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SBM 338 Lanny Wilke.  Solicit an order  Generate a lead  Drive store traffic.

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Presentation on theme: "SBM 338 Lanny Wilke.  Solicit an order  Generate a lead  Drive store traffic."— Presentation transcript:

1 SBM 338 Lanny Wilke

2  Solicit an order  Generate a lead  Drive store traffic

3  Direct response  A marketing transaction between seller and buyer with no intermediary involved.  Ex. Home shopping programs  Infomercials  Toll-free phone numbers  Magazine ads with coupons  E-Mail ads  Telemarketing

4  Direct mail  A marketing communication tool that enables direct response  Puts the message in the hands of the potential consumer without competing messages.

5  Specific  Direct to an individual  Can be high impact  Flexible  Can be localized – Red Cross, March of Dimes  Can generate sales where there are no stores

6  Can help gather info  Can be used to encourage consumers to try new products  Delivers instant results  Can be used as part of an integrated marketing program.

7  Only as good as your mailing list  It’s intrusive  Easy to lose  Difficult to not make it look like junk mail  Costly

8  Envelope mailers  Letters, brochures, reply cards  How do you get them to open it?  Teasers – special offer or twist  Blind envelopes – standard, looks normal

9  Official envelopes – look like government letters, checks, or telegrams  Personalized copy




13  Flat self-mailers  The mailing address is contained on some part of the piece itself.  Might include:  Postcards  Folded mailers  Brochures or pamphlets  Newsletters

14  Dimensional mailers  Innovative, but expensive  Might contain a:  Gadget  Premium  Something off-the-wall

15  Internet direct mail  Different from spam  Must be from someone they trust  Use a teaser subject line  Attention-interest-desire-action  Include a web-based response form  Premiums and sweepstakes  Include an opt-out statement  Click-through

16  Repeatability  Numbered series of mailers  Repeat the same mailer  Multiple format mailings  Flat, then 3-D

17  Extendibility  Product samples & coupons to encourage visits to retailer  Sees ad and calls for more info  Sees ad and visits web site for more info  Provide detailed product info that other media can not.

18  Get attention  Be personal  Stimulate action  Study your mail  Measure it  Test it  Don’t tell EVERY detail  Think campaigns  Use simple language  Repeat store and product name often  Use captions for illustrations

19  Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on your goals.  Does your mailing require an introduction?  Do you need to make a sales pitch?  Do you wish to propose further action?  If so, you may be able to accomplish all three by using a cover letter.

20  Short opening paragraph  4 lines or shorter  Lead with your strongest sales point  Vary paragraph length but none longer than 8 lines  Deep indents and centered bullets  Summarize in 2 or 3 lines  Remember to include an envelope

21  Enlarge on your benefits  What are they going to get?  Do you have proof of your claims?  What are the opportunity costs?  Rephrase benefits and call to action.

22  Take a look at your look.  Look at ALL of your printed pieces (everything your company uses).  How should this new piece resemble the others?  Are there colors, logos, or themes you use consistently?  Are there themes that you have used before that should be continued?


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