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Welcome to 4th Grade! Lakeshore Leopards ROCK!. 4th Grade Teachers Rachelle Hall  Math Kiersten Santangelo  Reading, Writing and Spelling Kathy Pinner.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 4th Grade! Lakeshore Leopards ROCK!. 4th Grade Teachers Rachelle Hall  Math Kiersten Santangelo  Reading, Writing and Spelling Kathy Pinner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 4th Grade! Lakeshore Leopards ROCK!

2 4th Grade Teachers Rachelle Hall  Math Kiersten Santangelo  Reading, Writing and Spelling Kathy Pinner  Science and Social Studies

3 Daily Schedule 7:30-8:05 – Morning work, tutorials 8:05-9:40 – Block 1 9:40-11:15 – Block 2 11:15-11:45 – Lunch 11:45-12:15 – Recess 12:15-1:15 – Specials 1:15-1:25 – Transition back, Restroom/Water Break 1:15-3:00 – Block 3 3:00 – Ready for Dismissal 3:05- Car Riders and YMCA 3:15 – Bus, Day Care, Walker

4 WHAT’S FOR LUNCH? Lunch Time – 11:15-11:45 You can add money to your child's account on-line at Lunch Hotline: 281-641-5838

5 Home Access Home Access is a great tool to use to view your student’s grades. It is the same site that was used to update some registration information. Here is the link: or you can access from the Humble webpage.

6 Healthy Snack Water Only –Suggested Fruits, Crackers, Cheese, Breakfast bars, cereal, pretzels, popcorn, or any CLEAN snack.

7 Birthday Treats Due to the growing number of students with food allergies, our school is asking that parents not bring edible treats for their child’s birthday. Ice cream is still on sale through the cafeteria.

8 Arrival and Dismissal Leaving early? – please send a note with child in the morning. Change of transportation –Please send a note with child in the morning. –An email is NOT an acceptable notice of change of transportation.

9 Attendance Policy As students arrive, they will come to class or to the cafeteria if they need to eat breakfast. 8:05 Tardy Bell If your child will be absent, please call the absent line 281-641-3019. Student must return to school with a note.

10 Visitors Must check in at front office with valid drivers license. Must wear badge and be in your specified location. If visitors do not have a badge, you will be escorted back to office to receive one.

11 Dress Code Wear appropriate clothing on P.E. days (tennis shoes and shorts). Check handbook for approved dress code. It can get cold in the building, a light sweater or jacket will help your student feel more comfortable.

12 Activity Funds We will be collecting an activity fee toward the end of September. This fee will fund some of the following: one field trip, special activities and/or projects.

13 Positive Behavior Rewards We are using Class Dojo this year for our classroom conduct/behavior system. There will be a ‘store’ where the child can redeem his/her points. 10 Points First in line for the day Lounge Learner Helper for the day Draw when work is complete 20 Points Rolling Chair Director’s Chair Read to another class 30 Points Computer or iPad time Help Custodian Peer helper for a lower grade student 40 Points Eat lunch with the principal Help in office Help in Library

14 Homework Homework should not consume your evening!! Please communicate with me if it becomes arduous.  Spelling  Read nightly for 20 minutes  Science - Stem Scopes  Math - Homework will be handed out on Monday, due on Friday.  Practice multiplication facts nightly There are a lot of great Apps out there to practice facts!

15 Fourth Grade is a STAAR grade Reading, Writing and Math STAAR test

16 Contact Information Please make sure you have the handout with our emails, phone numbers and websites and schedule

17 with EVENTS with TIME through FUNDRAISING How does it work best for you?

18 Volunteer Opportunities Events/Concessions (Carnival, Outdoor Movie Night, Plays, Talent Show) Room Parents Library helpers Copy Room assistants per grade level Classroom help – varies per teacher Carnival – Auction baskets Sign Up forms are found on school website under PTO and can be noted on teacher sign up form. Email notifications are sent and opportunities are posted online. Like Us On Facebook too!

19 PTO Events Outdoor Family Movie Night – Nov. 8th Spring Carnival & Auction – March 22 nd Winter and Spring Parties Spirit Nights – local restaurants (PTO) Field Days – K-2 then off campus 3-5 (PE)

20 PTO Managed Fundraising Door to Door Sale: September 16 th (EPI) Direct Donations: Opt Out program. On- going Events/Concessions: Spring Carnival and Auction Funds directly benefit school Track is coming! Fence along West Lake Houston Major grounds development plan includes more! Classroom supplemental programs Additional staff training

21 Next General Board Meeting Monday, September 9 th 6pm in the Gym. *Come hear about our 5 year plan and changes happening in Humble ISD. Any additional questions can be directed to PTO President, Amy Suchadoll, at: Come talk to Amy on campus - First Fridays with concerns or new ideas. Coffee talk starting Sept 4 th 8am – 9am in front lounge

22 Lakeshore PTO Introduces Junior Achievement 2013

23 New at Lakeshore Elementary Junior Achievement empowers young people to own their economic success, plan for their futures, and make smart academic and economic choices. Volunteers teach 5 -30min lessons to one class Volunteers can be parents, grandparents, older siblings community volunteers For more info or to volunteer for JA contact Michelle Eppers at 23

24 Thank you for coming! This PowerPoint will be posted on our websites.

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