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20-Jan-2010electrical, computer and energy engineering Environmental Engineering Linking Microbiology to Engineering Dr. Abbazadegan Graduate Students:

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Presentation on theme: "20-Jan-2010electrical, computer and energy engineering Environmental Engineering Linking Microbiology to Engineering Dr. Abbazadegan Graduate Students:"— Presentation transcript:

1 20-Jan-2010electrical, computer and energy engineering Environmental Engineering Linking Microbiology to Engineering Dr. Abbazadegan Graduate Students: Lauren McBurnett and Otto Schwake

2 You are on the beach 2

3 Tempe Town Lake 3

4 What water would you drink? 4 ?

5 Environmental Engineers n Pretend you are environmental engineering experts n Your job is to design a treatment process that will allow you to drink the water at Tempe Town Lake 5

6 What needs removed from the water? n Large contaminants n Medium contaminants n Small contaminants 6

7 Large Contaminant Removal n How can you remove the large contaminants? 7

8 Prescreening Treatment 8

9 Medium Contaminant Removal n How can you remove the dirt from the water? 9

10 Gravity Settling Treatment 10

11 Small Contaminant Removal n What about the dirt and oils that did not settle in the gravity settling basin? 11

12 What is turbidity?

13 Why is turbid water a problem? n Measured in terms of Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU)

14 Small Contaminant Removal n How can you remove turbidity? 14

15 Coagulation and Flocculation Treatment 15

16 Small Contaminant Removal n How can you remove the flocs that formed during coagulation and flocculation? 16

17 Secondary Settling Treatment 17

18 Small Contaminant Removal n How can you remove the particles that did not join flocs or those that did join flocs but were not heavy enough to sink? n What about removing odor? 18

19 Filtration Treatment 19

20 Filtration Mechanisms

21 Filtration Soils

22 Activated Carbon

23 Small Contaminant Removal n How can you remove the microbes from the water? 23

24 Chlorination Disinfection Treatment 24

25 Drinking Water Treatment 25

26 Environmental Engineers n Your next job is to design a treatment system to filter Tempe Town Lake and other unknown dirty water samples 26

27 Filtration Design Questions n What is filtration? n What types of filtration are there? n What is filtered out during filtration? n What factors are used to define what is filterable?

28 Filtration Engineering and Design Before Coming to ASU n Design a filter n In groups of 3 or 4 n Incomplete Materials List – Coarse Aggregate – Fine Soil – Container

29 Filtration Engineering and Design While at ASU n Test your filter’s ability remove –Odor –Turbidity –Microbes –Chemicals –Color Scoring n Categories – Highest Microbial Removal – Most Effective Odor Removal – Most Effective Color Removal – Lowest Cost – Overall Winner – Highest score in microbiological, odor and color categories versus the cost of the filter

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