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Dominique van Roon Team socio-economic state Microdata on education level.

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1 Dominique van Roon Team socio-economic state Microdata on education level

2 The Educational Attainment File (EAF) = SSB-component HOOGSTEOPL Contains highest attained education level for greater part of population in the Netherlands Is based on information from both registers and a series of LFS’s Can be used for estimates of education levels in even small subpopulations, provided reliability is good enough, and as background variable in multivariate analyses. Microdata on education level 1

3 Situation in the Netherlands  No complete register of certificates available, only partial information  For groups of people (e.g. majority older people and people educated abroad) no information on education available from education registers  survey information necessary Microdata on education level 2

4 Data sources used for Education Archive High quality administrative information is available on higher education: 1986… student grants: 1995 … exams in general secondary education: 1999… secondary general education: 2003… secondary vocational education: 2004… Recently also primary education (from 2008/’09, but not yet used in our process) Microdata on education level 3

5 In addition Education careers from LFS’s: 1996 … Education careers from job-seekers: 2004 … In particular necessary for older people & immigrants. Microdata on education level 4 In TOTAL: 96 million records in Education Archive up to 2011, Updated annually. Data on e.g. studycode, study phase, start & end date, result of exams

6 The educational attainment file (EAF) 9 million records in EAF 2010 CBS personal number (RIN) Standard code of highest education programme completed with certificate Standard code of highest education programme not necessarily completed with certificate weight Microdata on education level 5

7 Weighting Coverage shows selectivity: young people overrepresented Weighting is necessary to correct for selectivity The registers integrally describe a specific subpopulation: weight = 1 Reweight records of Labour Force Survey, so that weights add up to remaining (non-register) population  LFS-records: weight <> 1 Weights sum to the total Dutch population Microdata on education level 6

8 7 RESTPOPULATIONRESTPOPULATION POPULATIONPOPULATION BEFORE weighting AFTER weighting 16,6 mln 2,4 mln 5,8 mln 0,9 mln 8,5 mln LFS Imputation 0-14 Education registers LFS Microdata on education level Education registers Imputation 0-14

9 Standard codes of education can be converted into education levels, e.g., - lower-intermediate-higher level of education - levels of more detailed CBS-classification - SOI (dutch: Standaard Onderwijs Indeling) - ISCED (Internat. Standard Class. of Education) Microdata on education level 8

10 Coverage of EAF 2010 Microdata on education level 9

11 How to use the Educational Attainment File Microdata on education level 10 Combine with other registers Example: Multivariate analyses Integral dataset of social security benefit recipients EAFEAF + = Social security benefit recipients for whom information on educational attainment is available Use weight (and reweight if necessary) to get the official number of social security benefit recipients

12 Reliability Because level of education is partly based on LFS one is faced with sample margins. An Excel-tool is available (and preferrably should be used) to check whether cell outcome can be published or not. Microdata on education level 11

13 Example (1) Microdata on education level 12 2518= part of Zeeheldenkwartier, part of Regentessekwartier, The Hague 3206= part of De Akkers, Spijkenisse

14 Example (2) Microdata on education level 13

15 Availability Now: Educational attainment files 1999-2010 This year (in september): EAF 2011 Ambition to develop provisional EAF 2012 Reference date last friday of September Microdata on education level 14

16 Microdata on education level 15 Thank you for your attention

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