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ELK MEADOWS HOA Water Master Plan (Supply, Treatment, Distribution, and Storage) May 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "ELK MEADOWS HOA Water Master Plan (Supply, Treatment, Distribution, and Storage) May 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELK MEADOWS HOA Water Master Plan (Supply, Treatment, Distribution, and Storage) May 2005

2 OBJECTIVES  Evaluate Existing Water Supply and Water Treatment Facilities  Hydraulic Modeling  Recommend Improvements for a Buildout System (Without Fireflow Protection )  Recommend Improvements for a Buildout System (With Fireflow Protection)  Recommend Improvements for Water Supply, Treatment and Distribution  Estimate Costs and Investigate Funding Alternatives for Recommended Improvements

3 PROJECT APPROACH  Collect Background Information  Review CDPHE and EPA Requirements  Conduct Site Investigations  Inventory and Photograph Existing Facilities  interview System Operator(s)  Hydraulic Analysis with WaterCAD® Software  Develop Water Demands  Evaluate Existing Facilities (Max Day, Peak Hour)  Model Short-Term and Long-Term Alternatives

4 WATER SUPPLY SOURCES Groff Spring  Classified as ‘Directly Under Influence of Surface Water’  Produces 28,000 gpd (20 gpm)  High Raw Water Turbidity (5 NTU up to 100 NTU)  No Hazardous Metals, Volatile Organics Elk Meadows Well  Completed in May 2003 as Supplemental Source  Produces 15,000 gpd (10 gpm)  Acceptable Raw Water Quality  No Hazardous Metals, Volatile Organics Most recent boil-order in May of 2003. Water rights allow a TOTAL of 53,800 gpd (37gpm) for combined well and spring source.

5 WATER DEMAND SUMMARY *Estimated from Operations Data During for 2004 per Elk Meadows HOA. ** Assumes Average Annual Demand: Peak Hour Demand Factor = 4.00 (Mayes, 2000). CONNECTION TYPE NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS 2004 SCENARIO (gpcd) BUILDOUT SCENARIO (gpcd) Average Day Demand (gpcd)807280 Maximum Day Demand (gpcd)126129143 2004 Average Annual Demand (gpd) 2004 Max Day Demand (gpd) 2004 Peak Hour Demand (gpd) Max Day: Avg Day Factor Peak Hour: Avg Day Factor4.00** 11,520* 36,100* 46,080** 3.10


7  Building is 30 Years Old  Upgraded in 2002 To Include Coagulation and Pressure Filtration  Hypochlorite Disinfection  No Baffling in Clearwell to Provide Chlorine Contact Time  Currently Backwashes with Raw Water (not allowed by CDPHE)  Inappropriate for higher turbidity (>5 NTU) Raw Water per (CDPHE)  Backwash Wasted to Unlined Pond (not allowed by CDPHE)  Need Additional Treatment Capacity  No Redundancy or Expandability

8 WATER TREATMENT Existing WTP  Capacity of 22,680 gpd  In-line Flocculation Coagulant Added to Raw Water Forms ‘Flocs’  Pressure Filtration Bag Filter Redundancy Effluent to Disinfection

9 WATER TREATMENT Wet Well Groff Spring Well Pressure Filter Sodium Hypochlorite Bag Filter Unbaffled Clear Well Raw Water Backwash PAC Coagulant (Alum) To Distribution & Storage

10 FILTRATION Vertical Pressure Filter  2-ft Diameter Yardney®  3.15 ft 2 Filtration Area  Current Filtration Rate = 8 gpm/ft 2  CDPHE Max. Filtration Rate = 5 gpm/ft 2 Bag Filter  Strainrite®  Filters Down to 1.0 Micron

11 WATER TREATMENT OPTIONS *Present worth analysis assumes life cycle = 20 years and rate of return = 8% APR. **Engineering & Admin. is approximately 15% of construction subtotal. RETROFIT EXISTING WTP  Add 2nd New Pressure Filters  Additional Building Space Required  Install larger capacity Backwash Pump That Draws from Clearwell  Install Baffles in Clearwell  May or May Not Fix Finished Water Turbidity NEW WTP OPTION  New Building with Package Plant or Membrane Plant  Install Baffles in Clearwell  More Expensive than Retrofitting Existing WTP  Will Handle Peaks in Raw Water Turbidity  Long-term Solution



14 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM  Serves 80 Unmetered Connections  Most Piping is 30 Years Old  Comprised largely of 2-inch Diameter Piping  Materials Vary from PVC to HDPE  Problems with Pipe Leaks and Freezing  HOA Incurs Significant Costs for Repairs and Replacement ($150,000 from 2000 to 2004)  No Fireflow Protection  No Hydrants

15 EXISTING HYDRAULIC PROFILE  Single 5-HP Transmission Pump Located at WTP  12,000-gal Tank Serves Zones Through PRVs  CDPHE Pressure Criteria Maximum = 100 psig Minimum = 35 psig  Pressure Zone Boundaries Zone 1 = 8,500 to 8,580 ft Zone 2 = 8,581 to 8,719 ft Zone 3 = 8,720 to 8,864 ft


17 Storage  12,000-gal Capacity  Aged  Serves Entire Community  Need Additional Capacity

18 WATER STORAGE NEEDS STORAGE COMPONENT CDPHE REQUIREMENT with FIRE (GALLONS) CDPHE REQUIREMENT without FIRE (GALLONS) Fireflow120,0000 2004 Domestic Buildout Domestic 60,000* 100,000 60,000* 100,000 Emergency00 Operational00 TOTAL AT BUILDOUT220,000120,000 *CDPHE requires 300 gallons per capita; Assumes 80 homes with 2.5 persons per home.


