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La Bamba Theme 2 concept: Daring, determined people who meet challenging goals.

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2 La Bamba Theme 2 concept: Daring, determined people who meet challenging goals.

3 La Bamba 159O Genre: Realistic Fiction: Realistic characters and events come to life in a fictional plot. Selection Summary: When Manuel performs in the school talent show, he finds that pantomiming to a record is not as easy as it looks.

4 La Bamba 160A Background Remember this theme is about “Giving It All You’ve Got!” We have just read about a figure skater who worked hard to become a skilled performer. We will now read about a boy who attempts to succeed in a different kind of performance. Does anyone know what a talent show is? Read 160-161

5 Vocabulary 161A TTTT rrrr aaaa nnnn ssss pppp aaaa rrrr eeee nnnn cccc yyyy 2 2 2 2 ---- 8888 P P rrrr aaaa cccc tttt iiii cccc eeee b b b b oooo oooo kkkk 8 8 8 8 3333Key concept: the excitement of performing in a talent show applause: the clapping of hands to show approval debut: first public performance embarrassed: self-conscience and ill at ease

6 Vocabulary (cont) forty-five record: a small record with one musical selection on each side limelight: focus of public attention pantomime: theatrical acting that is done in silence

7 Vocabulary (cont) 161A duo: two performers singing or playing together rehearsal: practice for a public performance talent: a special natural or acquired ability

8 Vocabulary Link talent scout: person who searches for people with good skills, such as in music or a sport auditions: gives a short performance to show one’s talent; try outs lyrics: words that accompany a song ballad: song that tells a story spectacular: amazing to see

9 Phonics and Decoding What are our Phonics and Decoding Skills? They are: look carefully, blending, chunking, affixes, vowel sounds, beginning, and ending, syllables, words you know, word parts, root words, base words.

10 Phonics and Decoding 161A Mr. Roybal raised his hand like a symphony conductor and let it fall dramatically. To figure out this word we will break into chunks. I recognize drama. I think the next chunk is tic. I also recognize ally. If I blend all those sounds together – I get the word dramatically. Which is like drama and excitement. Which makes sense in this sentence.

11 Phonics and Decoding

12 Reading Strategy 161B Reading Strategy 161B Summarize What will happen when Manuel enters his school’s talent show? As you read the selection, summarize the problem and the events in your own words. To summarize, retell the most important idea in your own words. Leave out the unimportant details.

13 Comprehension Skill 181A Story Structure TTTT rrrr aaaa nnnn ssss pppp aaaa rrrr eeee nnnn cccc yyyy 2 2 2 2 ---- 9999 PPPP rrrr aaaa cccc tttt iiii cccc eeee b b b b oooo oooo kkkk 8 8 8 8 4444 Story structure: characters, setting, and plot, which contains a problem and a resolution.

14 Reference Source 181C Telephone directory lists phone numbers for individuals, businesses, and government agencies. In the white pages, names are listed in alphabetical order. In the yellow pages, businesses are grouped alphabetically by type. A thesaurus contains synonyms and antonyms for many commonly used words. Alphabetical order. A dictionary provides the spelling and pronunciation of a word and its meanings.

15 Reference Source (cont) 181C An atlas mainly contains maps. Indexes tell where to find cities, states, countries, and geographical features. An almanac is updated every year. It contains brief facts about history, sports events, countries, and subjects of general interests. It is a good place to find statistics and lists. An encyclopedia is a set of books that gives the major facts about a subject. Encyclopedia entries are in ABC order.

16 Decoding Longer Words 181E Roots spec/t and opt spec/t: Latin root for: “to look” ex. spectacles, spectator, specific opt: Greek root for: “eye” ex. optics, optician, optometry Practice book 88 Practice book 88 The audience clapped and looked at each other, wide eyed with respect.

17 Phonics 181F ou, o, oi Recognizing the many letter patterns that can stand for the ou, o, and oi sounds can help them use the phonics/decoding strategy to decode many new words Letters ou and ow can stand for the ou sound in found Letters aw and au, and the letter a followed by l, can stand for the o sound in fault

18 Phonics 181F ou, o, oi

19 Mr. Roybal asked the boisterous students to settle down. Help me decode this word. announcedenjoyingbawlingapplauserecall

20 Phonics

21 Writing

22 Spelling 181G ou, o, oi Name the vowels in these words: ounce, tower, claw, pause, bald, moist, and loyal ou and ow make the ou sound (found) aw, au, a make the o sound (mall) oi and oy make the oi sound (boil) Practice book 89 Practice book 89

23 Spelling 181G Antonyms Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Tell me the opposite meanings (antonyms) for these words. smile scowl continue pause hero coward dry moist PPPP rrrr aaaa cccc tttt iiii cccc eeee b b b b oooo oooo kkkk 9 9 9 9 0000

24 Vocabulary Skills 181I Vocabulary Skills 181I Dictionary: Multiple-Meaning Words Transparency 2-10 Practice book 92 Transparency 2-10 Practice book 92 The base form of the word is shown first, followed by its pronunciation, part of speech, and one or more definitions. For words that have multiple meanings, the most commonly used meaning appears first as the definition. Each definition is preceded by a boldface number. Sometimes a single phrase is given to show how the word is used.

25 Grammar Skills 181K Grammar Skills 181K Action Verbs Transparency 2-12 Transparency 2-12 Practice book 93 Transparency 2-12 An action verb tells what the subject does or did. The verb is the main word or words in the complete sentence. Also known as the predicate.

26 Grammar Skills 181K Direct Objects TTTT rrrr aaaa nnnn ssss pppp aaaa rrrr eeee nnnn cccc yyyy 2 2 2 2 ---- 1111 3333 Juan ate the burrito. What is the action verb? What did he eat? The burrito is the direct object. Juanita rode her bicycle. What did she ride? The direct object is the bicycle. A direct object is a noun or pronoun in the predicate that receives the action of the verb. It answers who or what. Not every action verb has a direct object.

27 Writing Skills 181M Summary Transparency 2-14 Transparency 2-14 A summary is a brief account of a story or selection. Writing a summary is a good way to share what a story is about and also to recall the main events and characters.

28 Spiral Review Structural Analysis: Changing final y to I: In words ending in a consonant followed by a y, the final y changes to an I before the endings – ed, -er, -es, and –est are added. When decoding a 3 syllable word, they should look for familiar parts such as base words, prefixes, and suffixes. Words with the VCV pattern often divide between the first vowel and the consonant. With the VCCV pattern often divide between the consonants.

29 Spelling Test 1. hawk 2. claw 3. bald 4. tower 5. halt 6. prowl 7. loyal 8. pause 9. moist 10. ounce 11. launch 12. royal 13. scowl 14. haunt 15. noisy 16. coward 17. fawn 18. thousand 19. drown 20. fault

30 Challenge Words announce poise loiter somersault awkward

31 Study Guide Summarize Story Structure Reference source Roots Ou and oi sounds Antonyms Direct objects Summary Changing y to i

32 United Streaming Videos Root words Ou, o, oi sounds Antonyms Action verbs Direct objects

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