprised of 4-, 6-, 8- and 10-inch lines and two sanitary lift stations  Portions of system date back to late 1920’s

8 General Aspects Wastewater System Problems and Concerns  Outdated, substandard technology – Imhoff Tanks  74 Year old WWTP  Effluent storage pond required by TCEQ – Condition of Permit  Undersized, substandard lines – old, 4-inch VC pipelines  Line condition suspect – deterioration, root intrusion, surcharged manholes.

9 General Aspects Proposed Wastewater System Improvements  WWTP Effluent Storage Pond  WWTP Technology Upgrades  Relief or replacement of capacity deficient, problem area sewer lines

10 Total Estimated Cost Budget for design and construction pending further definition of the needs, alternatives analysis and project development. General Aspects

11  Population: 2,121 / 2,178 / 2,355*  Annual growth rate: 2.0%**  MHI: $24,712  Unemployment rate: 4.9%  Legal utility provider  1,204 metered accounts  7 employees  Collection efficiency: 98% *2000 Census/TWDB Agreed/City of Marfa service area meters **TWDB agreed upon  CDBG: $2.3 Million over the past 9 years  TDHCA: Grant for 2000 Planning study  No prior BECC assistance Project Sponsor Profile:Prior Agency Support:

12 General Aspects  2000 – City of Marfa Planning Studies Document 2000-2004  1977 - Water and Sewer System Facilities Plan  1970 – City of Marfa Comprehensive Plan Prior Studies:

13 Human Health Indicators  Fluoride levels close to 3 times the recommended level can cause dental and skeletal fluorosis.  Low or no chlorine residuals in dead end lines can lead to illness.  Specifically, improvements to the water supply quality will address concentration of fluoride, chlorine residual and minimum pressures. Environmental and Human Health Indicators

14 Environmental Indicators  Improvements to the water system are necessary to meet fire protection demands, which poses a direct threat to the health and safety of the City of Marfa residents.  The City’s three water wells are located on the same site such that if one is contaminated, it could affect all three. Alternate source is advisable.  Correction of collection system capacity problem will help mitigate overflows and resulting pollution.  WWTP upgrades will result in a controllable effluent discharge to fields. Environmental and Human Health Indicators

15 Compliance with Environmental Norms & Regulations Including Violations  Fluoride above secondary standard  Substandard water and sewer lines (1- & 2-inch water and 4-inch sewer)  Outdated WWTP technology – Imhoff Tanks Environmental and Human Health Indicators

16 Project Objectives  Improve water treatment and distribution  Improve wastewater collection and treatment. Technical Approach  Technical Assistance needed to develop documents which may include:  QAPP  Facility Plan & Environmental Information Document  Engineering Design  Financial Analysis  Public Participation Program  Rate Study Technical Approach, Objectives and Funding Plan

17 Technical Assistance Tasks TaskSource RAPBECC Facility Plan and EIDBECC Financial AnalysisBECC Public Participation ProgramBECC Preliminary DesignBECC Project Certification DocumentBECC Final DesignBECC/Other Technical Approach, Objectives and Funding Plan

18 Identified Potential Funding Sources  USDA/Rural Utility Services (RUS)  Funds tailored for rural areas with populations of less than 10,000  Grant  Texas Water Development Board  SRF Loan  North American Development Bank (NADB)  BEIF Grant and IDP Grant/Loan  Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC)  PDAP program Grant Technical Approach, Objectives and Funding Plan

19 Institutional Capacity Building  The project sponsor identified such needs as a capital improvement plan, rate study and the development of public participation programs as institutional needs.  Additional needs may include assistance in both the institutional and human capacity to administer the project.  The Frank M. Tejeda Center has conducted an Institutional Capacity Needs Assessment with the City of Marfa. Technical Approach, Objectives and Funding Plan

20 Potential Obstacles  The project sponsor and the BECC are not aware of any legal issues that may jeopardize the proposed project, or any litigation problems with the current local government.  A notable potential obstacle is the high cost of providing water treatment to address the quality issues present in the water basin near the City of Marfa.  Rate modifications may also provide a potential obstacle for receiving community support. Technical Approach, Objectives and Funding Plan

21 Identification of Main Stakeholders  City of Marfa, Texas  TCEQ  TWDB  North American Development Bank  Frank M. Tejeda Center  Border Environment Cooperation Commission  United States Department of Agriculture  Environmental Protection Agencies Local Politics  The City of Marfa local government is comprised of a Mayor and five representatives. The City passed a resolution on September 5, 2000 authorizing the Mayor to seek Technical Assistance from BECC. Public Participation

22 Minimum Criteria Requirements  The City of Marfa made a commitment to comply to all applicable minimum requirements for the project in compliance with the BECC’s sustainable development criteria.  11 of 14 minimum requirements will apply to the project. Sustainable Development

23 Project Development Schedule Task NameDurationStartFinish Rapid Assessment Process129 days08/22/0202/18/03 Technical Assistance Process130 days08/22/0202/19/03 Project Development Process (TA, Public Participation, NEPA) 462 days02/19/0311/25/04 Final Design Process253 days12/04/0311/22/04 BECC Certification Process42 days11/17/041/13/05

24 Agency Perspectives - NADB TWDB TCEQ USDA Technical Approach, Objectives and Funding Plan

25 Stakeholder Comments/Discussion Thank you for your participation and valuable input.

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