20 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS  Haestad Methods WaterCAD®  Steady-State Analysis  Multiple Scenarios 2004 Max Day 2004 Peak Hour Buildout Max Day Buildout Max Day + Fireflow  Identify Problems  Two Buildout Scenarios Option I – No Fireflow Protection Option II – Provide Fireflow Protection

21 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS RESULTS  Reservoir Drains During Max Day Demand  Low Pressures in Zone 3 at Peak Hour (<20 psig)  Max Day Demand Approaching Available Water Supply  Max Day + Fire Demand Indicates Significant Piping and Storage Improvements Needed  Modeled Buildout System Without Fire Protection  Modeled Buildout System With Fire Protection


23 ID, DESCRIPTION UNITSQUANTITYCOST ST 1A, Add 2” PRV Zone 3 to Zone 2EA1$ 9,000 ST 1B, New Zone 3 Piping (3” DIA)LF850$ 13,000 ST 2, Zone 2 Looping (3” DIA)LF240$ 3,600 ST 3, Zone 3 Looping (3” DIA)LF460$ 6,900 ST 4, New Pipe from WTP to Zone 3 (3” DIA)LF2,670$ 40,000 ST 5, Line Replacement (Replace w. 3” DIA)LF5,000$ 75,000 Existing Well EnlargementLS1$ 7,500 Remedial Work @ Treatment PlantLS1$ 6,000 SUBTOTAL$ 161,000 ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATION (20%)$ 32,200 TOTAL PROJECT COST$193,200

24 BUILDOUT SYSTEM SCENARIOS  Option I – Maximum Day Demand Only (No Fire) Implement all Short-Term Improvements Recommend All New Piping be 3-inch Diameter or larger  Option 2 – Maximum Day Demand (+ Fire)  Implement all Short-Term Improvements  All New Piping 6-inch Diameter  Require 6-inch Fire Hydrants  Use 1997 UFC Requirement of 1,000 gpm at 2-hour Duration with Residual Pressure of 20 psig = 120,000-gal Storage


26 OPTION 1 SYSTEM COSTS ID, DESCRIPTION UNIT S QUANTIT Y INSTALL ED COST O1-1, West Zone 3 Piping (3” DIA) LF1,000$15,000 O1-2, East Zone 3 Piping (3” DIA) LF620$9,300 O1-3, Central Zone 3 Piping (3” DIA) LF1,460$21,900 O1-4, Zone 2 Loop Piping (3” DIA) LF940$14,100 New Coated Steel Storage Reservoir MG0.100$70,000 SUBTOTAL$130,300 ENGINEERING & ADMIN. (20%)$26,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST$156,300 The costs in do not include new water meters, improvements to the WTP or maintenance costs for existing piping, which are included in the short-term improvements and should also be budgeted in the HOA’s capital improvements plan. Also, the storage volume is the minimum domestic storage required by the CDPHE and doesn’t include an emergency storage component.


28 OPTION 2 SYSTEM COSTS ID, DESCRIPTION UNITSQUANTITY INSTALLED COST O2-1, Zone 3 Piping (8” DIA)LF4,250$170,000 O2-2A, Zone 3 Piping (6” DIA)LF10,430$313,000 O2-2B, Zone 3 Fire HydrantsEA12$12,000 O2-3A, Zone 2 Piping (6” DIA)LF6,340$190,200 O2-3B, Zone 2 Fire HydrantsEA4$4,000 O2-4, New PRVs with VaultsEA1$40,000 O2-5A, Zone 1 Piping (6” DIA)LF320$9,600 O2-5B, Zone 1 Fire HydrantsEA1$1,000 New Storage ReservoirMG0.220$110,000 SUBTOTAL$849,800 ENGINEERING & ADMIN. (20%) $170,000 TOTALPROJECT COST$1,020,000 The costs in do not include water meters or improvements to the WTP present an economic challenge for the Elk Meadows HOA and residents. Funding options available for financing these improvements are discussed in Section 6.3. Also, the improvements could be phased over a long period with the storage reservoir and Zone 3 piping improvements taking priority over improvements in Zones 1 and 2. This is due to the fact that Zone 3 piping and PRVs provide storage and distribution to Zones 1 and 2 and any restrictive piping in Zone 3 would be apparent in the downstream Zones.

29 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED SYSTEM IMPROVMENTS Project DescriptionProject Cost Short-Term Improvements$ 193,000 Option 2 (Build-out with Fire)$ 958,000 Additional Source Development$ 100,000 Treatment Plant Replacement$ 500,000 Meters$ 70,000 Total $ 1,821,000

30 ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM IMPROVMENTS Project DescriptionProject Cost Short-Term Improvements$ 177,000 Option 1 (Build-out with Fire)$ 199,000 Additional Source Development$ 100,000 Treatment Plant Upgrades (if permittable) $ 75,000 Meters$ 50,000 Total $ 601,000

31 FUNDING OPTIONS  Colorado Rural Water Association - Loans  Colorado Water Conservation Board - Grants Up to 75% of Project Cost  Department of Agriculture - Grants and Loans Objective to Improve Rural Areas Priory Given for Public Safety Projects  Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) Offers Grants and Loans  Other (595, Special Legislative Grants, etc.)  In general, Government Grants require formation of a legal Governmental Entity (i.e. District)  Low to Moderate Income Eligibility (Income Survey)

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