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Post High School: Preparing for Life After High School Senior Parent Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Post High School: Preparing for Life After High School Senior Parent Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Post High School: Preparing for Life After High School Senior Parent Meeting

2 WELCOME!  Packet:  Senior Calendar  Handout of tonight’s presentation  Future Parent Meetings  Please be sure to look through the packet tonight with your student

3 Tonight’s Focus  Using Naviance / Family Connection in the College Application Process  The Application Process: What should I be doing now?

4 What is Naviance?  Naviance Succeed promotes college and career readiness with robust analytics, powerful communication and reporting tools and a student/family portal.  Courses, college, and career planning – Custom, interactive forms and surveys – Dynamic college search and comparison tool – On-line transcript requests and college application process, Multimedia college profiles – Resume of student accomplishments – Scattergrams of past applicants from your school – Scheduled visits by college representatives – Local financial aid opportunities – News updates from school!

5 Expectations  Scioto uses Naviance exclusively to manage the College Application Process. Students are expected to:  Apply on-line using the Common Application or through the institution’s website  Update Prospective & Active Applications in Naviance  Request Transcripts through Naviance  Complete Surveys in Naviance  Request Letters of Recommendation through Naviance  Request Transcript for NCAA through Naviance

6 Link to Naviance

7 Parent Log-In  Mid-September the district website will offer a “one-stop shop” for parents requiring one log-in for:  Progress Book  Naviance  Formshare  More information to come soon!

8 Scioto ’s Naviance / Family Connection Graduation Year First Name_Last Name (13borland_jon) Scioto Student ID

9 Helpful Links Documents Home Page Naviance / Family Connection – Home Page ` News from the Guidance Office

10 College Planning Tools We will post the date and time of college rep visits to Scioto. SallieMae National Scholarship Search Many Ways to Research Colleges: College Match College Lookup College Search Acceptance History

11 What Should I Be Doing Now ?

12 Timeline September/October – Senior Year  In Naviance’s Family Connections, build a Resume  Double check deadlines (application and scholarship)  Send ACT and SAT scores to prospective colleges  Talk with teachers/counselor about letters of recommendations  Work on your essay or personal statement  Start college applications

13 Update Resume Resume

14 Sending SAT and ACT Score  Students must contact the testing agency to request scores to be sent to each college.  Dublin City Schools does not report SAT or ACT scores on the transcript or release them to the institutions. SAT - ACT –

15 Before You Ask For A Recommendation... Complete Senior Inventory Student Completes the Senior Inventory

16 Teacher Recommendations  Check with the institution to see if a letter is required  Ask your teachers, in person, at least 3 weeks in advance  Student completes the Senior Inventory in Naviance  Request Teacher Recommendations in Naviance  Follow-up, Thank you notes

17 Request Teacher Recommendation in Naviance Request Teacher Recs

18 How to Apply  Apply Online FIRST  Use the Common Application ( whenever possible. Check if supplement is  If an institution is not part of the Common Application, access their website directly to apply

19 The Application Process Apply online FIRST either with the Common Application or through the institution’s website Log on to Naviance – Complete the “Important Privacy Notice” and update your “Colleges I am Applying To” list Common Application School Hardcopy Transcript Package Mailed (by student) Transcript Submitted Electronically

20 Application Process continued… Click on Submit at the bottom of the page. This sends your “Electronic Transcript Packet” request to the Guidance Office. If the institution you are applying to is not listed in Naviance, request a transcript through the guidance office. Monitor the status of your transcript package through the colleges I am applying to menu – the date it was postmarked/transmission date (generally 2-4 weeks for colleges to process the transcript).

21 What Will the High School Send?  Transcript  School Profile  Secondary School Report Form  Counselor Recommendation (if needed/requested)  Teacher Recommendations/Evaluations (if needed/requested)  Senior Schedule

22 Completed Application Application submitted online by student SAT or ACT scores sent from testing agency Transcript package sent electronically from Jerome Guidance Office which includes: Secondary School Report Form Transcript School Profile Senior Schedule Teacher Recommendation Letter(s) (if needed) Counselor Recommendation (if needed)

23 OSU Updates  OSU is now a Common App member  New students will apply via Common App for Main Campus  Transfer and regional campus students will apply via OSU’s traditional online app  All students should start at http://apply.osu.edu  Application deadline: FEBRUARY 1, 2013  Scholarship deadline is also February 1, 2013

24 Preferred Pathway Program  CSCC to OSU  Open to any full time students interested in applying to the program  Guaranteed admission to OSU in a bachelor degree program  Concurrent advising from both CSCC and OSU advisors  Pathway students are invited to participate in some activities at both campuses

25 Cap & Gowns  National Recognition Products  Will meet with Seniors during school on Thursday, October 4 where they will receive a packet of information  Seniors will order their products on Thursday, Oct. 11 & Friday, Oct. 12 outside the Café during lunch  NRP will be present at Parent/Teacher Conferences the evening of October 4 to answer questions  NRP wants to make sure you are confident that you have everything you need for graduation so please contact them at anytime with questions!

26 Conclusion  Who is Responsible? Teamwork  Good communication is essential!  Pay close attention to deadlines – application and scholarship!  Check out the scholarships listed in Naviance - local and national.  Turn in copies of all scholarship awards (not financial aid) to the Guidance Office.

27 OPEN HOUSE  Begins promptly at 7 p.m.  Please proceed to your student’s home room  Feel free to e-mail or call your student’s counselor with any questions regarding tonight’s program  Enjoy your night, and safe travels home!

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